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Emotional Liberation

GuruMeher Khalsa

Life Beyond Triggers and Trauma

Emotional Liberation is the ability to feel better when triggered by everyday upsets or major trauma. A system to master the hurtful feelings that can be used to free you.

  Mind & Body    Psychology Self-Help   75,000 words   25% complete   Published by Atmosphere Press
671 preorders
$14,147.00 funded



Emotional Liberation is freedom from negative thoughts and reactive behavior patterns using heavy emotions for personal growth and therapeutic healing. This book introduces simple concepts and practices that the reader can learn and use to handle strong feelings skillfully. This accessible and effective method of "self-therapy" is badly needed at a time when Depression and Anxiety Disorder are considered a global epidemic. From everyday stress and general malaise to PTSD, we are in need of more than talk-therapy and medication. Emotional Liberation is a re-education and training with immediate results.

In work with clients as a yoga therapist, the author discovered that the very emotions that arise from trauma and continue to haunt us are not problems, but arise to resolve adverse experiences. Rather than "treating" to be rid of hard feelings, by working with them as part of our system’s self-healing ability, issues are resolved at the deepest level.

This work will impact the fields of mental health/ emotional and psychological wellness and appeal to the personal improvement and yoga/meditation market, as well as to therapists and other professionals dealing with trauma recovery. Psychological terms and techniques are mainstreaming; this book joins and advances beyond self-help to self-therapy.

What the reader will get:

  • Compassionate recognition of their negative feelings and behaviors; everyone has them.
  • Understanding of how these patterns are formed, called trauma.
  • The possibility to use trauma as a catalyst for personal growth.
  • Hope that with information and effort anyone can recover and thrive.
  • A working knowledge of emotions as keys to healing trauma.
  • A complete therapeutic system for self-study and clinical application.


  • Simple, effective exercises to create the calm clarity required to work with emotions.
  • Direct experience of successful self-regulation; immediate and longterm improvement.
  • Specific information and techniques on each of 7 principal heavy emotions.




Section 1:  Of Wounds and Resilience

Chapter 1–Emotional Liberation & Principles of Self-Therapy

Chapter 2 – Patterns and Triggers: Everyday Issues and Polite Insanity 

Chapter 3 – Trauma: Source of Pain, Patterns, and Transformation

Chapter 4 – The Therapy of Mindful Self-Awareness

Chapter 5 – Emotions: Antibodies of Your Psychological Immune System

Section 2 – Application of Emotions as a Healing Modality

Chapter 6 – Reclaim Contentment: Use Desire to Get What you Need

Chapter 7 – Restore Safety: Use Fear to Find Peace

Chapter 8 – Regain Power: Use Anger to Protect and Serve

Chapter 9 - Repair Love: Use Grief to Heal Your Heart

Chapter 10 - Reawaken Hope: Use Depression to Start Over/ Begin Again

Chapter 11 - Recover Innocence: Use Guilt to Clear Inner Conflict

Chapter 12 - Salvage Self-Esteem: Shame Teaches Self-Love

Chapter 13 - The Higher Emotions: Working with the Good Feelings

 - Notes, References, List of Exercises

- An Invitation to Healthcare Professionals


  • Self-Improvement Readers People with anxiety, depression or any other emotional concerns who seek help through self-improvement.
  • Yoga/ Meditation, Healthy Lifestyle and Consciousness-raising people; Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) practitioners and users
  • Therapists and all caregiving professionals who often seek relief for themselves and new information to help others. 

These people are mostly educated women living or seeking healthy lifestyle and alternative methods of self-help, self-improvement for themselves and others. Psychology and brain science research are inreasingly discussed and used by these groups as evidenced by now common erms like activation, triggers, trauma and recovery.

The National Institute of Mental Health estimates 40 million Americans (18%) alone suffer from Anxiety Disorder, with up to 30% living with anxiety unwellness issues, many unaware of their condition. Persistent Depressive Disorder affected 7% of the US population in a 2012 study, and WHO estimates 350 million worldwide. The many societal effects of these and other mental/emotional disorders include crime, drug use, the opiod epidemic, domestic violence, self-harm, suicide and even oursocial/ political polarization.

Clinically, emotional conditions are treated with medication which helps but seldom resolves the condition. Talk therapy better gets to the root causes, but we have found that the ultimate clearing of chronic persistent emotions occurs most effectively through somato-emotional self-inquiry which will surely be the future savior of our mental health. 

