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God's Paradox: The Unliftable Stone And The All-Knowing Creator

Bob Hall

This is not a normal manuscript. We logically prove that God Is. Can He make something He cannot lift? If God is all powerful, He can lift anything, yet if He is all knowing He can make something He cannot lift. The answer to this paradox is in our manuscript and is the most beautiful truth you'll ever read.

  Religion & Spirituality   167 words   100% complete   3 publishers interested

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1. We must admit the one topic that is the most mysterious of all is the subject of God. Either God Is or God Is not. The problem will be devout Christians because our manuscript goes against over 2000 years of false Biblical doctrine. Evidence for support is the 1333-page manuscript "A Course In Miracles" by Helen Schuman. I have studied and written about this magnificent manuscript for over 15 years and have found nothing that is not logically true. I certainly cannot say that about the Bible.

2. Our manuscript offers astoundingly wonderful news for all organized belief systems and humanity in general. We will logically prove that all human beings are transcending to our true nature as Christ Beings. Jesus's name is Jesus of Nazareth not Jesus Christ. He understood perfectly that he was one with Christ. So are you, so am I and so is everyone who has ever lived. * Hell does not exist. * It is impossible to sin against God, just one another. *Death is an illusion, we live forever. * Life outside of Heaven is impossible. * We're dreaming in Heaven and God will awaken us once we've achieved perfection in forgiveness.

3. I'm 72 and am the one to write it because of firsthand life experiences. Others and I have witnessed miracles that prove beyond the shadow of doubt that God Is. When 28 I was a foreman in a steel foundry that had the highest fatality rate of any industrial facility in the United States. I was crushed with a 30-ton, 50,000-horsepower overhead crane. One more foot and I would have been cut in two, my left leg femur was shattered through the skin and my hip broken. It's a true miracle I'm alive. By far the worst tragedy was our second honeymoon. Mary Jo and I had been married for 20 years and were enjoying every moment on our first cruise ship. We were on a dance floor when she died. She'd been complaining of a pain in her leg. The compression and de-compression of the aircraft caused a blood clot to literally explode her heart. She was only 43 and in perfect health, we had 3 young children. The horror, disbelief and complete insanity I experienced are still somewhat painful to recall. Our manuscripts will offer comfort to anyone experiencing the dark night of the soul. Mary Jo has visited in dreams and others have witnessed paranormal experiences. The last picture taken, her hand was on my heart, 20 minutes later she died. 

I've placed beautiful pictures throughout my writings because of how well they flow with the spiritual truths. On my 71st birthday I was editing pictures and came across this quite by accident. This is exactly how Mary Jo looked when we married. When flying out for the cruise she had her head on my shoulder because she'd never flown before. She'd always hold her hands like this when worried or scared. She gave a magnificent birthday present from Heaven. God Is.

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  • In 2024 over 510,000 new manuscripts were published in just the U.S. My writings are a needle in a haystack and not being read.
  • I have six manuscripts published in numerous worldwide channels. E-book and print.
  • I'm currently in negotiation with a professional who specializes in marketing Christian manuscripts. He understands the beauty of our writings and we'll be working together.
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Similar titles

  • A Course In Miracles by Helen Schucman was published in 1976 by The Foundation for Inner Peace. 4,159 Amazon reviews
  • The Disappearance of the Universe by Gary Renard was published in 2004 by Hay House. 2,827 Amazon reviews.
  • Your Immortal Reality: How to Break the Cycle of Birth and Death by Gary Renard was published in 2007 by Hay House. 801 Amazon reviews


My manuscript is for major world religions like Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism, as well as numerous indigenous and folk religions.

