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'Akin's Adventures'

Branislav Bielik

'Akin's Adventures!' is a unique children's book written in an educational yet funny way. Akin is a lion from Gorongosa that decides to seek king of humans to talk to him 'King to King'. Will he succeed? Let's find out!

  Children Fiction   11,836 words   100% complete   0 publishers interested
5 preorders
$170.00 funded



Our hero is a lion that lives together with his lioness Nenne happily at a national park in Mozambique. One day he hears a rumors that not all animals are as fortunate as they are and that in fact unlike in Gorongosa, some people actually treat animals poorly and so he decides to do something with it! He's determined to find the king of all humans to talk to him 'King to King'.
But there's no way he can do it alone! Hooded crow Chessie will help him to gather a group of animals (each animal representing different continent) and together they go onto an adventurous journey with a noble goal. Little do they know that they are followed buy a traitorous hunter who would like to add them to his collection of trophies. Will he catch them? Or will they find the king sooner? Does even king of humans exist /and if not, what are they going to do? Who is going to help them...?

'Akin's Adventures' is a funny and educational story that conveys rather general message that we - people - need to change a way we treat animals. I didn't want to go into any details (for obvious reasons), but I hope we all agree that if animals could speak they would probably give us piece of their mind!

'Akin's Adventures' will be printed in a letter size format (A4), it contains 40 pages of text and 24 full page beautiful illustrations and according to beta readers (including children fans) you surely will have fun reading it :)

Along with my interview video, feel free to watch my DYI trailer as well!

Sales arguments

  • The book teaches children moral standards and values, it shows them that it's important to help each other, never to give up and to respect one another.
  • It shows importance of people treating the nature and animals better without the need of using any stronger language. The message is general, but conveyed in a funn and educational way, so that any child can eaisly understand it.
  • It contains beautiful 24 full page illustrations in order for children to easily relate to our heroes.

Similar titles

  • The One and Only Ivan; Katherine Applegate; January 6, 2015
  • Pax; Sara Pennypacker; April 2, 2019
  • The Trumpet of the Swan; E. B. White; Harper & Row (US), Hamish Hamilton (UK); 1970


This book is for every kid on Earth, suggested for 8 years of age and older, but can be read to younger children by their parents as well. Target audience is everyone who loves animals and care about the nature.

Advance praise

I have received positive feedback from more than 20 beta readers including children that I gathered in my pre-campaign. I asked them to rate the book from 1-5 and avg. rating was 4.5* All of these beta reader contacts were gathered through different platforms online and all of them were random people that had no connection to my person nor to any of my projects.

Branislav Bielik

About the author

I love creating writing and photography. So far my work of fiction novel was published by a major Slovakian publisher (book is called 'There's something about women' - but it's only in Slovak language).

I have started to work also on other projects, such as a script for a play, but I have also other ideas on children's book that I would like to pursue in the future.

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  • Anonymous
    on Nov. 29, 2020, 7:27 p.m.

    Hope its gonna be good my man ;-)



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