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Create & Live; Invest In Your Creative Mind

Susan Sanchez

7 Meaningful Ways to Invest In Your Minds

People invest in what they have for something they want in life. These 7 meaningful ways to invest in mind, God's "technology" within us, solve all problems. Create and Live!

  Mind & Body    Creative Writing   74,999 words   50% complete   9 publishers interested
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$2,000.00 funded


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Update #7 - Day 5 of 31 Days Launch Campaign Aug. 5, 2018

Back to work for Day 5, of 31 Days Launch Campaign. I just missed a day working but feels like it's already a big stress. No wonder many people don't take a break from work. I don't blame you! But, this is exactly what challenge is all about. You have to put things into a test if it works.
But here, you are not putting a person or a thing into a test. It's God! And that's what faith is all about. You don't know what's ahead because you don't see it. You just do it because He said so; and because you love and obey God more than anyone else.
But, don't you know what He has done for you? He demonstrated His love for you. He even died for you; yet, you don't want to miss a day for Him?
But wait! Lots of things I have to write for today. 6 or 7 platforms to maintain; 2 FB pages, Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogsite, plus ...
That's why I wrote about Multitasking on day 4 that it is possible. Glad God is powerful enough to handle any situation if you trust Him.
By the way, what exactly is, the cause of stress? Is it missing a day of work to rest your mind, soul and body? Or something else. This is one of what I'm going to talk about in the book, Create & Live.
By the way, some people misunderstood the title of this book I'm writing about. This too, is what I'm going to clarify. Some think that we don't create; only God does. Well, if you are following God’s commission, you're probably doing what I'm doing, creating anything in order to help spread His word and bring people to Him through the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Let’s start creating something out of the gift, skill, talent that God entrusted to us. Let’s start creating something for Him, for others and for yourself. "The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few". Matthew 9: 37.
Our mind is powerful enough to create something for as long as you connect yourself to Him. Ok, well, I think this is long enough, watch for those big stressors that could kill thousands.

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