It's about Consciousness (and it's about time)
Don't overthink it, Heart spark it. There is a map, with metaphor, that serves as a manual to craft highly successful performance. It is also a cozy comforter for change.
A map, along with some metaphor, create a comprehensive manual
to consciously guide individuals towards mastering 2 of Life’s universal
constants, Performance, and Change.
Over and over, a strong performance is required. Got to ‘get it
done’ so to speak. Competition, covenant, commitment, choice, conflict,
challenge or crisis. Seeking out, needing a lit path through the pain.
Sometimes it is a matter of survival, other times it is just something to get
through the next day. Situations, life
events, demand one must raise their game or change their game. Such is Life.
The book’s emphasis, how to map conscious performance, is
distilled from trials, tribulations, and successes, personal growth work
resolving conflict, loss, baggage from leaving home as a 12 yr old. Patterns of
broken relationships, anxiety, addiction, depression, overcoming Cancer, all challenges
overcome re-shaping an identity after 27 years climbing the sports ladder as an
Olympic Gold medalist and Volleyball World Champion.
) is a keenly
engineered path discussing and discovering how to generate a constantly
renewable energy for performance freeing us from limiting behaviors, negative
patterns, unattended subconscious tendencies all into mankind’s individual
operating software. The power embedded in conscious change becomes a Heart
spark. A basic relationship with Life flips into a heart sparking performance. What
was 2 dimensional morphs into 3 D.
Consciousness, Mindful Performance, corporate Chief Evangelists
have been trending and the timing of Heart Sparking Performance will appeal to
a very wide demographic. It is intended to deliver a multi-verse of topics, a mélange
of soulful, mindful, mystical and metaphor. Entrepreneurs, leaders, agents of
change, burned out professionals, hungry competitors, individuals wanting a
life makeover, those struggling with depression, anxiety, abuse. It’s speaks to
many a need, condition or conundrum.
Jon Root is a 1988 Olympic Gold medalist, Stanford Hall of Fame
volleyball athlete, noted coach and speaker. As a writer/producer, he has
created “Life, The Spiritual Sport” (Dancing Moon Press, 350pp, 2014), Sports
Kitchen ™ (digital media/TV for Fitness, Health and Wellness 2018). He
participates as an advisor in the Sports, Energy and Consciousness community
while serving as Technical Director/17s Head Coach for Encore Volleyball club. As
a ‘Root’, he is a true tree hugger, lover of Nature, Animals. Jon is Father to a
13 yr old daughter, Ayden, who lives in Southern California.
The structure of in intended to build up and out from 4 cornerstone
foundation points. The goal is to guide the reader from concepts to conviction
around these discussions, applying the knowledge via practical tips, tutorials,
and exercises. These 4 cornerstone foundation points are body mapped, explained
with why this is relevant and what life metaphors are in play reflecting deeper
meaning. The reader is then introduced to the Metaphors, in this case the ‘is the change of 4 into 5, a
2-dimensional view morphs into 3-dimensional relationship, revealing how to activate
this heart spark, channel that vision into the world. As within, so without.
As the chapters progress, subject matter and practice weights
more heavily toward metaphysical principles (e.g Natural Law versus Physical
Law (science), how we acknowledge, observe and strengthen for a positive
advantage. The peak point of the path concludes the ending of the book leaning
towards the mystical, divine components involved. Platform 14: The 1 central
point that gets activated after we tend to 4 others, our Mental, Emotional,
Physical and Energetic operating systems. This is the spiritual component of
mindful construction, mindful entrepreneurship, conscious change.
Book outline:
The lead in chapters/sections play off the literal. These are
followed by an outline of the 5 primary dynamics that must be factored on each
circle of consciousness journey. Duality, Energy, Force, Geometry and Balance. These 5 conditions are factored and looked at
as to how Natural Law affects our work. The 5 circles of consciousness mankind
processes, all things Mind, Emotions, Body, Energy, and Spirit.. Spirituality
is addressed at the close of the book.
The ‘What’:
what is heart sparking
performance and what will the practice provide.
The ‘Why’
why did this come
around, and why am I putting the material forward. Why do I think it matters
given what we societal conditions are today.
The ‘How’
Understanding how we
use self-awareness to apply physical truths and metaphysical tools at our
disposal to apply ‘consciousness’ to performance.