What portion of these will seek self-help? reports that “the U.S. self-improvement market will grow 5.6% per year, from $9.9 billion in 2016 to $13.2 billion by 2022. This will increasingly be used via online courses which I will continue to offer with this second book.

Therapists and other mental health workers are well read and follow the trends in treatment theories and practices. Many of them are also CAM practitioners/ users and fare early adapters of cutting edge of new and effective thought and practices.


Emotional Liberation will tap into and expand the community established by my first book, Senses of the Soul, which follow me through my newsletter mailing list (4500 who have worked directly with me or my book); and on Facebook (3500); and Instagram (1,000). My website is I teach classes and workshops ranging from 1.5 hours to 6 days, averaging over 200 appearances per year, and lead 36-week online training yearly. Emotional Liberation will be sold at each of these classes and is required reading in the full training and for my therapy clients. I've taught my material in workshops and classes worldwide, including, the US, Canada, Mexico, Europe, Australia, India, Singapore, and Japan.


In an Unspoken Voice: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness Sep 28, 2010) by Peter A. Levine and Gabor Mate, North Atlantic Books
Peter A. Levine draws on his broad experience as a clinician, a student of comparative brain research, a stress scientist and a keen observer of the naturalistic animal world to explain the nature and transformation of trauma in the body, brain and psyche. In an Unspoken Voice is based on the idea that trauma can be healed by engaging our innate capacity to self-regulate high states of arousal and intense emotions. Enriched with a coherent theoretical framework and compelling case examples, the book shows that when we bring together animal instinct and reason, we can become more whole human beings.
Emotional Liberation is a form of Somatic-experiencing, which has been shown by Peter Levine to be key to healing trauma, Is a key to the SOS Method in Emotional Liberation. Here we invoke the mindful state using powerful and quickly effective breathwork exercises, and guided (or self-guided) meditation to train the user to process instinct through intellect.

And by the same author:

Healing Trauma: A Pioneering Program for Restoring the Wisdom of Your Body, Peter A. Levine, Sounds True, Oct 1, 2008

-The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind and Body in the Healing of Trauma, Bessel Van Der Kolk, Penguin Books, Sep 2015
A pioneering researcher transforms our understanding of trauma and offers a bold new paradigm for healing. Trauma is a fact of life. In The Body Keeps the Score, he explores innovative treatments—from neurofeedback and meditation to sports, drama, and yoga—that offer new paths to recovery by activating the brain’s natural neuroplasticity.
This book offers many clinical studies of trauma recovery using a variety of “alternative” techniques, with scientific background for why they work. Emotional Liberation utilizes a synergistic blend of several of these techniques, and refers to his work rather than attempting reproduce it or explain in as much detail.

The Astonishing Power of Emotions: Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide by Esther Hicks and Jerry Hicks, Hay House, September 25, 2006

This leading-edge book will help you understand what emotions are, what each of them means, and how to effectively utilize your new awareness of them.

This is one of the first popular books to teach the positive use of emotion by allowing oneself to fully feel. My book goes further to show how predictably systematic emotions are, give a therapeutic model, and specific exercises for each of 7 principal heavy emotions.

-Emotional Agility: Get Unstuck, Embrace Change, and Thrive in Work and Life by Susan David, Penguin, Sep 6, 2016

Emotional agility is a revolutionary, science-based approach that allows us to navigate life’s twists and turns with self-acceptance, clear-sightedness, and an open mind. Renowned psychologist Susan David developed this concept after studying emotions, happiness, and achievement for more than twenty years. She found that no matter how intelligent or creative people are, or what type of personality they have, it is how they navigate their inner world—their thoughts, feelings, and self-talk—that ultimately determines how successful they will become.

Susan David brings scientific support to her discoveries of the importance of emotional skills. "Navigating the inner world" is precisely what Emotional Liberation teaches, but in greater, step-by-step and emotion-by-emotion detail. The reader is given practical exercises to learn and build these skills.

- No Hard Feelings: Emotions at Work (and How They Help Us Succeed). To be Released Jan 22, 2019 by Liz Fosslien and Mollie West Duffy

I include this here to demonstrate that this positive approach to “negative emotions is a growing trend that will be widely mainstreamed in the next 5 to 10 years. Emotional Liberation contributes to this advancing knowledge and skill.

GuruMeher Khalsa

About the author

GuruMeher spent 20 years working with clients as a yoga therapist and life coach and 40 years in personal meditation to discover the vital role emotions play in mental health.