Bob Hall

About the author

Bob Hall, at 72 years old, has dedicated the past 15 years to the profound study of spiritual topics. As an author, he has penned six manuscripts that delve into the depths of human consciousness and our connection to the Divine.
In his explorations, Bob fearlessly engages with influential works such as ‘A Course In Miracles’ by Helen Schucman and ‘The Disappearance Of The Universe’ by Gary Renard. Through eloquent prose, he conveys eternal truths that resonate with seekers of inner wisdom.
Rejecting fear-based religious dogmas, Bob embraces spirituality as the transformative path for those who have faced their inner struggles. His writings boldly affirm that there is no hell—only the boundless expanse of Heaven—and that we are co-creators with the Divine. We are all Christ Beings, transcending our human existence toward awakening through the power of forgiveness.
Under the pseudonym Robert Hall, “God’s Paradox:The Unliftable Stone And The All-Knowing Creator” shines as his magnum opus—a beacon of enlightenment and hope. With its profound insights, it stands as a testament to Bob’s unwavering commitment to spiritual growth.
An ordinary man embarks on an extraordinary journey intertwined with love, loss, and self-discovery. Traversing through the highs of nightlife and the lows of personal struggles, he seeks spiritual wisdom amidst life's dualities. Each chapter reveals the resilience of the human spirit, as he learns to navigate heartache and embrace forgiveness. Through trials and introspection, he experiences a spiritual awakening, guided by faith and love, culminating in an uplifting tale of redemption and the search for eternal truth.

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Chapter 1: This Was Supposed to Be the Epilogue