The ‘When and Where’
Right here, right now, training starts. Setting an (In)tention
for the work. What you put in, matters. Remember, The Doomsday clock is 2
minutes to Midnight.
Change or Fade away. Does
Life have a purpose? Grind it out until your grinder breaks? We live in an eco-system.
The balance of give and take. Change or die quietly.
The 5 Circles of Consciousness- our hardwiring/soft programming
in each circle, each operating system. (i.e.,Emotions, 4 of 5 universal human
emotions, Anger, Fear, Worry, Grief/sadness are negative states of being we have
to constantly massage away. Where is the focus on creating joy/happiness?).
Mental- Mind as relational database, binary, love/hate, yes/no,
pain/pleasure, can/can’t. Is it all about Mindset?
(Exercises, applications are sprinkled in
each Circle chapter).
Emotional-Fear, Anxiety (Worry), Sadness (Grief), Shame, and
Joy/Happiness. When words no longer control you, freedom is yours.
Physical-Understanding our feedstocks. How we fuel Body and Brain
organically, inorganically. What kind of exhaust are you emitting?
Energetic-Rhythm and Flow. Managing our invisible Life current.
It’s not all nadis,
nodes and new age.
Spirituality-Sacrifice and Service, Intentions and Integrity.
At some point it becomes
Divine. Is Seeing believing, or is believing, seeing?
Integration, Living in a 3D hologram. Our Heart’s not so
invisible ink.
Chapter 14-Platform 14
Closing commentary
The author’s concept and outline for this book highlight a
primary and a secondary audience. The primary audience is the 125 million
Americans halfway through their lives (45+), seeking help to modify or change
some category, reduce pain, overcome challenge or conflict in their lives. A large
subset of this number, 52% are unhappy at their job, workplace or income
These trials are commonplace. Married a couple of times ,divorced
with kids, possibly struggling with work, family, or relationships. Break down,
break up, or just a bad habit of breaking shit (including yourself). Could be
hooked on a bad habit, cycle, or substance. Getting through, and getting bye
are getting everyone down. Maybe it is just as pure as finding more meaning
applied in their next pursuit or professional adventure.
Many people are seeking more fulfillment in Life these days. The
grind is becoming super intense. External stimuli is more intense than ever. Staying
positive is been hard work. A book providing good information, blending
concepts from different sacred traditions will impart hope there is a tangible
path to follow. It will heart spark a
reader into the desire to attain a more conscious relationship with the world.
The Self-Help population of potential readers who struggle with
Depression, Anxiety, abuse related disorders alone (Emotional and Substance) is
estimated to be 38% of Americans between 18 and 64. 76,000,000 adults who are
actively seeking solutions to raise their Life game.
Using the base line 'direct mail' response percentage of 3% as a statistical probability for consumers purchasing book, this translates to over 2.2 million buyers.
The secondary audience for Heart Sparking Performance is young
adults, athletes and aspiring shapers who know there is something else out
there for them.
Of the 74 million Americans under 18, eight million play a high
school varsity sport. 480,000 go on to play at NCAA level. Sport performance,
sport development is an important secondary vein trending in families and
society. What you learn from Sport, you take into Life. Learn from good information.
If just1% of the High School varsity athlete population is reached, or the book is gifted to them by their parents, this would account for 80,000 books sold. In club sports, 20% of the parent population spends at least $12,000 for their kids to train and compete.
Readers will take away a plethora of factoids, connecting the
‘dots’ like never before. Mainstream
America is becoming more accepting of consciousness. Just browse the book
shelves: . Current titles all
singularly focused on constructing positive thought and speech patterns.
Readers will understand how to effectively release fear, shame,
elevate self-esteem by cultivating higher emotional intelligence. Better
physical performance is assured with greater emphasis placed on breath,
breathing, fitness, health and wellness. Oxygenating the Brain. Energetically,
framing up mindfulness to our Life current, a tangible way 10 times more exciting
that plodding through one’s day. Relating to sacrifice and service with renewed
perspectives expands concepts of integrity, truth, respect, detachment, how
these constructs contribute to higher spiritual awareness, positive behavior.
The unique position of this read is the Authors pedigree contributing
the content. 27 years climbing the sports ladder along with blending 20 years
of personal development and consciousness work, platforms, rituals, traditions
cultivated from global sacred traditions.
