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Elizabeth C. Haynes

Elizabeth C. Haynes

Dallas, Texas

Elizabeth C. Haynes is a successful writer, an abuse survivor, a former yoga teacher, a rare disease sufferer, and a kindness warrior. She has a unique perspective on life.

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About the author

Elizabeth C. Haynes is a Texas-born writer whose personal work includes essays, poems, several in-progress books and an active blog. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Literature from Kansas State University and has been writing professionally for more than 15 years. Elizabeth works as a managing editor for a major corporation in Atlanta.
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Success! Halfway There has already sold 151 pre-orders , was pitched to 27 publishers , and will be published by Warren Publishing .

$15 Digital Early Bird

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$20 Print Early Bird + Free Shipping

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$25 Print + Digital + Acknowledgement

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Get a print book, a digital copy, and your name in the book as a sponsor. I'll publicly acknowledge your help in getting my book to the market (by adding your name to the Acknowledgements), and you'll know you're helping spread more kindness in the world.

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$30 Print + Digital + Launch Party

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$50 Buy One/Gift One + 1:1 Consultation

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Get two copies of the book (one for you, one to gift), free shipping, and a ONE HOUR 1:1 chat/consultation with me about anything you like! As a seasoned marketer and former entrepreneur, I can even take a look at your company website, your resume, or your own creative writing and offer guidance and advice. (Consultation normally valued at $100 - yours FREE with this two-book purchase!)

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$200 10 Copy Silver Sponsor Package

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Receive 10 copies of the book (print version and digital), plus your name at the top of the Acknowledgements section as a Silver sponsor. You are also invited to attend the launch party, you will receive a free TWO HOUR 1:1 chat/consultation about anything you like in my areas of expertise (marketing, creative writing, resumes, websites, entrepreneurship - valued at $200) and I will sign every copy! Your sponsorship will help this book make it to market, which is a lifelong dream come true.

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$500 25 Copy Gold Sponsor Package

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Receive 25 copies of the book (print version and digital), your name at the top of the Acknowledgements as a Gold sponsor, plus a personalized note in each book for the addressee. You are also invited to attend the launch party, you will receive a free TWO HOUR 1:1 chat/consultation about anything you like in my areas of expertise (marketing, creative writing, resumes, websites, entrepreneurship - valued at $200) and I will sign every copy! Your sponsorship will help this book make it to market, which is a lifelong dream come true.

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Update #12 - Update on Publishers/Timing Sept. 10, 2019

Hi everyone!

I've been asked when my book is coming out.  :) I'm so excited that people are excited about it! 

Publishizer has pitched me to 26 publishers so far (they pitched me to 20 of those this week). I heard back from what looks like a good option this morning. It's a small, independent publisher that's sort of a hybrid. I will be reaching out to them shortly.

I also have an editor who is going to do an introduction for me to her publisher - also independent and also a hybrid. I'm feeling good about how things are going!

Aside from that, I finished my second edit of the manuscript last night and will be doing a final pass over the next few weeks to get it fully ready for submission. I'll update everyone when I have secured/chosen a publisher, and I'll update you all again when I know the publication date. Hopefully one of these works out. 

Thank you for the continued support!