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Chapter 1 – Emotional Liberation & Principles of Self-Therapy

You have been hurt; we all have. Painful experiences took away pieces of you: parts of your original innocence, bits of confidence, chunks of peace, years of joy. You can recover all of it, and more. You will learn from the pain and become stronger; you are built to do so. Self-healing is everyone’s birthright; let’s get good at it!

We’re all recovering from something. It might be what your father did to you decades ago, what your mother didn’t do, or that joke your friend made about you yesterday; you still feel hurt and angry today. Imagine that whenever you “feel bad”, you could quickly know why you feel that way, what you need to feel better, and do it to quickly feel better. You could navigate life by solving problems, recovering quickly, and spending more time being happy. I am here to tell you that that WE ALL HAVE THE BUILT-IN ABILITY TO HEAL!  Whatever level of unhappiness and inner struggle you have been living with, you can raise the quality of your own mental/ emotional health. If you want that, it takes time and training, as does any talent or skillset from making money to playing tennis. I invite you to spend some time “working out” in the gym of your own private inner world of thoughts and feelings. Try on these ideas and try out these techniques of self-healing. If they work for you, as they have for many others, teach them to your kids, students, patients, and clients. Emotional Liberation is available to everyone willing to do the work.

Five Principles of Emotional Liberation

Here are five fundamental features of this therapeutic approach to psychological healing.

1- We All Have Patterns. (Chapter 2)

These are learned emotional reactions to certain stimuli – our triggers – in which we lose conscious control and react in ways that work against our best interests. You will define yours in chapter 2 and begin to upgrade them with responses that make things better rather than worse.

2- We Have All Suffered Trauma. (Chapter 3)

To varying degrees of intensity, everyone has been hit by life events. These are the source of our patterns. Compassionate understanding of our traumas and transforming them into positive change-makers is the work of chapter 3.

3- We Are Built for Recovery. (Chapter 4)

Through the existential hardship of life we evolved an inborn system of psychological self-healing. (?Hard knocks create blocks but also stimulate growth. Just as life events have a full mind/body/emotion impact, we must bring all our faculties into the healing process; recovery is experiential.?) Self-Therapy, using what you know about and can do for yourself, is the future of therapy. Discovering and utilizing it is our goal. In chapter 4 we will pick up the tools that assist self-awareness, which is the basis of self-therapy.

4- Emotions Are Keys to Recovery. (Chapter 5)

Emotions have been misunderstood and misused, but are essential to our natural healing abilities. You have a psychological immune system that uses feelings to detect and protect you from invasions of well-being. Chapter 5 will reintroduce you to your emotions as medicine to begin a new working relationship with them. 

5- Emotions Are a Complete Therapeutic System (Chapters 6-13)

Once we begin to be more comfortable with troubling emotions in general, we find that each one has very a specific purpose. Just as various antibodies are pathogen specific, Anger, for example, is sent out to neutralize specific types of harm in your life. Emotions’ completely systematic behavior gives a most effective ability to diagnose and treat their cause. Chapters 6 – 12 are hands-on guide to decoding and skillfully using this innate system for yourself and others.

A Sample of the System

Here is a recent example of one woman’s discovery of her self-healing abilities.

Alice sat with me for a session, curious how my Emotional Liberation program might add to her work as a psychologist to better help people. When I asked how I might help her she didn't have any particular issues to talk about. Moreover, she added that she didn't usually have much emotion and made it clear that she certainly did not want to feel or deal with any in this session. 

After a bit of discussion, I invited her to close her eyes, breathe slowly and pay attention to her body and how she felt. When she was calm and secure, I began to ask her questions about what she was feeling. Before long she shared a big problem with her mother that had been troubling her since she was a child. She cried. I invited her to stay present with me and her breath while allowing herself to feel the uncomfortable feelings of sadness without trying to stop them. Slowly she calmed and became quiet as I asked her what the sadness showed her. She spoke clearly and confidently about what was upsetting her and what she needed to know and to do to resolve her problem. I simply wrote down her exact words.Twenty minutes had passed since she closed her eyes.

As she opened her eyes she looked at me and said, "That was amazing. How did you do that?" I told her that I simply know how emotions work and had helped her to work with them. Her willingness to feel while remaining steady and clear led her to see and understand the situation and know the way out of the trouble. She was now quite certain what she needed to do and felt so much better, encouraged and hopeful. Her assignment now was to return home and act on the realizations that had become apparent to her.

Stories of self-realization and inner guidance like this come out of nearly every therapy session I give. These results don’t depend on my skills as a therapist; I assist the client in discovering the answers that are within them. How? First, by assisting their self-awareness with simple mindfulness practices, then using their increased clarity to work with their feelings. You have a Psychological Immune System that uses emotions to detect disturbances to your peace. Within the emotions are the necessary resources to handle life’s challenges. 

