Stories of Professional Evolution through Personal Transformation
Growing Up at Work is a collection of stories that illustrate how professional dilemmas and leadership challenges are best resolved by transforming our emotional and psychological limitations.
Hello friends,
We are excited to share some news with you. The print run of Growing Up at Work is now complete and that means we are working to get your pre-purchased book to you.
If you have moved since May 2020 when you pre-ordered, please send us an email with your updated mailing address to confirm your book makes it to the right place.
Also - feel free to check out our book website (and explainer video) and tell us what you think:
The book will be officially released on May 25, 2021 at which time it can be purchased through, other online shops, and by order through your local bookstore.
We are so grateful to you for your support.
Yael & Yosh