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Pat Clark

Pat Clark

New York, New York

Pat Clark is a is a New York-based journalist and writer of non-fiction books. This is his first book about Donald Trump.

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About the author

Pat Clark is a journalist, a polyglot, and the author and editor of several books, of which this is the first to be published under his own name. The last book he worked on, Dr. Vic Naumov's 
Generation Sick, an exhaustive account and at times cutting account of how conspiracy theories intersect with the politics of healthcare, has been deluged with favorable comments and five-star reviews, which is one reason Clark decided to write Donfire!, which broadens the scope of that book to cover issues ranging from immigration to Presidential sexuality.
Although it is difficult to say exactly when Trump decided to run for President in 2016, Clark was present at one crucial early meeting, where Donald Trump spoke candidly with Dr. Henry Kissinger, a man who has pulled the strings of more Presidents than any donor, voter, spouse or intern. Clark lays out for the reader how Trump might succeed in pulling off an upset victory, and how his plans could impact the life and fortunes of every single American.
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Jorge Dragon

Jorge Vissarionovich Dragon, K of C, is the pseudonym of an undocumented and uncredentialed ladies’ man who lives in an undisclosed metropolitan location while awaiting action on his asylum appeal. Dragon is not currently affiliated with the Trump Organization, the Clinton Foundation, or the Center for Immigration Studies.




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$25 Best campaign book ever!

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Warning: This is the one book Donald Trump does not want you to read. Purchase of Donfire! may lead to an honored place on the new White House Enemies List. $25 buys you a print copy of Donald Trump's secret playbook, signed and dedicated (if you like) by its only literate co-author.

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Donald Trump’s Scorched-Earth Campaign Against American Complacency

An irreverent, information-packed, no-holds barred look at Donald Trump and his movement.

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Journalism Donald Trump
100,000 words
75% complete
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Donfire! is the one book you need to read if you want to understand the Donald Trump phenomenon in all its glory. This book tells the inside story of how he intends to get his wall built; how he plans to capture the women's vote by recruiting Monica Lewinsky and Gennifer Flowers to perform and stump for him; the differences between Trumpcare and Obamacare; how the poet Sappho has influenced American politics and culture, and much, much more.

Chapter titles include "Fencing the Wall," "Georgia Peash," "Finger in the Dyke," "Trumpcare: Dying Off the Street," and "Don and Juan." Each chapter explores a key aspect of Donald Trump's personal and political history, with many unique and delightful forays into cultural history and satire. Whether you are a fan or a sworn enemy of Donald Trump's candidacy, you will learn more than you ever dreamed possible about the Trump phenomenon by browsing through this book. You will want to share it with everyone you know, so please order in bulk!

If you don't laugh until you cry at some of the anecdotes and images in this book, chances are that you have mistakenly purchased another book from the website.


The book begins with a Mexican-built wall that re-draws the borders of the United States in a way that involves negotiation and horse-trading moves only a Trump would dare to try. The big beautiful door in the wall is cut out just below the Mar-a-Lago Strip Club and Casino.
Reading this book will remind you why you are proud to be an American, and why Donald Trump may have a steep uphill climb if he is ever to live up to the heritage of this country. None of his rivals are spared, but the focus throughout is on hoisting Trump on his own petard, in the hope that constructive criticism will lead to a better outcome than we might suspect based on his business track record and campaign performance.

Teasers will be published on, once I figure out how to use Wordpress to upload, maintain and update a website.


No one in this world cannot afford to remain ignorant or neutral about the Donald Trump phenomenon that has taken America by storm. My target audience is any person interested in American politics, cultural history, and right-on-the-mark satire. The topic is timely because of the upcoming election, but the book will be an "evergreen" because of its unique insights into the American political mind.

Many people are interested in Presidents and Presidential candidates. Bill Clinton's book "My Life" got the largest advance in history, with Hillary just a million dollars behind. Since Donald Trump has proven himself incapable of writing a competent account of his life and thoughts, the present work, which offers the most up-to-date and comprehensive evaluation of the Trump boom in print, will be indispensible to a proper understanding of the stakes of the November 2016 election. 


I have been so busy trying to finish the book in time to be available before the summer that the marketing plan is in its infancy. Once I finish the book, sample chapters and a blog will be available on SEO and social media campaigns are also on the way soon. Translation plans are also underway to meet the expected huge demand from foreign embassies and reading publics in foreign countries.


Nixon Agonistes by Garry Wills - My book is livelier and more thoughtful

Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail by Hunter Thompson - My book is sharper and more insightful

A Mencken Christomethy - My book is less pure sarcasm and more focused on helping people understand the political scene and the issues at stake

Generation Sick by Vic Naumov - This book is an outgrowth of that one, but without the baggage of naturopathic ideology - my new book has a lot more on Trump, which is what the people want

The Complete Works of William Shakespeare - I also  specialize in surprising plot twists and eloquent soliloquies - there is a great deal of cultural history behind my analyses - my book is easier to read and much more fun


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  • Update #1 - Cover competition April 3, 2016

    I am hereby opening the cover art competition to all comers. Artists (including visual artists, sculptors, photographers, and graphic artists) of all ages are invited to submit …

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