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Agile Coaching 2.0

Niall McShane

a beginner's guide to becoming a great agile coach

What is required of an agile coach has changed. Mindset counts more than skillset. This book presents a new model for developing great coaches; it fast tracks beginners to greatness.

  Corporate Culture   50,000 words   25% complete   5 publishers interested
312 preorders
$8,289.00 funded


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Update #3 - 10 days gone, 21 left to go! Aug. 21, 2019

Hi subscribers

Firstly thanks for your support and interest in my upcoming book.

I’ve been out and about discussing the book, the idea and some of the content with our agile community. Here are some of the comments, feedback and insights I gained from 10 days of talking, listening and discussing:

- Theory U is a strong underpinning model to support agile coaching but I need to be careful that the book does not become to removed from the practical aspects of what beginner coaches need to do.

- chapters of the book that need consideration include very specific steps and practical examples of how to build a career. So I will include all I’ve learned and everything I’ve experienced on how to navigate towards your first role as a coach

- Telling your Agile Coach journey (how a coach arrived at being an agile coach) could be a format for the six people who have chosen to support the book as contributors. Either that and/or I’ll interview them on their opinion and experience in using the ideas, models and practices outlined in the book. If you want to be a contributor that’s awesome! please pre-order the package on the subscriber page.

-getting corporates interested in pre-order packages is really hard. Looks like it is up to individuals to get enough support for the book :-(

Just so you all know I’ll publish this book regardless of whether I get a publisher deal. It’s just much more awesome having a publisher to help get it out there, hence this campaign. So any support is greatly appreciated; pre-order one book or get 10 as a contributor and be more involved in shaping the content; either way it’s all super appreciated.

If you’re wanting to know more on the content I have an online webinar tomorrow or you can get into the group on LinkedIn. I’ll also be putting together a Slideshare presentation tomorrow and post that too.

Register here for the Zoom Meeting

LinkedIn group