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Agile Coaching 2.0

Niall McShane

a beginner's guide to becoming a great agile coach

What is required of an agile coach has changed. Mindset counts more than skillset. This book presents a new model for developing great coaches; it fast tracks beginners to greatness.

  Corporate Culture   50,000 words   25% complete   5 publishers interested
312 preorders
$8,289.00 funded


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Update #1 - My first update - Agile Coaching 2.0 Aug. 13, 2019

Hi Subscribers,

thank you so much for your interest in this initiative.

Currently I'm getting organised to build more content so everyone can understand my vision in more detail. I'll be putting together a series of short explainer videos and uploading them up onto my soon to be built micro-site.

As a subscriber, below is the first explainer video for you to watch where I explain what's wrong with the current version of Agile Coaching and why we need a 2.0

Once again thanks for subscribing, encourage you friends to subscribe too and spread the word.

