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Gordon W. Court Jr.

Gordon W. Court Jr.

Orlando, Florida

Husband of 17 Years. Father of 4 beautiful girls. Graduate of Life Christian University, in Theology and Christian Counseling. Served as both a youth pastor and associate pastor. Gordon is a National Sales Manager, working in the Energy Conservation Materials sector. Having served in these and various other positions, while working in the real world, the author has a keen sense of what he considers "a radical need for change" within the modern church; but his approach and direction is far off the beaten path. He writes articulately and intelligently, but not with a heaviness that many theologians struggle to tame.

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All that being said…who am I to accomplish this? You’ve probably never heard my name. I do not speak a variety of languages. I won’t even use big words from a thesaurus I don’t know the meaning of to try and validate my cause. I am literally a lowly tent-maker who hopes to perform some curative maintenance on the Body. And really, without your contrasting and comparing what I say against the truth of Scripture, concurrently praying through the provocative and somewhat controversial topics presented, you will benefit far less. You should not indiscriminately assume what I write to be true. If you do, as you will see, you will have defeated the purpose of this book. I also intend to make it as clear as possible, through my writing style, when I am giving an opinion.  

Finally, but most importantly, you need to know these things about me: I am not a member of the Church of the Nazarene, although I follow One. I am not an ethnic Jew, although I’m married to one and am the disciple of another. I am not a Jehovah’s Witness, but I’ll tell anyone I can. I am not sectarian, denominational, prejudiced, or trying to start an official anything. I don’t even have a license to share the Gospel; not because I don’t respect accountability, but because I have not yet found a religious organization to which I would pledge my allegiance, from where the Apostles would have gotten theirs. I am simply an unworthy, grafted-in, citizen of the Commonwealth of Israel. Hopefully, you are too!                                                        

I am, however, wholly accountable to my Savior, the God-Man called Jesus, in whom all the fullness of deity dwells. He is the Word come into a tabernacle of flesh; the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I pray that your spirit bears witness to this, and to it, you testify as well.                                                                                                                 

I believe His voluntarily shed blood upon the tree is the only means by which I can obtain redemption. I believe His self-professed resurrection after three days and nights in Joseph’s Sepulcher, along with the witnessed signs and wonders, as well as the abundant, fulfilled prophecies testify to all His teaching’s truthfulness and His identity.                                                                                                                                                

I believe we can know the power of resurrection. Unfortunately, we have an adversary among us as well, whose intent is to steal, kill, and destroy our hopes for that, and I will as necessary refer to him by his given Hebrew name HaSatan (the Adversary). I intend to expose some of his finest and most insidious works, regardless of their location.

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A Bride in Exile

When I Return, Will I Find Faith?

My heart is broken over the current state of modern Christianity, and my hope is to shake it at its core--returning her to her first love.

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Religion & Spirituality Hebraic Roots
225,000 words
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"There is a people, born out of a promise given by the Ancient of Days, that began enslaved, was mightily delivered, yet is now scattered. Their faithful remnant are now awaiting their final  regathering. They have endured hardships, persecutions, hatred and national crises in ways only the most terrifying of our  nightmares can begin to portray. 

But what really is Israel? Is it still a coat of many colors and part of the Divine plan? Are all of their trials the evidence of God’s exhausted patience? Is Christianity the sister faith of Judaism, or are they like olive oil and holy water, and just can’t mix? The correct answers to these questions may surprise you; they most certainly will challenge you.

A Bride In Exile examines this people in a way very much  unexpected. It contends with some tough and even more timely questions related to the beliefs and practices that much of the mainstream church today embraces as Truth. Moreover, it concurrently seeks to bridge the debilitating chasm between our “same God… different paths” ideology. By doing so, you will be encouraged to grow in your relationship with the Holy One,  producing in you an even more prepared… Bride in Exile."


Foreword                                             ix

Prologue                                              xi

1        All We Like Sheep                   19

2        Destiny and Desire                 33

3        Conduct Becoming                 53

4        Signed in Blood                       91

5        Yea, Hath God Said?               135

6        Divided We Stand                   191

7        Who is this G-d?                      213

8        Body Parts                                261

9        Sacreligiosity                           289

10      Cleaning House                       329

11      Abuses of Power                      375

12      Pandora’s Box                          413

Sincerely Yours,                                479

End Notes                                           493

Chapter Divisions                             503

Additional Resources                      508


If you desire the same old, ineffective, ear-tickling kind of cookie-cutter book, then maybe you’d be right. I promise this is nothing like that. This book is about facing and conquering spiritual, life-threatening illnesses. Indiscriminate with its candor, it crosses all party lines, isn’t impressed with your ministry status, and is ecumenical in audience. Like at a surgeon’s table, it is going to shine a very bright light on things that need to be exposed for what they are, and we will use the Light of the World to do it.              

This book is really just a tough-love letter; the purpose of which is to assist His Chosen with her preparations during our earth-bound, divine engagement. But, I warn you forwardly now. If sedentary Christianity is your cup of tea, I hope you like it hot. I believe the stakes are just too high to play games, so this will be a hard-hitting, “if the shoe fits” kind of read. If you picked up this book looking for someone to play footsies with your soul, you’ll need to go find some other author.


Primarily, I am a member in multiple, large like-minded Facebook groups, with membership totaling 10,000 or more. I obviously will continue to join more, and regularly engage those audiences.

I recently obtained "" through SiteBlog, for the purpose of starting a blog site.



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