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Create & Live; Invest In Your Creative Mind

Susan Sanchez

7 Meaningful Ways to Invest In Your Minds

People invest in what they have for something they want in life. These 7 meaningful ways to invest in mind, God's "technology" within us, solve all problems. Create and Live!

  Mind & Body    Creative Writing   74,999 words   50% complete   9 publishers interested
108 preorders
$2,000.00 funded


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Update #8 - Create & Live: Day 6 of 31 Days Launch Campaign Aug. 6, 2018

Hi Families, Friends and Subscribers:

Do you believe that our mind is responsible with our own happiness? Yes! In fact, it is created and lived, to Advance His Cause! And, by investing in our creative minds, everything becomes possible. Please help make it possible.

Check this out! Please help CrowdFund to publish this book by pre-ordering it here.

Thank you for pre-ordering. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Susan Sanchez