How to Craft Your Company's Unique Story to Make Your Products Irresistible
This book may cause people to give you more money for the same product or service.
I want to thank everyone who has contributed to the prelaunch campaign. It has raised over $350 so far, and there is just under two weeks left. If you know anyone else who would be interested in grabbing their copy or any of the other bonuses listed at discount prices, please do let them know before it ends! I've just recently added a hugely discounted USP analysis process, which is very popular in my business. It's usually $250, but you can get it for $150 through this campaign before it ends.
Just this week, I started the recording for the audiobook. You can listen to a rough cut of the first section of the book here:
Cheers to you all, and I can't wait for my book to be out in the world.
Gregory V. Diehl