A Practical Guide for Playing With The Gods
Your Radical Quest is a toolkit for making maximum spiritual progress. Using it, you can discover who you really are, unlock your sacred mission and make your life successful.
Who am I? Where am I? What is happening?
Have you ever asked yourself these questions? If not, then you may find that everything you are doing in your life is actually a waste of time. These three existential questions reveal three corresponding problems we all share:
1. Spiritual amnesia - not knowing who we are
2. Lost reference points - not knowing where we are
3. Lack of knowledge - having no idea what is really going on
Because of these gigantic blind spots, we spend our time and energy on trivial pursuits that bring only fleeting happiness. We struggle to actualize our faith or lose our religion and connection to God altogether. Stressed out and overwhelmed, we escape into sex, drugs or busyness and wonder why we can't find love, hold onto happiness or ever become satisfied. Because we misunderstand the goal of life, we fail at playing the game of life. Until now.
Tackling my own midlife, existential crisis I faced a dark night of the soul that led me to challenge everything I thought I knew. It was a wild, astonishing and completely unexpected ride where I discovered the truth about myself, this life and our place in the universe. It led me to a direct encounter with God that turned my life upside down then right side up. I came away with a divine download called the Helix of Evolution - a framework for living so that we are always making spiritual progress.
Along with the Helix of Evolution, I share revelation knowledge of supernatural shortcuts specific to this particular time on the planet and the key to true love, lasting happiness and peace that passes all understanding. All of this has been organized into an easy to follow quest of 12 transformative practices that anyone can use to put their life on track or take it to the next level.
This book marks the trail I blazed. Follow my path or make your own. As a sacred system, the Helix of Evolution will self-adapt to your level of consciousness so you can use it again and again as you grow no matter your life circumstances.
Here is the table of contents:
1. My Radical Quest - How I received the Helix of Evolution
2. Why a Radical Quest? The Truth about Everything - Us, God, the World and this Life
3. How to Make Sure Your Radical Quest Has No Possibility of Failure
4, The Helix of Evolution - Sacred Training to Free Your Soul
5. Start Where You Are - The Sacred Play Date - Be Here Now
6. Get Out of Your Head - Align to Divine Mind
7. Get Over Everything Ever Done to You - Transcend Your Karma
8. Discover Who You Truly Are - Root in True Self
9. What are Your Superpowers? - Activate Your Genius
10. Why are You Here Now? - Discover and Unlock Your Sacred Mission
11. Now What’s Next? - Choose Your Adventure (Creation, Puzzle or Skill)
12. Put Together Your Roadmap - Make a Game Plan
13. What Else is Possible? - Play With Perspective
14. Access the Abundance - Revisit Your Resources
15. Now Align Your Lifestyle - Refine Your Rituals and Routines
16. How Can Life Get Even Better? - Envision the Evolution
17. Going Deeper - Infinite Cycles of Evolution
This book is for seekers and soul searchers 18-54, 60/40 female skew who are trying to figure life out and want to have an impact. While friends escape into shopping, sex, drugs and alcohol, the Soul Searcher is over it and looking for healthier alternatives. She is concerned about the world her children will inherit. Even though news and social media paints a bleak picture, she nurtures hope and faith that things can get better starting with herself. She invests in things that help her improve not only on the outside but inside as well. Spiritual but not necessarily religious, she believes in God, angels, spirits, energy and other phenomena. She craves New Age experiences that empower her to uplevel her life and grow beyond her challenges. She is busy, active and often pushing to her limits. She uses her spirituality to maintain sanity and balance. Whether it's yoga, chakras, energy work, hiking, meditation, book clubs, meetups, festivals or metaphysical conferences - she's curious and exploring.
Monica Warden is an empath, lifelong quester and former advertising and marketing director turned intrepid trailblazer, author, speaker and transcendental traveler. She's also the founder of and chief trailblazer for Your Radical Quest sacred training to free your soul.