Today is 8/1/2024, early in the morning, and I'm experiencing an “Ah, ah continuing moment.” I’ve dedicated countless hours to writing over seven manuscripts on A Course In Miracles. I’m deeply familiar with all its teachings, having carefully thought them through to ensure clarity for others. Despite this, I’ve struggled to help readers fully grasp my points. While Course students understand, others seem to miss the mark. I hope this changes starting now.
You must agree that the subject of God is the most mysterious topic of all. After years of thinking and writing about this subject, I’m going to attempt and make everything I know simple for you to understand. My parents were old enough to be my grandparents. Dad was born in 1897 and mom in 1904. I was fortunate to have been raised in a loving home. Mom and dad weren't churchgoers, and the subject of God never came up. They did teach a little prayer when I was very young. “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray to the Lord my soul to keep, if I should die before I awake, I pray to the Lord, my soul to take.” So, as a toddler, the existence of a higher power was ingrained. When I became older, friends would discuss God. “Where did God come from? I don’t believe any of it.”  I couldn’t answer but retained my belief. Today, I simply accept the truth that God Is. My knowledge of a higher power has survived countless attacks for 50 years and continues to grow. My perception of this world is changing to wisdom that understands all is most perfectly well because of the supreme Love of God. Love is not an emotion but an extremely powerful Force which guides, teaches and sustains. 
I’ve dedicated myself to understanding this Being, driven largely by curiosity. This morning, it struck me that I’m publishing these manuscripts in a world where most people don’t even believe in God’s existence. They never have, never will, and have no interest in the subject whatsoever. So, should I stop writing? My answer to that is No. The reason I say this is that I’ve learned more from my writings than anyone else. Make sense? I’ve been gifted with a logical mind, absolutely no common sense, but a logical mind. Read my book, Two Faces, One Life: The Journey Within. It’s an autobiography, and you will be amazed at some of the absolutely idiotic, important decisions I’ve made. I still wonder how I could have been that stupid. In college, I aced high-end mathematics, calculus, quantitative methods, geometry and advanced algebra. I was gifted with a mind for math and what I enjoyed about the studies is there are no gray areas. One plus one equals two, pure logic. I should have decided on engineering as a career, but alas, no common sense. I’m using this same logic while attempting to explain The Course. I’ve always struggled with the idea of how could a God of Love create a place of endless, unimaginable suffering for all eternity, known as Hell? It just doesn’t align with the nature of a loving God. Hell is a concept created by the ego, the misguided part of our mind, to project the enemy outside of ourselves. This way, we fail to recognize that our true enemy is in our mind.
Please humor me for a little while, and somewhat consider the idea that God Is. Forty years ago, I taught a large adult Sunday school. As I explained, I always had a problem with the concept of Hell and never mentioned the subject. ACIM comes along and proclaims Hell does not exist. Way cool. The wars, crime, poverty, corruption, hate, and fear we see in this world every day were never mentioned in class either. I chose to teach and talk about the good, not the bad. ACIM teaches even better news. God doesn’t even know about any of those problems because Source isn’t even aware of the existence of this entire universe. The Course explains God’s first Creation was Christ (not Jesus) and that God’s very nature is one of complete extension. To explain the logic of all this I wrote the following fictional story utilizing the teachings of ACIM. The statement about the black hole is of course my imagination.
“Whoa, why is this? Who am I? Another answered, not by voice, but somehow, He heard. You’re My Son. What’s a Son? You’re my very first creation. What does creation mean? I’ll show You around after a little more creating. You’re also My only joy. Astonishingly, He knew what joy is and He felt absolutely wonderful. This Being started to share the very essence of Who He Is, and suddenly, He started to learn and comprehend very, truly, extremely fast. He mysteriously understood atomic forces, protons, electrons, neutrons, neutrinos, recurring and changing inorganic and organic molecules. He comprehended amino acids and the forces that regulate all. Vistas of astonishing beauty opened up for Him. He became ecstatic while gazing at forests, oceans, rivers, lakes, mountains, skies, worlds, suns, stars, galaxies, and universes. He was everywhere with this magnificent One. He asked, Who are You? I Am was the reply. He instantly comprehended His own name is Christ. 
He became aware this is His Father, Whose very nature is to give and teach all He knows, and He knows everything. Christ knew He was not in any way separate or different from God and understands He is not a part of God but an extension of the whole. He knew love must be shared, and the love that is shared in His Father’s universe is exquisite and beautiful. Oh, the joy and laughter as They completed One Another. Christ supremely became as powerful, compassionate, wise, knowing, limitless, and most importantly as loving as His Creator. They are inseparable and continue to co-create vast galaxies and universes. However, due to the infinite wisdom of I Am, they stopped short of creating life to populate all that is. In Their beautiful Minds, They knew exactly what to do when God would say the moment was perfect. They envisioned all aquatic life, myriads of different flying species, all animal life, and the harmony of the varying interconnected environments all would live in. Their creations were also to be gifted with the ability to co-create. Each after their own kind. All of this would happen in a nanosecond, just as Christ had been created. There was no concept of time or space for They were everywhere, and They were One. God has created Christ to be exactly like Himself and to share His eternal love and joy in a state of unencumbered, boundless, and unimaginable ecstasy. Any question the Son asked was instantly answered as Their communication was perfect. 
Then somewhere, somewhen Christ asked a question that was not answered. What? Why? The question was like,” What else is there?” or “What would it be like to go out and play by Myself?”  I Am did not answer because there is nothing else, but God’s perfect creation. The Divine Son became horrified, certainly an awful new feeling previously unknown. He mistakenly thought His perfect communication was completely gone. Then He experienced a vastly more terrible knowing. Fear. Christ instantly created a universe of His own where He could hide. The Big Bang occurred, composed of billions of fragments. He needed somewhere deeper to escape, so He made the first human bodies after His Own Image and placed His magnificent Mind into all of them. The first ego was spawned. This Mind believes that it is completely on its own. Christ also actualized all the animal life, countless aquatic creatures, the avian companions, and the harmonious environments they would all co-create in. The idea of duality could not be carried out in God’s Reality, so Christ created a universe of illusion and entered it as if falling asleep and dreaming. 
Because They were no longer perfectly communicating God thought, “My Child is asleep and must be awakened.” But there was a major problem. Whatever God places His attention on becomes as if it is real. If God entered the dream to redeem His Son, then the dream would become real to Him as well, and He would also be trapped. There would be the risk of both the Father and the Son becoming eternally separated from their true Home and losing Their Identity. In other words, if God Himself were to acknowledge anything except the idea of perfect oneness, then there would no longer be perfect oneness. To solve the problem and allow God to keep His attention focused on Reality, He created a special agent, the Holy Spirit, Who would be a bridge between the two states of existence and the answer to the perceived separation. The Spirit was created with the miraculous ability to view God’s perfect Heaven while also viewing the Son’s imperfect dream. The Holy Spirit knew the original Christ Mind had created a black hole and was attempting to achieve nothingness, His fear was that immense. The brilliant light of God completely shattered the darkness, and Christ began to love Himself again and woke up in the Heaven He never left.
So now Christ who is once again learning from the Father is thinking, “I’ve learned much from my first question of “Whoa, why is this?” I must help the children I have made who are sleeping.” Thus enters Jesus into our dream illusion. The Son thought, “I’ll have Jesus be born of a virgin, and he’ll be able to perform what my children will call miracles.” Christ knew He had been healed by the Holy Spirit, so the same Spirit conceived Jesus in Mary’s womb. Furthermore, Christ reasoned, “I’ll ask the Holy Spirit to descend on Jesus in the form of a dove after he’s baptized by John. I’ll have him led into the desert immediately after his baptism and live for 40 days and nights without food or water.” He knew His children would mistakenly think the reason was to be tempted by a Satan which doesn’t exist. Christ also thought, “I’ll have Jesus trained in the wilderness to only listen to the Holy Spirit; thus, his ego will be totally eliminated. Jesus will be the only one in time who will completely manipulate his dreaming. He’ll walk on water, calm the seas, feed the multitudes, explain magnificent spiritual truths, heal the paralyzed, the blind will see, the deaf will hear and best of all, he’ll raise the dead. This will prove to my children that death is an illusion, especially after he will live again after his crucifixion.” He knew unfortunately His children would think he died for their sins. My Father knows nothing about my false universe and doesn’t even know what sin is. He understands, “I’ll have the same Holy Spirit Who healed Me, have Jesus thoroughly understand he is One with Me as I am One with Our Father. My creations will eventually understand the same Truth. When the last mind is healed and the false universe vanishes, My Father and I will receive great pleasure and joy in teaching our beautiful Children the perfection of Their being. Forever. They’ll understand Love is not an emotion but the most powerful force in all creation.””
This is the end of my little story, let’s reason together to understand what this all means to humanity in 2024.

