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Bird Is The Word

Caroline Gaskin

Nourish Your Mind, Heal Your Body and Detox From The Digital World

Bird Is The Word explores how we can nourish our mind and body by using the everyday practice of bird watching–just like yoga, meditation or reading- and access a powerful 'medicine' to heal our uncertainty, social distraction, and act as a digital detox.

  Nature & Environment   50,000 words   25% complete   15 publishers interested
$4,371.00 funded
36% of goal
183 preorders
36% of goal
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Update #4 - In print this week! Sept. 25, 2020

No, it's not Bird Is The Word just yet but I'm in print this week writing about managing menopause naturally and sleep solutions in 'The New Hot - Taking on The Menopause with Attitude and Style' by Meg Mathews (published by Penguin)

It's officially in bookshops from October 1st and I've just got my hardback copy and am really looking forward to reading it. 

I was genuinely excited to be asked to contribute. It feels part of something very special. A much-needed and long-awaited recognition in print for this huge transition in a woman's life.

Each chapter in the book tackles a different topic and includes Meg’s story, the stories of women she’s met and explanations of what’s going on from menopause experts. You’ll find solutions and tips, humour and encouragement.

For those of you who don't know Meg she is our Britpop Queen and by her own admittance found herself blindsided by depression and exhaustion and was shocked to find it was all menopause. Shocked also to discover how little understanding and support for women there is. She's made it her mission to raise awareness through her website, conferences, podcasts, talking to industry and government leaders and now here's her book too.

Bird watching was what helped me at menopause when yoga no longer did the trick. I'd come out of class more wound up than when I went in and I couldn't settle into meditation. But stepping out of the door, binoculars in hand, going up to the Heath or into the woods and immersing in birdsong and bird life, listening and watching became a moving meditation. 

It's not just the fresh air, it's not just a walk. It's getting outside of a troubled or crowded inner space and engaging senses we forget we have when we're at the keyboard or inside of a Zoom meeting.

And I'm laughing now at a memory of me and Meg and our friend Angie watching woodpeckers on the Heath earlier this year. So much to I have to say about birds.

One more week to go for pre-orders by the way so please continue to share

And the woodpecker as a spirit guide is said to come knocking to rekindle your passion in finding the truth and encourages us to be innovative and creative and to protect those who are too weak to protect themselves. How nice to think about that in the context of The New Hot and Bird Is The Word.

I wonder how many of you have noticed the woodpeckers this year. I feel they were particularly active!