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Tim Stiffler-Dean

Tim Stiffler-Dean

Cincinnati, Ohio

Once I was alone, depressed, and suicidal. One small act of kindness, a cup of coffee bought for me, totally changed my life. Today, I search for opportunities to serve those same acts of kindness and encouragement to people who need it most with my book, or with a simple cup of coffee brewed just for them.

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About the author

Tim Stiffler-Dean, Founder of the online coffee finding community Brew The Way, has been working in coffee for nearly 5 years as a barista, and has pursued a career as an entrepreneur for more than a decade. As revealed in his TEDx Talk, Tim's experiences as a child in protective services has pushed him to actively seek opportunities to show compassion to those who need it most.

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Success! Brewing the Way has already sold 133 pre-orders , was pitched to 31 publishers , and is in discussions with publishers .

$20 #BTW Live! VIP Ticket

3 readers

This reward is for VIP Ticket Holders for the #BTW Live! event happening on August 1st. All VIP Ticket Holders will receive the following:

- Physical copy of the book, Brewing the Way
- Entry to the first ever #BTW Live! Concert
- Swag Bag of goods from Sponsors and Performers
- Invite to the VIP After Party on August 1st
- Video Interview at the #BTW Live! event where you can share your passions!
- Recognition as an early supporter
- A personal thank you from Tim Stiffler-Dean

All purchases of this Reward made after August 1st (and thus, after the #BTW Live! Event which VIP's will attend) will be given "The Paperback" Reward instead.

1 copy + ebook included

$5 shipping

147 of 150 left

$20 "Small Black" - Get The Book

46 readers

What is a "Small Black"? - A regular, 8oz cup of coffee. Black. No extras. Just the good stuff. It's on me!

The first 150 to preorder the book get:

- A cup of coffee on me, when you visit the coffee shop
- Physical copy of Brewing The Way
- Recognition as an early supporter
- A personal thank you from Tim Stiffler-Dean

1 copy + ebook included

$5 shipping

$25 "Single Shot" - Signed Copy of the Book + eBook

23 readers

What is a "Single Shot"? - 1oz of espresso with the richest head of amber-colored crema resting beautifully on top.

Receive your very own:

- Cup of coffee on me, when you visit the coffee shop
- Paperback copy of Brewing The Way (signed by the Author)
- eBook copy of Brewing The Way
- Recognition as an early supporter
- A personal thank you from Tim Stiffler-Dean

1 copy + ebook included

$5 shipping

127 of 150 left

$40 "Dopio Spro" - 2 Copies, eBook, and Book of Recipes (For Coffee Fanatics)

7 readers

What is a "Dopio Spro"? - 2 shots of espresso served in a 2oz demitasse glass cup. Rich. Strong. Smooth.

Receive all of the following:

- Two copies of Brewing The Way (for you and a friend!)
- eBook copy of Brewing The Way
- 75 Page eBook of Tim's personal coffee brewing techniques (w/ step-by-step photo guide), mocktail and cocktail recipes for adults, and his favorite coffee roasters and beans he's enjoyed around the country
- Recognition as an early supporter
- A personal thank you from Tim Stiffler-Dean

2 copies + ebook included

$5 shipping

118 of 125 left

$40 Caffeine Crawl Columbus + Signed Book!

1 reader

This is a special offer for made just for guests of Caffeine Crawl Columbus, which I will be joining you at on September 23rd and 24th!

Support this campaign with the reward tier right here and receive a hefty discount on the ticket and book!

Details on Caffeine Crawl Columbus found on the official website:

Receive your very own:

- Caffeine Crawl Columbus Ticket
- Paperback copy of Brewing The Way (signed by the Author and delivered by hand at the Crawl!)
- Cup of coffee on me
- eBook copy of Brewing The Way
- Recognition as an early supporter
- A personal thank you from Tim Stiffler-Dean

2 copies + ebook included

Free shipping

$100 "Con Pana" - Coffee Slingers (For Small Cafes)

2 readers

What is a "Con Pana"? - A kick with some sweet on top. Traditional espresso with delicious crema, topped with a bit of whip cream.