In 2017, dismayed by the changing socio-political climate in the United States and suffering in her safe, small life, Monica had a wake up call. She missed the close, intimate relationship she used to have with God before becoming jaded and disillusioned by religion and intellectualism. So she embarked on a quest to reclaim her personal connection to the divine. This quest led her to a mystical encounter with the Supreme Personality of God that stripped away everything that was no longer working and awakened her to a divine new way to play and win the game of life. Now she is sharing these insights via sacred talks, sacred trainings and a 90-day quest that can be adapted to nearly any individual or group.
Monica is uniquely suited to lead Your Radical Quest. She began serious spiritual exploration in childhood while trying to reconcile conflicting teachings from Methodist parents, Baptist grandparents and Catholic school. By the age of 14, Monica had read the entire Bible and begun exploring paganism, Buddhism and Taoist philosophy. During high school, she branched out to study parts of the Quran and Sufi teachings as found in the poetry of Rumi. Geometry and physics also provided spiritual awakening leading her to develop a theory of human development based on Euclidean Geometry that became the basis of her college entrance essays and this current work.
During her years at the University of Michigan where she graduated with honors with a double major in Psychology and English literature, Monica co-founded a prayer group that became quite charismatic and delivered many classmates from mental, emotional and spiritual bondage. She trained to become an evangelical missionary for two years before realizing she was philosophically opposed to the colonizing nature of missionary work.
After graduating, she pursued a career in advertising and marketing where she honed her presentation skills designing and selling in award-winning strategic campaigns for global brands like Toyota, Lexus, McDonald's, Ford, Starbucks, General Mills, Betty Crocker and Sony to name a few.
Monica continued to study spirituality, mysticism and personal development in her spare time and became skilled using oracles like tarot cards and runes. In 1999, she first got the idea to launch a training program of her own. Instead, she became a licensed Avatar Master and began teaching the belief management system of the Avatar Course in 2000. The Avatar Course provided invaluable coaching experience and Monica was able to refine her skills in supporting the individual awakening process with an international, global audience. However, the nascent idea for her own program, Your Radical Quest, had taken root. It continued to germinate for the next 17 years.
After the 2016 presidential election, Monica found herself overwhelmed with grief at the events unfolding on the world stage. At the same time, she realized that while she had maintained metaphysical awareness, God had become little more than an abstraction. She missed having an intimate, personal relationship with a Personality of God. This midlife crisis led her to pursue her own sacred mission. Codifying her spiritual practice into the Sacred Play Date was the first step. Co-designing (with God) the Helix of Evolution and Radical Quest framework shortly followed. She began beta testing the platform in 2017 with rave results from test clients. It was then she knew she had something incredible and special to share with the world.
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Beloveds, thank you for your support of my upcoming book, Your Radical Quest - A Practical Guide for Playing with the Gods. I am now …
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+ Free one-hour Sacred Coaching Session with Monica Warden (booked before December 31, 2020)
+ 20% discount on a guided personal quest, group quest, Sacred Talk keynote or custom training (booked before December 31, 2020)
+ 20% discount on the Your Radical Quest digital masterclass (launching in 2020)
+ Free link to a Sacred Play Date music playlist on Apple Music
+ Free 8x10 prints of 5 different sacred paintings by Sri Syamarani
+ Free 18x24 poster of a sacred painting by Sri Syamarani
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+ Free one-hour Sacred Coaching Session with Monica Warden (booked before December 31, 2020)
+ 25% discount on a guided personal quest, group quest, Sacred Talk keynote or custom training (booked before December 31, 2020)
+ 20% discount on the Your Radical Quest digital masterclass (launching in 2020)
+ Free link to a Sacred Play Date music playlist on Apple Music
+ Free 8x10 prints of 5 different sacred paintings by Sri Syamarani
+ Free 18x24 poster of a sacred painting by Sri Syamarani
+ A free library of 10 books by Swami Prabhupada and Srila Gurudeva
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