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Your Travel Bucket List

Estee Gubbay

The Ultimate Guide and Workbook to Plan a Lifetime of Journeys

Your Travel Bucket List is the ultimate guide and workbook, with journaling prompts, quotes, conversation starters, true stories and stunning visuals to help you and your family plan a lifetime of journeys together.

  Travel   7,000 words   100% complete   9 publishers interested
66 preorders
$1,540.00 funded


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Update #1 - Update on Pre-Orders of "Your Travel Bucket List" May 22, 2020

Hi  "Your Travel Bucket List" Subscribers!

"Your Travel Bucket List" is finally in print! And it looks fantastic!  I am either mailing these out to you or if you are  in San Diego, dropping them off at your homes. If you would like additional copies for gifts, please order them asap so I can get them shipped to you or to your friends with wanderlust...   You can order them on my website at
Once you read the book, I would really appreciate a review on Amazon at

I have been doing some publicity for the book and if you are interested in hearing some of my podcast guest appearances, you can find those on my website at
If you know of anyone in the media, podcasts hosts or travel writers that might be interested, I am working hard to be the go-to Media Travel Expert as the travel restrictions open up.
 And remember when you are doing your online shopping, I now have an "Amazon" type ecommerce site for anything you may need outside of household products and a few other things. If you can pack it you can buy it here... 
Feel free to email me or call and let me know what you have been up to!

Thank you 🙏🏽😍
Estee Gubbay /  (858) 381-7713 /