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Confessions of an HR Pro

Julie Turney

Stories of Defeat and Triumph

Confessions of an HR Pro is a compilation of real-life experiences from HR professionals who work in various areas of the function. It is a dedication to HR professionals in the field to let them know that they are not alone.

  Education   55,000 words   25% complete   6 publishers interested
53 preorders
$1,325.00 funded


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Update #1 - Confessions of an HR Pro: Stories of Defeat and Triumph is in its final stages Sept. 22, 2020

When I set out to write this book, I had no idea that I was telling the story of so many people. What started out as a passion project, became a mission to tell the story of my #hrcommunity. 

Being a first-time writer, I was completely unaware of the challenges that came with writing and publishing a book, but I am pleased to announce that we are on the home stretch and the book should be published by April.

I want to thank all of you who continue to support me and took the time to invest in me by preordering what is now our book.

I look forward to sharing this with you in the coming weeks. In the meantime, I hope that you are staying safe physically, mentally, and spiritually.