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Elizabeth C. Haynes

Elizabeth C. Haynes

Dallas, Texas

Elizabeth C. Haynes is a successful writer, an abuse survivor, a former yoga teacher, a rare disease sufferer, and a kindness warrior. She has a unique perspective on life.

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About the author

Elizabeth C. Haynes is a Texas-born writer whose personal work includes essays, poems, several in-progress books and an active blog. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Literature from Kansas State University and has been writing professionally for more than 15 years. Elizabeth works as a managing editor for a major corporation in Atlanta.
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Success! Halfway There has already sold 151 pre-orders , was pitched to 27 publishers , and will be published by Warren Publishing .

$15 Digital Early Bird

19 readers

Buy your digital copy in August to get this special low price! If you only read digital, this is the deal for you!

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$20 Print Early Bird + Free Shipping

53 readers

LIMITED! Get a first edition paperback. Shipping is free!

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$25 Print + Digital + Acknowledgement

16 readers

Get a print book, a digital copy, and your name in the book as a sponsor. I'll publicly acknowledge your help in getting my book to the market (by adding your name to the Acknowledgements), and you'll know you're helping spread more kindness in the world.

1 copy + ebook included

$5 shipping

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$30 Print + Digital + Launch Party

5 readers

LIMITED! Receive a print and digital copy, plus attend the launch party!

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$5 shipping

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$50 Buy One/Gift One + 1:1 Consultation

4 readers

Get two copies of the book (one for you, one to gift), free shipping, and a ONE HOUR 1:1 chat/consultation with me about anything you like! As a seasoned marketer and former entrepreneur, I can even take a look at your company website, your resume, or your own creative writing and offer guidance and advice. (Consultation normally valued at $100 - yours FREE with this two-book purchase!)

2 copies + ebook included

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$200 10 Copy Silver Sponsor Package

5 readers

Receive 10 copies of the book (print version and digital), plus your name at the top of the Acknowledgements section as a Silver sponsor. You are also invited to attend the launch party, you will receive a free TWO HOUR 1:1 chat/consultation about anything you like in my areas of expertise (marketing, creative writing, resumes, websites, entrepreneurship - valued at $200) and I will sign every copy! Your sponsorship will help this book make it to market, which is a lifelong dream come true.

10 copies + ebook included

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$500 25 Copy Gold Sponsor Package

0 readers

Receive 25 copies of the book (print version and digital), your name at the top of the Acknowledgements as a Gold sponsor, plus a personalized note in each book for the addressee. You are also invited to attend the launch party, you will receive a free TWO HOUR 1:1 chat/consultation about anything you like in my areas of expertise (marketing, creative writing, resumes, websites, entrepreneurship - valued at $200) and I will sign every copy! Your sponsorship will help this book make it to market, which is a lifelong dream come true.

25 copies + ebook included

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Update #13 - I have signed with Warren Publishing Sept. 30, 2019

Hi everyone,

I'm excited to announce that I have just signed with Warren Publishing! My book will be released in the spring of 2020, so that is when you can expect to receive your copy if you preordered one.

This is a hybrid publisher. For those who don't know what that means: a hybrid publisher acts like a traditional publisher and has the same type of distribution and processes, but I am required to invest in some of the publishing costs up front. In exchange, I get higher royalties than I would traditionally receive and better creative control over my book. 

This is a really good option for authors like me. Most of the large traditional publishers require you to have an agent and/or a huge following, and they also take both your literary rights and most of the profit. So I am happy with my decision! Warren Publishing accepts less than 20% of the submissions it receives and is focused on producing high-quality books. They have been in business for over 30 years.

Thank you to everyone who supported me in my preorders, as the funds will allow me to invest in this book and get it to market. Thank you especially to Beth Crosby, an editor who stumbled across my work, for giving me an introduction to this publisher! 

I will send another update when I have more specifics on the release date. In the meantime, I will continue to post on my blog as I am able and to update you on other books. I have another one that is almost done, and I will likely release a book of poetry in the future. Be sure to sign up for my mailing list (click here) to get updates, as I will only use the Publishizer platform to send updates about Halfway There. 