Now is the time to stop looking outside yourself for salvation and begin looking to yourself for wisdom and help, to know yourself and get what you need to be safe and happy.  Reclaim the inner guidance that your caregivers failed to encourage – or worse – beat out of you due to their own pain This book will give you information and tools to heal old wounds, learn and grow from trauma, and change old trauma-created reactive patterns. We can recover our natural ability to recover.Here is an outline of the process.

A Model for Self-Therapy

Think of the process this way. When you go to a doctor for treatment, she begins by identifying your symptoms: your problem and pain. She uses her knowledge of how the body works to locate the source, what is not working, and what caused your good health to go awry. She then prescribes a treatment, designed to help the body return to health. You will follow these same steps to your own emotional health: self-examination leading to understanding the cause, and applying known remedies to correct what is ailing you.

Examination – Do I Know What Is Happening?

Each life is given the ability to take care of itself. Who could know you better than yourself. We are born with self-awareness but quickly become focused on the five senses, directed outward to get what we need. Beyond meeting basic physical needs, keeping yourself happy requires knowing yourself very well. The equipment you have to do so includes:

The ability to tune in to bodily sensations - somatic experiencing

The ability to observe your own thoughts – meta-cognition

The ability to feel your feelings – emotional sensitivity

The accurate instincts of your reptilian brain – automatic reactions

The powerfully motivating emotions of your mammalian brain – it is hardwired

The understanding and rational choice from your analytical brain – powerful but not always under our control

And the agency or will to be in charge and coordinate these often-conflicted parts of the self.

The many techniques of meditation are all designed to develop self-awareness. They range rom ancient yogic practices to recent techniques developed through brain scanning research. I will use the term and simple techniques popularly known as “mindfulness”. The goal is to develop the ability to focus one’s attention at will and as needed, rather than having the mind busy, scattered, and unable to perceive clearly, to be “present” to what is here and now.


Using your self-awareness faculties, start by examining the “symptoms”. In the next chapter, you will identify the frequent uncomfortable thoughts and feelings, dysfunctional behaviors, and unwanted situations in your life. They show up again and again so you can see them, get sick of and want to change them. The repetition of your patterns can make them invisible; you learn to live with them – perhaps miserably. But by focusing your attention on them and identifying the many elements of these automatic reactions the mystery of why you act counter to your interests begins to become clear. And from that, comes the ability to choose and to change.

As awareness of yourself and your situations increases, you begin to gain control over misery-making subconscious behaviors and make conscious decisions that promote your wellbeing. Identifying your patterns and triggers is the first step. Whether you already know yours or they take some time to recognize, it will be of great value to go through the self-analysis process in chapter 2.


Diagnosis – Do I Understanding the Problem?

Mental distress and emotional turmoil are symptoms we feel, but they do not of themselves solve a problem any more than does the pain of an infected tooth. An understanding of cause and treatment is needed, and is made easier with some system of how things work. A psychiatrist looks at your symptoms, then goes to the DSM (Footnote; The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disordersis an authoritative volume that defines and classifies mental disorders in order to improve diagnoses, treatment, and research, developed over many years by experts in all aspects of mental health.)for an established understanding to give the condition a name and recommended treatment. Emotions are symptoms present in every problem. Knowing that they are the treatment, their purpose, and how they achieve it to solve the problem is a “DSM”, a highly evolved natural system of psychological self-healing. Chapters 5 through 12 invite you to discover it for yourself.

Treatment – What is Needed?

What makes humans tick is not a great mystery, but life is complicated by changing circumstances, random events, and our individual and ever-present desires. Here again, self-awareness is the way to know what you need to get through this block and on to something better. You always know what to do and can reawaken that ability. You have been doing self-therapy all your life. You may not remember the early desperate needs to be warm and fed as a newborn, but your on-going adjustment to life on Earth was not easy and it’s been challenging even in the best of cases. Many of us had the worst of situations to deal with. Through it all, have been adapting and evolving to meet these situations in attempts – sometimes successful and other times not – to at least survive and at best to be happy. It has been a slow learning process throughout history.

Get Packing

Today, challenge and change are too swift and constant. We can no longer afford to repeat the unconscious patterns we inherit, to suffer many broken relationships in order to learn how to connect. We are experiencing an evolutionary pressure to learn from every pain how to avoid pain, from every fall how to rise, from every wound how we can heal ourselves. Go beyond reading this book to advance your self-empowered journey of healing, growth, and change. Here are a few things to take along on your trip.

