A Novel
Comatose follows the lives of four strangers who are trying to cheat death, and a link between lucid dreaming and comas leads to unexpected alliances in a life-threatening race for survival.
Thanks to your support, I've reached 70 pre-orders!
As my early backers, I have 2 requests:
1) Message or email me with comments I can use as testimonials, either on the book concept and/or your reactions to the first 3 chapters. Let me know if you are ok with me using your first name or if you prefer to stay anonymous
2) Forward / share my publishizer link with 3 friends or family in the next 24 hours. Especially helpful if you send to people who enjoy good fiction.
Remember, every purchase counts towards getting the best publisher to get a book in your hands!
頑張りましょう (Let's do it together)!