Finding Passion in Your Purpose
Discover Your Passion, Your Purpose.’Chasing the Dragon’s Tail’ will Inspire you and light your Dragon’s Fire from within. To determine What is directing you, What is your flame and WHY?
Hi, its been a bit quiet this past month since my campaign ended for the pre-launch of Chasing The Dragon's Tail - Finding Passion in your Purpose.
I am excited to tell you that I have signed a contract with a publisher, who genuinely has reached out to me, who I am, why I do what I do, why my mission is to help others be the best they can be. We have had some great conversations and he is as excited about the impact my book will have, as I am. His quote " You have stripped down all the theory to make self-discovery toward positive life change very doable and absolutely practical - we have to get it out there!"
From your support this is the start of a new chapter for me and you to get the priceless information within my book out to you, and the global audience as soon as we can.
Further pre-orders can still be made on my website, which will be
great to keep it out there and hopefully attract readers and publishers.
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I hope you will have Your book and my insights, anecdotes, suggestions, tools - from my real-life experiences, as well as personal and professional development studies from my continual life's journey, in your hands in the next 4-5 months. Maybe not by Christmas but definitely in time for New Year, all going well. In addition I will have some free gifts, programs; and also some various coaching and self discovery packages for you as promised from your initial support - all will be accessible via my website.
Hold tight , tell your friends to grab a copy from the link on my website, and they will also get some bonuses as presented in my initial launch campaign. Maybe your teen, or a friend is right now applying for college, getting their documents and letters of recommendation in order and need some help with resumé prep; or you or a friend are looking toward change in career or focus for the new year, or wanting to learn more about yourself, your life's mission; maybe why you feel you are fine but you know there is more, maybe you or a friend are not as happy as you'd like to be or know you can be right now - contact me, look me up, send me a message. Always happy to share, care and help you to achieve your goals and fulfill your goals.
Have an awesome week, check in with me when ever you like.
We can make a difference ...together.
Warm regards Craig
Skype: craig719