Safety First. Self-therapy is self-regulated; you are in control. Go only as deep, fast or far as you feel you can handle.  Just as mountain climbing is made safer with ropes, your self-healing process has internal safety mechanisms. Balance the courage to explore and risk discomfort with feeling secure as you build trust in the process and in yourself. 

Heaven Within

No challenge shall confront you that you cannot meet. From birth, by necessity we look to others to take care of us. As we mature, the belief and habit of dependence can leave our self-reliance underused, trying to control others to get what we need. It works well enough to keep using the strategy at the cost of personal and then wonder why unwanted things are “happening to me”. Better to take responsibility for your life, not wait for someone to save you – that’s your job – and you were born for it.

Experience is Your Teacher

Taking control of your life and figuring out how to make it work takes work. You’ve gathered lots of lessons on what doesn’t work, no? Your current assignments are facing you right now in the form of whatever is not working and bothering you – your pain and dysfunction.  Mastering life requires determination, patience and regular practice to sit down and work things out with the ugly and scary apparitions within and without. Self-realization has a transformational power that all the wise books and good advice can only initiate.

Add Guidance and Support

While growing from “needing help” to “self-help”, we still need resources. Mountain climbers have a team back at base camp. It is best to have a friend, group, or teacher who understands and supports your efforts, someone to share your experiences with and get perspective, someone who has walked their path. You may want to be working fully with a professional along with this book and other techniques. Maps help, and the road described in this one has been victoriously traveled by many before you.

Accept and Allow. 

Troubling feelings are uncomfortable, but they will not hurt you. With practice you will be comfortable with the discomfort, then it can serve you. Mental/ emotional pain can work for you when you work with it. You will learn by experiment and experience to trust your inner world and find light on the other side of that darkness.

Emotions are here to help you; let them! The same feelings that come when you are hurt are trying to protect and heal. Your primitive fight, flight, and freeze reactions that worked for our jungle ancestors need you to guide them to serve modern needs. Your brain’s “executive” decision-making function can blend instinctual urge with sophisticated calculation to alchemically produce wisdom, answers, and elevated action.

This book offers the theory and practice to heal yourself from all types of psychological wounds. Healthcare givers are invited to use these tools to help others do the same.

Imagine every human using their ability to detect and correct their upsets. We’d still have conflicts as neighbors and nations, but we’d have the tools to know what we are fighting about and begin addressing and solving our internal issues first, and the real problems with each other. 

Trends In Emotional Health

In the last century, the knowledge of physical health discovered by science and “alternative” modalities greatly advanced the average person’s access to longevity and fitness. We are healthier but not happier. Psychological is said to be epidemic

(Footnote:Roger T. MulderPerspectives in Biology and MedicineJohns Hopkins University PressVolume 51, Number 2, Spring 2008, pp. 238-250)

 and stress is becoming the primary source of physical illness and death.

(Footnote: Metabolism Journal, Madhu Kalia, Volume 51, Issue 6, Part B, June 2002, Pages 49-53). This makes mental/ emotional health our next challenge. This century will bring a quantum leap in the awareness and tools to manage our inner worlds of thought and feeling to achieve advanced levels of well-being and happiness.

This is being driven by another phenomenon; the pace life is accelerating so we are being forced – or invited– to learn more quickly. For that we need greater awareness and sensitivity to really see what is happening, not just here and now but below the surface of things and before they happen so we can prepare rather than get hit. Like it or not, you and everyone around you is becoming more sensitive; you feel more and more strongly. That causes stress and overwhelm, mania and depression and their reactions of rage, conflict, and self-harm.

A third big change underway is the democratization of power. Everyone can now access cutting edge information and technology that was once controlled by the few in power. Psychology, like physical health, has been a mystery and healing was the work of only the experts. Many people find effective help outside the mainstream channels of medicine; you may be one of them. As brain and behavior become better understood, we are able to effectively work with ourselves to manage mind, mood, and the behaviors that determine our quality of life. To need help with mental health is no longer a stigma; our troubles are more openly discussed and dealt with. When did you first hear the terms trauma, triggers, activation or recovery? As these terms and concepts come into our vocabulary, they mark advancing awareness and skills we are all developing. 

Go Ahead, Help Yourself

You are part of these trends leading humanity out of the psychological dark ages. We are all recovering from something and need to manage the effects of it. And who can possibly know better than you what is wrong and what to do about it? Because we each have all the information about our needs and unique solutions inside, who is in a better position to help you? “Self-help” will no longer be seen as inferior to the techniques and opinions of professionals; every individual has the privilege and power to help themselves. Knowledge of and for the self shall come from the self. The job of therapists, counselors and healers will increasingly be to teach us how to use our self-healing system. 

