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Confessions of an HR Pro

Julie Turney

Stories of Defeat and Triumph

Confessions of an HR Pro is a compilation of real-life experiences from HR professionals who work in various areas of the function. It is a dedication to HR professionals in the field to let them know that they are not alone.

  Education   55,000 words   25% complete   6 publishers interested
53 preorders
$1,325.00 funded


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Update #2 - The wait is almost over... June 7, 2021

Hi everyone,

I hope that you are doing well today. I must sincerely apologize for taking so long to respond to you guys on where we are at with the book. I self-published the book on Amazon on June 3rd and it is available in paperback and Kindle.

I have ordered author copies since June 26th but they arrived in Miami on July 4th a holiday and I am now waiting for them to arrive and clear in Barbados so that I can sign them and get them out to you.

I know that many of you are anxious about getting your hands on the book and I am so grateful for your support and enthusiasm towards the book. I will notify you once they are in Barbados. I will be signing them and sending them out to you via courier at the addresses provided.

The last couple of months have been truly insane with further lockdowns an erupting volcano in a sister island causing darkness and endless ash in Barbados to a passing hurricane (the first hurricane to hit Barbados in 65 years), but we keep it moving.

Thank you for your patience and support and I will have the book in your hands very soon.