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Hannes van Rensburg

Hannes van Rensburg

Cape Town, Western Cape

Hannes is an entrepreneur with a proven track record and interests in a number of technology initiatives, primarily focused on emerging markets.

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About the author

Best known as the founder of Fundamo, the leading supplier of mobile banking and payment solutions – acquired by Visa Inc in 2011 for USD 110M, he has been instrumental in a number of other successful start-ups. Amongst those were Infomet (a SDLC methodology company), acquired by IBM in the 1990’s.

Having launched the first mobile banking solution in 1999, Hannes is often seen as the pioneer of mobile banking and has been voted as one of the top hundred most influential people in telecommunication three years in a row. In 2011 he was given a lifetime achievement award by MEF.

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Success! Cash In Cash Out has already sold 652 pre-orders , was pitched to 1 publisher , and will be published by Christel Foord .

$10 Ebook

99 readers

Your support for the book provides you with one of the first hundred digital eBook upon its release in December 2015 and an invitation to the exclusive soft-launch event.

1 copy + ebook included

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$25 Hard copy

123 readers

Your support for the book provides you with one of the first seven hundred and fifty hard cover books upon its release in December 2015. The books will be presented as one of the first edition of the book. Included is an invitation to the exclusive soft-launch event.

1 copy + ebook included

$10 shipping

477 of 600 left

$50 Hard Copy and Event

49 readers

Your support for the book provides you with the one of the first seven hundred and fifty hard cover books upon its release in December 2015 and an invitation to the exclusive launch event in Cape Town in person, where you will receive your customized book and join in the celebrations. The specific date of the event would likely be December the 3rd.

1 copy + ebook included

$10 shipping

1 of 50 left

$400 Corporate Sponsorship

10 readers

Your corporate support for the book provides you with ten of the first seven hundred and fifty hard cover books upon its release in December 2015 and a special acknowledgement in the book.

10 copies + ebook included

Free shipping

15 of 25 left

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Update #1 - The Book will be published Aug. 14, 2015

Thank you for pre-purchasing the book: You got me writing...

When I launched this campaign the book was only 65% complete (based on number of words). I actually hoped that nobody would be interested in the book, and that I could can the project and do something else, but your support was overwhelming and I sold almost 300 books. This was achieved by sending out only one mailshot to 1 200 people that I know. It was both a scary and a humbling experience. So what I have done for the past fortnight is to.. well, write. You got me writing. I added 24 000 words and the book is now 85% complete. I still have to do two more chapters. I have one of the best editors working on the book and am rather comfortable in saying that the first, special edition will be ready by the end of the year.

Thank you again for forcing me to write about this amazing story. It IS a great story - only I wish we could have found a better writer.

In the meantime, the interest from mainstream publishers have increased. While the first edition will be a self-published version (which would make it even more of a collectors item), I am pretty confident that subsequent editions would be published under a well-known label. You enthusiasm for this project helped me to get more interest on this front. Thank you for that too.

In the meantime, the campaign will end on the 30th August. Please help me to get the word out to those that have not yet bought their copy. Time is running out if you would still like to have a collector item at an unbelievable price. Please talk to your friends, especially those that have been part of the journey, use social media (#cashincashout) and talk about it at dinners. Or, alternatively, if you want to ensure that your copy is even more unique (one of a kind), don't tell anybody.
