Moving into REALationships Through the Art of Emotional Recycling
Love can easily be mistaken for a dependency or even an addiction, leading to great upheaval, challenges, conflict and pain. If you want to get good at it, master it!
Dear friends and supporters
I wanted to send you a little update on my book, so you know what I am up to!
As I said in my last email, the course of the book has changed and I am bringing in all the findings and learnings from the work I am doing with my clients over the last year. Of course, Love & Feelings will be the cornerstone of it all. Never have I been more clear about what it takes to live life in alignment with your heart and HEART is what this book will have plenty of.
Last May, I also held my first successful retreat with 12 people here in Perugia, Italy and it was more than I could ever have imagined. It gave me divine confirmation that the work I am doing indeed is very transformative. If you are curious about the feedback from the participants after the retreat, I invite you to check out the testimonials:
The best news is that I have partnered up with 2 incredible human beings who will be dedicating their skills, passion and dedication to our project just as much as I do. We expect the book to come out latest by summer 2020. Finishing a book takes time and patience is key. I am a perfectionist by nature and therefore unwilling to deliver this book to you before every cell in my body says yes to the quality I am putting in.
So bear with me. I want this to rock your world!
I hope you are having an excellent summer and wish you a happy and magical time.
Lots of Love,
as always,
Aleah Ava