Emotional Liberation – A Journey and a Destination

Emotional Liberation is not freedom from emotions. They are as important and essential as your heartbeat. Emotional Liberation is freedom from negative, reactive behavior patterns. You cannot rid yourself of feelings, nor would you want to, for they are the carriers of love and peace as well. Being emotionally liberated is to live fully withyour feelings, working intelligently to let them serve you, to enjoy the highs and gracefully move through the low points in life. When emotionally liberated you keep your cool when others are losing theirs. When emotionally agile you can properly feel strong emotions without being stuck in them as they help you deal with the situations that provoke them. When emotionally skillful you understand what others are feeling and can help them rather than react. 

Emotions, as a path to that freedom, are surely a double-edged sword. They can either bind us to a painful past or be the impetus grow past it. Anger can make us lose control or give us the power to take control. Instead of permanent residents in our bodies and remnants of our history, emotions have the power to heal us from the traumas that muddy our past, haunt the present and cloud the future.  The word trauma describes both an adverse experience as well as the ongoing psychological conditions we live in as a result. Similarly, emotional liberation is first a process of mindfully using emotions for recovery from everyday upsets and past harms. Emotional liberation is also a state of being and way of living free to feel life fully and move smoothly through pleasure and pain.

You can learn to work with your emotions to recover from traumatic events and their ensuing reactive behaviors so that, eventually, nothing can disturb your inner peace. It is to act from this stable center of your being rather than reacting to situations – to be free of traumas and triggers. Emotional Liberation is to safely feel emotions as they naturally arise and to utilize them to move through all challenges and reach peace.

The core of Emotional Liberation work is to develop this simple ability: 

Whenever you feel bad, you

1.    Know what you are feeling,

2.    Know why you are feeling it,

3.    Know what you need to feel better

4.    Act on this knowledge until you feel better

I encourage you to set a goal to achieve this level of self-understanding and self-management. Then you can help your children, parents, patients and clients to do the same. Help me hold a vision that with this skillset, you and all of humanity can live in peace.

Imagine with me this capability as a normal human capacity. Doesn’t it seem obvious that we would all possess the self-awareness and self-control to take care of ourselves this well? Isn’t it rather primitive, sad, and even tragic that this ability goes mostly unused in the present civilization we consider advanced?

Now imagine every person using their ability to self-soothe after every wound, to take care of their needs and live with contentment. Imagine decision-makers, power-holders, and leaders who control and affect laws and others’ lives with this level of emotional processing. Imagine you and your closest loved ones moving quickly and satisfyingly through the issues that arise. In this vision I see a healthy world; it is well within your individual power and reach. 

Summary of Principles

1- We All Have Patterns

2- We Have All Suffered Trauma

3- We Are Built for Recovery

4- Emotions Are Keys to Recovery

5- Emotions Are a Complete Therapeutic System

6) Emotional Liberation is both the process of utilizing emotions for psychological self-healing and experience of freedom from trauma’s negative effects.

Now, to begin the work. We start by looking at everyday upsets.


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  • karen meddour
    on Sept. 5, 2018, 12:29 p.m.

    Your work is so meaningful that you need to be able to share it more widely !

  • Anna Gratzl
    on Sept. 6, 2018, 6:59 p.m.

    Love your work, GuruMeher! Thank you for sharing this!!

  • Solveig K. Jensen
    on Sept. 6, 2018, 8:44 p.m.

    I have your first book and also audio - It so inspiring - looking forward to the next 🙏💚

  • Gloria Overcash
    on Sept. 7, 2018, 8:48 p.m.

    So excited for our Emotional Liberation Workshop in Bozeman, Montana this November!

  • Phillip Broussard Jr
    on Sept. 7, 2018, 10:19 p.m.

    Looking forward to your new work! Thank you for doing it and sharing with us.

  • Heidi Bone
    on Sept. 8, 2018, 10:48 a.m.

    Sat Nam GuruMeher, looking forward to the new book and your visit here in Australia very soon.
    blessings Siri Shakti

  • Lisa Davidowitz
    on Sept. 8, 2018, 4:52 p.m.

    Your first book continues to impact my life! I am so excited for the next.

  • Siri Atma Khalsa
    on Sept. 8, 2018, 8:56 p.m.