Receive all of the following for your coffee shop:

- 5 Paperback copies of Brewing The Way to distribute at your business
- Early access to book wholesale partner program after launch
- eBook copy of Brewing The Way
- 75 Page eBook of Tim's personal coffee brewing techniques (w/ step-by-step photo guide), mocktail and cocktail recipes for adults, and his favorite coffee roasters and beans he's enjoyed around the country
- A personal thank you from Tim Stiffler-Dean

5 copies + ebook included

$10 shipping

48 of 50 left

$200 "Cafe au Lait" - Coffee Slingers + Recognition (For Coffee Shops)

1 reader

What is a "Cafe au Lait"? - Meaning "coffee with milk", this is a classic coffee drink, with hot steamed milk poured over top of that delicious black gold.

Receive all of the following for your coffee shop:

- 10 Paperback copies of Brewing The Way to distribute at your business
- Special recognition for your coffee shop as an early supporter online and off

ALSO INCLUDES (from the above tiers):
- Early access to book wholesale partner program after launch
- eBook copy of Brewing The Way to share with your staff
- 75 Page eBook of Tim's personal coffee brewing techniques (w/ step-by-step photo guide), mocktail and cocktail recipes for adults, and his favorite coffee roasters and beans he's enjoyed around the country
- A personal thank you from Tim Stiffler-Dean

10 copies + ebook included

$10 shipping

24 of 25 left

$500 "Cappuccino" Sponsor - Promoting Your Passions

1 reader

What is a "Cappuccino"? - Directly translated as "small cup" in Italian. Two shots of espresso with 6 ounces of milk steamed to creamy, smooth perfection.

Receive all of the following for your business:

- 25 Paperback copies of Brewing The Way to distribute at your business
- 5 VIP Passes to a future #BTWLive! Experience
- Special recognition for your coffee shop across social media and website as an early supporter
- Your company business card included with books shipped to pre-order buyers.

ALSO INCLUDES (from the above tiers):
- Early access to book wholesale partner program after launch
- eBook copy of Brewing The Way to share with your staff
- 75 Page eBook of Tim's personal coffee brewing techniques (w/ step-by-step photo guide), mocktail and cocktail recipes for adults, and his favorite coffee roasters and beans he's enjoyed around the country
- A personal thank you from Tim Stiffler-Dean

25 copies + ebook included

Free shipping

9 of 10 left

$1200 "Macchiato" Sponsor - Book Signing & Video Featurette

0 readers

What is a "Macchiato"? - Directly translated as "to mark" in Italian. Take two ounces of espresso and "mark" it with a small dollop of steamed milk foam with a spoon.

Receive all of the following for your business:

- 60 Paperback copies of Brewing The Way to distribute at your business (FREE SHIPPING!)
- Book Signing Event at your place of business (Travel not included)
- Special recognition for your coffee shop online and IN THE BOOK!
- Video Interview Featured on YouTube and Social Media

ALSO INCLUDES (from the above tiers):
- 5 VIP Passes to a future #BTWLive! Experience
- Your company business card included with books shipped to pre-order buyers.
- Early access to book wholesale partner program after launch
- eBook copy of Brewing The Way to share with your staff
- 75 Page eBook of Tim's personal coffee brewing techniques (w/ step-by-step photo guide), mocktail and cocktail recipes for adults, and his favorite coffee roasters and beans he's enjoyed around the country
- A personal thank you from Tim Stiffler-Dean

60 copies + ebook included

Free shipping

5 of 5 left

$2500 "Flat White" Sponsor - Professional Speaking Engagement & Promote Your Business

0 readers

What is a "Flat White"? - Originally from Australia, the espresso-based flat white is about the size of a cappuccino, but with the milk only lightly stretched to produce very little foam on top of the drink.