Chapter 2: What Does This All Mean?

There is a vast difference between being spiritual and religious. Spirituality is for those who have experienced a hell of sorts, the religious are those afraid of going there. I’m the former. As I reflected on my thoughts, it became clear to me that we are destined to become Co-Creators with God. This insight came despite my ego’s persistent claims that such a belief is madness. Reason suggests that Christ is far more than a mere name; it represents a state of Being. In essence, when we awaken from our dream in the Heaven we’ve never left, we will joyfully realize that we are no longer human beings but Christ Beings. Jesus explained to Helen in ACIM that he is not to be worshiped, just highly respected. The only difference between him and us is what is potential for us is his Reality. He has God and nothing else. Jesus explained in the Course that he set in motion over 2000 years ago the principle of the Atonement. This is the knowing that the one problem that ever existed was perfectly solved. We are not separate from God in any way, never have been and never will be. This is impossible for we are One with Source and have simply forgotten.
 Let's say you and I are strangers and enjoying a cold beer on a hot summer afternoon in a quiet little bar. We strike up a conversation and after an hour the alcohol is mildly kicking in. I say, “Our discussions are quite enjoyable, I’d like you to know something about me.””What’s that?” “I’m perfect.” Suddenly you remember you have an errand to run for your wife and can’t miss dinner. While driving home your thinking, “Wow does that guy have issues, he needs professional therapy.” However, perhaps you happen to be God. The response would be, “Thank you my Son, I know, because this is how I created you.” If God made anything imperfect, He/She would no longer be perfect, therefore we are perfect. Yes, we make mistakes in our dreams, but this doesn’t negate our perfection in Heaven.
A bit of trivia, Jesus had been married to Mary. Under Jewish law, only the wife could anoint the body. As I mentioned earlier, eventually we will evolve into a Co-Creator God Consciousness Being. It is a natural process to unfold into this state. There is so much we can learn by observing nature and all her teaching lessons. In all of nature, there is never a hurry to quicken a process as everything is always perfect in every moment and when the time is right, the rose will bloom. The Universal Christ Mind is constantly communicating with all creation in every moment. For the kingdoms without free will, this connection is called innate intelligence when the guidance comes directly from the Universal Mind. The guidance for a beaver to build a dam, a bird to build a nest, a flock of birds to fly in a V Formation, the spider to spin her web, or the hibernation of animals in the winter. The timing always comes perfectly. All these life forms are always in Christ's presence in every moment. This guidance is perfect, and it represents harmony, balance, order, and unity for the good of all. Nature comes together to represent the synchronicity of the Oneness as life unfolds. These kingdoms, mineral, plant, insect, animal, and angelic, do not have free will and are directly connected to the Christ Mind and stay consciously aware at every moment. Everyone on Earth is also directly connected to this Mind but have not yet learned to stay consciously aware in each moment. Before coming to Earth, we were also connected to the Son's Mind through Innate Intelligence, but when we came to Earth we were gifted with free will, the ability to manifest using a conscious mind and learning to discern using the five senses and reasoning. Once understanding we are always connected to the Universal Mind and never separated from the Oneness of life, we’ll learn to trust our feelings and reconnect to understand our perfection. 
Gary Renard’s books are incredible, and he’s also the author of Your Immortal Reality. In his writing, Gary explains, “Imagine you’re watching TV, and you forgive a news story you see. The Holy Spirit then spreads your forgiveness throughout the mind that projects the universe, and through the projection itself. This act cuts through unconscious guilt and its karmic projections like a laser beam, affecting all your past and future lives, every dimension of time, and every parallel universe that seems to exist. As you practice forgiveness, the Holy Spirit collapses time, erasing the lessons you would have needed to learn. Although you might think, “This is boring, nothing’s happening,” something extraordinary is happening. Our ego is like an onion, peel away a layer and it still looks and smells like an onion. The more you forgive vast layers of the ego are being peeled away, and your ego is disappearing. If you persist in practicing forgiveness, you’ll eventually reach the final layer of the onion. Once that layer is gone, the onion and the ego vanish completely. After your final forgiveness lesson, the ego is gone; it's been undone, and there's nothing left to interfere with your experience of Who You Are. There's no reason for you to reincarnate in your dream. Practicing forgiveness, the way that we will continue to instruct you is how to break the cycle of birth and death. Perhaps a close friend was planning on stealing from you tomorrow, but this does not happen. The reason being you had already forgiven a closer friend who had stolen in the past. A lesson learned does not need repeating.” Your Immortal Reality.