    So grateful that this is happening! I can't wait to read and share it. I'm so proud of what you're brining to the world. Your life's work.

  • Madelaine Clarke
    on Sept. 9, 2018, 4:27 p.m.

    Thank you so much for fulfilling your destiny! Your service to humanity is exemplary.

  • Nels Arnold
    on Sept. 11, 2018, 12:07 a.m.

    Thank you so much for all the life-changing help I got from your first book. Can't wait for this next one!

  • Agnieszka Dorota Wojtyra
    on Sept. 12, 2018, 2:18 a.m.

    I'm happy that I could help and I'm looking forward to read a book. I'm healthy, happy and alive, I am lucky. I was close to death several times, I deal with trauma over 30 years. I agree that trauma is a catalyst for personal growth, it is for me. There is a power. I remember, that I need to find a way and different perspective, everything or nothing. To be, to be, to be.

    Sat Nam,
    Agnieszka Wojtyra


  • Sandra Vanatko
    on Sept. 17, 2018, 11:55 a.m.

    Indra's Grace looks forward to having you come out to Texas!

  • Ceslie Rossi
    on Sept. 18, 2018, 3:58 p.m.

    I look forward to reading it and am very pleased to be able to support you in reaching your goal, I know the information and tecniques you share will help us all🙏🏻

  • Betty Mattiotti
    on Sept. 19, 2018, 3:48 p.m.

    Senses of the Soul was powerful.
    Thank you GuruMeher.
    Love and gratitude.
    Kalyani Mattiotti.

  • Navjit Kaur Sidhu
    on Sept. 20, 2018, 1:27 p.m.

    Waheguru! By Guru's grace you are doing the work of the divine to help us move towards a universal truth that YB set up for us - to be happy, healthy and holy! Love you and all the best with this awesome campaign idea :)

  • Rebecca Ephraim
    on Sept. 22, 2018, 4:18 p.m.

    GuruMeher presents an evolutionary, cutting edge approach to healing from trauma and triggers.

  • Laureen Nowlan Card
    on Sept. 22, 2018, 7:45 p.m.

    Sat Nam my dear emotional teacher. I know your new book will create peace in those who use it and in the world generally. I’m eternally grateful!

  • Anne Bramhall
    on Sept. 24, 2018, 6:32 p.m.

    Good Luck and Keep Up the Great Work that you do!

  • HariKirin Khalsa
    on Sept. 26, 2018, 5:45 p.m.

    We are honored to participate in bringing this important work into the world for healing

  • Madonna Noble
    on Sept. 27, 2018, 1:43 p.m.

    Thank you for advancing the Teachings of Yogi Bhajan in this very needed form. It’s special destiny work.

  • Jamie Luber
    on Sept. 27, 2018, 5:52 p.m.

    Looking forward to your new book. Your work is a huge part of my teaching and personal practice. Much Love, Sunder

  • Anna Penenberg
    on Sept. 28, 2018, 7:45 p.m.

    Congratulations on this new work! It is such a needed contribution to our well-being in these times.
    Blessings on your new book and all who are helped.

  • Linnéa Ekman
    on Sept. 28, 2018, 8:41 p.m.

    Thank you for the beautiful and very very important work you do! I feel so grateful for the possibility to read the books you write and experience your yoga classes. :) Can’t wait until I will be able to read your new book! Until it’s done I will continue to read Senses of the Soul. Take care, Love and light!

  • Jodie Sheridan
    on Sept. 28, 2018, 9:20 p.m.

    Thank you! I would have loved to donate more . Many blessings x

  • Kelly Burns
    on Sept. 29, 2018, 3:28 p.m.

    Congratulations, GuruMeher!
    Very excited to read your new take on this invaluable information regarding emotions.

  • SatSundri Khalsa
    on Sept. 29, 2018, 3:36 p.m.

    Looking forward to it; important work to help many. Blessings for continued success. Wahe Guru!

  • Charlotte Van Noordt
    on Sept. 29, 2018, 5:06 p.m.

    Sat Nam GuruMeher. I really enjoyed learning from you in our L2 M&M course and still use your last book. I am excited to dive into this one. Congrats and Blessings! Charlotte Van Noordt

  • Angela Custer
    on Sept. 29, 2018, 11:10 p.m.

    Sat Nam Brother,
    I look forward to my journey this year with you and am excited to become your soul sister in helping others as a yoga therapist and life coach.

  • Helen Arpin
    on Sept. 30, 2018, 3:58 p.m.

