a beginner's guide to becoming a great agile coach
What is required of an agile coach has changed. Mindset counts more than skillset. This book presents a new model for developing great coaches; it fast tracks beginners to greatness.
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the words of the book are written, edited and reviewed by some trusted close collaborators. Currently I'm finalising the illustrations; there will be many as I want the book to be visually appealing. Below is an example of the early drawings from Simon, my illustrator.
I spent time with Arie van Bennekum last night on a Zoom meeting; he's in central Europe running his agile transformation company and is writing a foreword for the book. I invited him to contribute a chapter, which he is considering doing.
The question you are all probably asking is "when do I publish the book?" Well I met with my publisher and he is wanting to hold off until the Fall (North America); so that means August-September. The main reason is to finalise all the launch activities and get some pre-read copies to influencers so I can get some quotable references to put on the cover. Also he has a sales cycle and other promotional activities I can leverage.
That's all from me, I'll keep you posted on progress, in the meantime just email me if you want to connect and chat. niall@niallmcshane.com