Freedom, Happiness & The Choices That Get Us There
In the days of Leave it to Beaver, the very definition of success was the house with a white picket fence in the suburbs, 2.3 kids and a dog. That was the dream. That was what we aspired to. Something's changed.
I'm delighted to announce that Beyond the Picket Fence is officially "going to print"! We hit our pre-order target yesterday, and we still have 5 days left for people to order their limited edition copy. Thanks to all of you who are supporting this project. The more I've shared about the book, the more I hear the message resonating. I'm collecting fabulous stories of people making deliberate choices, and living out life on their own terms. It's inspiring, and I can't wait to share their stories with you.
One particularly interesting topic that came up recently was the role of the employer in supporting individuals pursuing their ideal lives. I shot a 2-minute video on it, and Jane Watson of Talent Vanguard wrote an interesting piece about it as well. If you are an employer/boss/leader I implore you to start having these conversations with your staff. Find out what they aspire to, and what makes them tick. Business will improve, and they'll actually stay with you longer, not leave you earlier. More on this in the book.
I'm so passionate about the importance of having these conversations, I begged and pleaded with the Publishizer guys to let me create two new levels in this campaign. (They were good enough to let me do it). You can now buy 20 copies of the book for a 32% discount, or - and there's only 2 of these available - pick up 50 copies and have me come speak for your organization. If you're interested, check them out! They're only available until Monday.
Thanks again for your support everyone! I'll keep you posted throughout the rest of the writing process, and look forward to sending you your copies just as soon as they're available.