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Craig Fullerton

Finding Passion in Your Purpose

Discover Your Passion, Your Purpose.’Chasing the Dragon’s Tail’ will Inspire you and light your Dragon’s Fire from within. To determine What is directing you, What is your flame and WHY?

  Career & Success   72,000 words   75% complete   Published by Atmosphere Press
15 preorders
$365.00 funded


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Update #5 - Merry Christmas and some thoughts on Certainty Dec. 20, 2019

Good afternoon from sunny and warm Melbourne, Australia. Relaxing to be home with friends and family. To think it's only two days until Christmas and a week until the start of a new decade where we welcome the ‘20’s. Our family are looking forward to new adventures and are energized with what the new decade may bring us, and how we can embrace a new era in our lives. If the 2020’s are anything like the 1920’s it will be a time of celebration, fun and yes, a time of change. Change always comes naturally as we move forward. It isn’t a negative thing. Let’s see how we embrace the ‘jazz and flappers’ of the new 20’s

With change often comes a feeling of uncertainty. Yes, many of us every year predict the future, set goals and how we are going to make our life better. It is a good thing to do, not just at new year but throughout the year. To reflect and maybe reassess your goals toward your own personal certainty, keeps your fresh and can serve as an incentive in your personal life and/or your career.

With this common basic need for certainty, my Christmas and New Year gift to you is included here.  It is an excerpt from my chapter “Dragons Wings” The Power of Certainty. In this excerpt I include personal story and some ideas around “Certainty”

Since my last update I am feeling more certain as I move closer to my publishing date. After a time, I have recently received an update from my editing team, which further provides certainty for me and encourages and excites me that writing a book is a very real thing. It flows, it breathes and it continues to grow.

Thank you for your patience and encouragement.  Hopefully not too long and I will be delighted to announce my publishing date. Feel free to contact me at

Have a safe and enjoyable festive holiday season.

Kind Regards