    Congratulations GuruMeher, I'm excited to get your book. Can you give me an approx time line of when you will mail out the books? I will be picking them up at our closest USA border which is about 90 minutes away so it would be helpful to know when it might arrive. Thank you for all the great work you do for the world. Blessings Helen Arpin

  • Tosh Hatch
    on Oct. 1, 2018, 3:28 a.m.

    Your class at summer solstice this year was in Divine Alignment for me. I had some big grief that I needed to release and understand. Thank you for these valuable tools and sharing your knowledge



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Super Self Care

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This is where I get to help you one-on-one with one of my Yoga Therapy Sessions, 60 minutes of professional life-coaching care. That’s in addition to all the self-care work included from above. I can’t wait to work with you.

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A 1-to-1 Senses of the Soul session live in LA or on ZOOM- equally powerful. (Valued at $195)
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Stock Up for a Workshop

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25 books for studios, clinics, and bookstores to be the first to have it. Additionally, I will come give an Emotional Liberation talk or workshop of 2 to 6 hours to your group. This is a “for fee” event in which expenses are paid by attendees’ ticket fees. I have done hundreds of these events worldwide with 100% satisfying experiences by hosts and students alike. Email me to discuss details at

I’ll send you 25 early release copies you can sell at the event.
A 2 to 6 hour workshop at your location that we will plan together. (You will make money on this one.)
A 1-to-1 Senses of the Soul session live in LA or on ZOOM- equally powerful. (Valued at $195)
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Serious Student Seeks Satisfaction!

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I will walk you through the best self-therapy training out there in 36 video classes, each with worksheets and meditative practices for your daily use. When complete you will have a vastly improved quality of life, be cool when others are losing it, and an advanced skill set to use if you are in the habit of helping others. The full Emotional Liberation Self-Study Course is a deal at $1699 on my website. It's yours as a gift for helping me launch my book. It's a win-win. Plus all the other goodies:

I’ll send you 50 early release copies.
My 36-Part Emotional Liberation Online Self-Study Course (A $1699 Value)
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A Life-Changing Gift of Personal Growth – I Year of Coaching

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This book is the result of the work I have done helping people as a Yoga Therapist. If you want big positive changes in your mental/ emotional life, work with me one-on-one for a year. Your work in conjunction with the book will bring significant healing and higher levels of well-being. I want to help people. This offers you a private coaching program as a gift for your support by buying 100 books.

I’ll send you 100 early release copies, with your personal copy signed with a message.
12 monthly 1-to-1 Senses of the Soul yoga therapy sessions live in LA or on ZOOM- equally powerful. (Valued at $1800)
Access to Foundation of Emotional Liberation, the 4-part video class. (Valued at $220)
An invitation to a live Introduction to Emotional Liberation webinar. Your Gift)
A professionally designed ebook.
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For Healers and Thought-Leaders – Full 9-month Training

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Emotional Liberation gives you a simple natural way to work with your emotions. It is an essential tool for therapists, recovery professionals and mental health workers. Join me for an in-depth training of your own emotional skills which will become invaluable to your work and enhance your effectiveness with others, personally and professionally. Take it and teach your students and peers. You will work with me once a week to support your home practice and study. More info on the course under events at

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My premier fully supported 9-month Emotional Liberation Training with live virtual and online components. Valued at $3295)
Includes several 1-to-1 Senses of the Soul sessions live in LA or on ZOOM- equally powerful. (Valued separately at $495)
My book Senses of the Soul and companion audiobook.
An invitation to a live Introduction to Emotional Liberation webinar. (Your Gift)
And, an invitation to join my virtual community.


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Super Soul-Sister (or Brother) Sponsor

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I have a large vision: a world in which everyone when they have emotional pain, knows how to quickly deal with the problem and move on to feeling good. That will be a peaceful world. Emotional Liberation is part of the revolution in mindfulness-based psychological therapy that can bring about this widespread emotional skill and wellness.

Your sponsorship will greatly expedite the book and help me to get this life-changing work out there, starting with a live 2-day workshop to teach these skills to your team or a group of your choice. (Travel expense not included. Any profits from the event are yours) Contact me to discuss details at

I’ll send you 200 early release copies you can sell at our live event.
A 1 to 2-Day workshop at your location that we will plan together. (You will make money on this one.)
A 1-to-1 Senses of the Soul session live in LA or on ZOOM- equally powerful. (Valued at $195)
My 36-Part Emotional Liberation Online Self-Study Course (A $1699 Value)
An invitation to a live Introduction to Emotional Liberation webinar. Your Gift)
A professionally designed ebook.
And, an invitation to join my virtual community.


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