a beginner's guide to becoming a great agile coach
What is required of an agile coach has changed. Mindset counts more than skillset. This book presents a new model for developing great coaches; it fast tracks beginners to greatness.
Hi subscribers
Well it has been an interesting month of campaigning. I’ve felt a bit like a salesman, which is not natural for me, but promoting a book idea has got me right out of my comfort zone.
The book has 275 pre-orders; which I’m told is quite a good outcome. I’m also pleased to report we have a great team of 12 contributors who will now form a working group as I author the book. I’m so looking forward to this phase and keeping you all informed on progress in future updates. There will be contributor workshops, webinars and other events to bring the community into the process of content creation around the key concepts.
If you’d still like to be involved there are a few contributor spots left and of course if you want to support the book simply pre-order using this link
In three days the pre-order campaign will close so this is my last update before I start negotiating with publishers; fingers crossed I get a lot of interest.
Thanks again for your support.