 Each time a baby appears to be born into this world, it is merely reliving the time when it seemed to leave its perfect environment in God, where all was Nirvana, and it was completely taken care of and provided for, and then suddenly found itself slapped in the face by a seeming reality that was a living hell by comparison. We may consider birth to be a miracle, but babies don’t come into this world smiling, do they? They come in crying and screaming. The mind that is reliving the seeming separation has actually fallen asleep and is dreaming an idle, insignificant dream, or nightmare because anything that seemed to be apart from Heaven would have to be symbolic of an opposite to Heaven. It would thus seem to include opposite characteristics. There’s no doubt we believe we’re experiencing reality here. We must be shown the way out of this experience. Our “asleep at the wheel mind” doesn’t know it, but it’s going to wake up in the equivalent of a cosmic instant. That is because the Voice for God and Heaven, which we now understand is the Holy Spirit, is always with us to remind us of the truth and call us to return. This fail-safe memory of who we really are can never be lost, making an awakening to the Reality of Heaven completely inevitable. We have the power to choose the memory and strength of God or something else instead. That is what the part of our mind that decides did immediately after the seeming separation. Out of shock, fear, and confusion, it made a series of unwise choices that resulted in us appearing to be here. We still don’t realize that, given the remarkable power of the mind, certain choices made by us could end the seeming separation and could have at any time. This means that we are capable of accomplishing it, with beautiful help from The Holy Spirit. God could not have created this world. It would not be in His nature for He is not cruel. If this were the real world, God would be cruel, for no Father could subject His children to this as the price of salvation and be loving.
ACIM states that it is even beyond its teachings to fully explain what Love actually is. However, with logic and reasoning we are given glimpses. Let’s discuss a Love that Is absolutely perfect. A Love that Is beyond purity, immeasurably magnificent and beautiful, immense total power, all knowing, all seeing, everywhere, outside of time, forever unchanging, cannot conceive of any loss, eternal, and always giving an unlimited joy and contentment and happiness. Totally complete in and of Itself, with a perfect light that extends to all existence. We are a part of this forever. You might wonder what happens to someone like Jeffrey Dahmer at the moment of death. According to what I’ve read, each of us is accompanied by two or three spiritual advisors who review our life experiences with us after we’ve transitioned from the body. We’re shown both the good and the bad. At this point, we are asked, “Would you prefer to go back into a body?” A mass murderer would respond, “I lived a terrible life and now understand the immense suffering I caused, especially to the loved ones of my victims. I need to return as a baby and endure torture and death to truly grasp the horror I inflicted.” Reincarnation, as experienced in our dreams, serves as a mechanism for continued learning, correcting our mistakes, and ultimately allowing us to achieve perfection in forgiveness. Jesus told a parable in the Bible called the Prodigal Son. A king’s son took his vast inheritance and went to a far land, squandering all his wealth on wine and women, he became impoverished. He thought, “My father’s servants live far better than this, so I'll return and beg for forgiveness. Perhaps I can work in a vineyard.” The king became aware his son was returning and said, “Prepare a feast, my son was lost but now is found.” A few days ago, the thought occurred to me that Christ was the first Prodigal Son. After He was healed, Christ must have understood something also previously unknown, what it felt like to be forgiven. Although God doesn’t forgive because He sees nothing to forgive, Christ knows what He felt. While being crucified, Jesus said, “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.” He said this, to place into the collective human psyche, the extreme importance of forgiveness.  
We are all bi-polar, the right side of our mind is based on Spirit and love, the wrong side is based on ego and fear. Fear of what? In the deepest part of our subconscious, we fear God. This is our ego’s most absolutely insane idea of all. Once we have achieved perfection in forgiveness God will awaken us. How can we help? Don’t feed our ego. Every time we’re worried, upset, jealous, angry or afraid we’re feeding our ego. Know this. Also, never talk to it because this makes it real and it’s not. Your ego made your body as a fence to keep God out. When you consciously give your mind to the Holy Spirit the body becomes a wonderful vehicle to heal God’s Son, which we all are. What higher calling or more beautiful purpose could we possibly have? Pray every day, “Holy Spirit for my highest good and the highest good of all please grant perfection in listening to the Sacred Silence between my thoughts.” This little prayer is astoundingly amazing. I’m finding myself answering questions I didn’t even know I had. You’ll receive Divine Wisdom and once shared you’ll be taught more to share. This is a true miracle and once you experience this you’ll know. I learned of this powerful prayer after reading, “Mutant Message Down Under”, explained in Chapter 14. 
 When I think of the many attractions of the world and all of its temptations. Peace is now the only one that draws me in. Nothing else makes any sense to me anymore. Peace brings with it the awareness of the Love of God. I am the perfect, loving, and unlimited extension of God. Only my thoughts and beliefs would convince me otherwise. I need only to stay in the peace and silence of this present moment. Everything else disappears from my awareness, and only the Peace and Love of God remain. They were always there shining brightly in the background of my mind and are no longer hidden by the meaningless thoughts and beliefs of a delusional egoistic mind. Don't let the clouds of delusion mask the Light of your Being. Just be the Light, for you are the Light that you seek. The journey to God is merely the reawakening of the knowledge of where you are always, and what you are forever. It is a journey without distance to a goal that has never changed. Truth can only be experienced. It cannot be described and cannot be explained. I can make you aware of the conditions of truth, but the experience is of God. Truth will dawn upon you of itself, for God Is. Your wholeness has no limits because you are Eternal.  
The following is directly from The Course. “Who Is Christ? Who Is the Holy Spirit? What Is the Second Coming? What Is the Final Judgment? What Is the Ego? What Is Creation? Who Am I? What Is Salvation? What Is the Body? What Is Jesus’s Purpose? What Is the World?” 