Receive all of the following for your business:

- 125 Paperback copies of Brewing The Way to distribute at your business (FREE SHIPPING!)
- Book Signing Event with Speaking Engagement (like my TEDx Talk) at your place of business (TRAVEL INCLUDED!)
- Include Your Company's Promotional Materials and/or Samples with every book shipped to pre-order supporters
- Feature Article Published Online

ALSO INCLUDES (from the above tiers):
- Special recognition for your coffee shop online and IN THE BOOK!
- Video Interview Featured on YouTube and Social Media
- 5 VIP Passes to a future #BTWLive! Experience
- Your company business card included with books shipped to pre-order buyers.
- Early access to book wholesale partner program after launch
- eBook copy of Brewing The Way to share with your staff
- 75 Page eBook of Tim's personal coffee brewing techniques (w/ step-by-step photo guide), mocktail and cocktail recipes for adults, and his favorite coffee roasters and beans he's enjoyed around the country
- A personal thank you from Tim Stiffler-Dean

125 copies + ebook included

Free shipping

3 of 3 left

$5000 "Dirty Chai" Sponsor - #BTWLive! Experience & Short Film

0 readers

What is a "Dirty Chai"? - The best of both worlds! A perfect blend of spices, chai (which just means "tea", typically black), steamed milk, and two shots of the best espresso you can find.

Receive all of the following for your business:

- 250 Paperback copies of Brewing The Way to distribute at your business (FREE SHIPPING!)
- Bring the #BTWLive! Experience to your business (SETUP AND TRAVEL COSTS INCLUDED!)
- We'll shoot a short documentary film based around your business (travel for film crew not included)
- 10 VIP Passes to a Future #BTWLive! Experience

ALSO INCLUDES (from the above tiers):
- Book Signing Event with Speaking Engagement (like my TEDx Talk) at your place of business (TRAVEL INCLUDED!)
- Include Your Company's Promotional Materials and Samples with every book shipped to pre-order supporters
- Feature Article Published Online
- Special recognition for your coffee shop online and IN THE BOOK!
- Video Interview Featured on YouTube and Social Media
- Your company business card included with books shipped to pre-order buyers.
- Early access to book wholesale partner program after launch
- eBook copy of Brewing The Way to share with your staff
- 75 Page eBook of Tim's personal coffee brewing techniques (w/ step-by-step photo guide), mocktail and cocktail recipes for adults, and his favorite coffee roasters and beans he's enjoyed around the country
- A personal thank you from Tim Stiffler-Dean

250 copies + ebook included

Free shipping

3 of 3 left

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Update #2 - Update #2 - New Video about the book, Interview with The Shizzle, and 14 left days to go! Aug. 18, 2016

Hello all!

I've got some exciting news as we head into the second half of the campaign to see this book published. :)

First, I am thrilled to announce a new video has been created to share the ideas and mission behind this book, and I really hope you all like it. If you do, please share! It only takes a moment of your time (a moment that I am very grateful to have), but it could have a profound impact on the outcome of the campaign.

Second, I have had the great honor of being interviewed for "The Shizzle", an online publication that explores the world of modern publishing techniques over at It's only a 7 minute read, but the interview (<- link) lays out in detail all of the ideas I've had going into the creation of this book. Let me know what you think!

Finally, we're only 14 days away to the end! 

I haven't done much in the way of updating everyone on this campaign, but that's changing during this second half of the campaign cycle. There's been a lot going on, and a lot in the works, and you all deserve to know exactly what's up. Don't worry, you won't be spammed, but if you keep up with me on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, you'll definitely know what's going on with progress on the book. 

I can't thank you all enough for all of your support. Please drop me a line anytime if you have ideas, comments, or questions at If you have not pre-ordered your copies of the book yet, just hit that button below and Publishizer will lead you through the (very short) process.