Chapter 3: Who Is Christ?

“Christ is God's Son as He created Him. He is the Self we share, uniting us with one another, and with God as well. He is the Thought Which still abides within the Mind that is His Source. Furthermore, He has not left His holy home, nor lost the innocence in which He was created. He abides unchanged forever in the Mind of God.  Christ is the link that keeps you one with God and guarantees that separation is no more than an illusion of despair, for hope will forever abide in Him. Your mind is part of His, and His of yours. He is the part in which God's Answer lies; where all decisions are already made, and dreams are over. He remains untouched by anything the body's eyes perceive.  For though in Him His Father placed the means for your salvation, yet does He remain the Self Who, like His Father, knows no sin. Home of the Holy Spirit, and at home in God alone, does Christ remain at peace within the Heaven of your holy mind. This is the only part of you that has reality in truth. The rest are dreams.
Yet will these dreams be given into Christ, to fade before His glory and reveal your holy Self, the Christ, to you at last. The Holy Spirit reaches from the Christ in you to all your dreams and bids them come to Him, to be translated into truth. He will exchange them for the final dream, which God appointed as the end of dreams.  For when forgiveness rests upon the world and peace has come to every Son of God, what could there be to keep things separate, for what remains to see except Christ's face? And how will this holy face be seen, when it is but the symbol that the time for learning now is over, and the goal of the Atonement has been reached at last? So, therefore, let us seek Christ's face and look at nothing else. As we behold His glory, will we know we have no need of learning or perception or of time, or anything except the holy Self, the Christ Whom God created as His Son.”   

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