As a past Olympic champion and Olympic marketer for the 1996 and
2000 Olympic Games, Jon was a unique hybrid personality that performed speaking
engagement for high profile Fortune 1000 companies. As a product of the Olympic
system, Jon then sold the Olympic product, able to speak about his experience
as an Olympian, but also the economic advantage sponsor companies enjoyed being
associated with the Olympic rings. Coca Cola, AT&T, Kodak, Sensormatic,
Swatch, General Mills, Georgia Unified Public Schools, Home Depot all clients
back in the day.
There is a performance presentation being crafted that will
serve as the platform for speaking engagements that will be planned, marketed
with the entrance of the book from a traditional publisher. Up to this point,
however, there are a series of tangible networks Jon can tap and reach:
LinkedIn Premium member, 1425 contacts
Facebook, 700+
Current place of employment is the Foundry, Lemo Foundation.
Management has offered support in outreach for pre order sales. This
network is 1,000 strong between employees, Board, young adult athletes,
Email list of 250 pre order recipients from first book, self-published.
Can build in a book mention to next video production event
around Sports Kitchen platform (2,000 views)
Credible networking with groups where I have alumni status:
World Olympians Association
Stanford Alumni (Class) Network
United States Olympic Committee Alumni
Loyola High School Los Angeles.
To Note: Jon is also being agent represented to multiple TV networks
and producers as Talent/Host for a Food, Health and Wellness themed show,
Sports Kitchen, which he created in 2018. If traction happens in the TV/Cable
market, lots of icing on the book cake to follow.
Some of these previously produced episodes can be previewed in short form at
There are 7 like kind personal development authors that all
contribute valuable insights to improving, healing, re-programming negative
into positive.
This collection of best sellers lists some of the heavyweights
in spirituality, self-help, mind training, emotional intelligence, soulful action.
Heart Sparking Performance: It’s About Consciousness, (and it’s about time) is
a book that touches all on of the content under the aforementioned categories. The author presents a ‘new’ composite sketch, a pocket map
for quick reference in how individuals can tangibly understand and incorporate
esoteric concepts to improve their reality; how these concepts directly impact performance
or change. The book’s overriding intention, to
make personal development more tangible. The
metaphor is relate to Life as a spiritual sport.
Readers will enjoy a multi-verse of information and takeaways
emphasizing the importance of the full spectrum work. Mindset is one cog understanding thought and speech in relationship to our emotional body. How the
2 processes are linked is critical. Appreciating strength and endurance is
obvious, but tenets of eastern philosophy highlight the importance of energy
flow, blocks, how energetic disruption contributes to ‘dis’ease, discomfort.
Lasting structural personal development requires the
understanding that there are 5 systems in play. Integration of the realms is
the key.
Stretching one’s definition of consciousness, what this means
for personal wishes and desires. It doesn’t have to be a God thing to be
sacred. Humanity’s relationship exists as eco systems (physical) within a
larger eco system (natural).
· Courage and conviction to develop new operating code.
Understanding Fear is an illusion, anger is a reflection, and desire from the Heart is different than a
head trip telling you something needs to happen. It’s about consciousness, and
it’s about time.
The Master Metaphor becomes relating to Life as a spiritual sport.
Stanford Olympic Gold medalist, U18 sports coach, 'metaphysical mechanic' dissecting performance and change. "Heart Sparking Performance" delves into the 5 key constructs shaping how we craft impact for action in the world, consciously.
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The ‘What’
There was a specific intention when I released my first novel, Life, The Spiritual Sport in 2014. Sharing a tough story wasn’t the primary driver. The attempt to log my high and lows, how I was able to rise above, or cope with challenges using methodology woven from over 30 years as an Olympic Gold medalist and 'metaphysical mechanic' had a more important point.
The 1 point that distilled from 4 other points of reference was a discernible heart sparked vision to frame up performance and transformation in a new way. Unique teachings from unique lessons learned and applied across different expressions. Through Sport, I finished my career as an Olympic Champion, blessed to have landed on the top of the podium. In parallel was a personal (spiritual) journey to unwind and unravel the accumulated ball of angst and aggression I embodied. Dense and intense just a part of what and who I had become. The intensity eventually imploded.
As a young adult athlete, it became apparent I was born with good wiring. A naïve buck rumbling through whatever activity there was available. There wasn’t an idol or an inspiration I dreamed of emulating, I just enjoyed engaging, learning, trying to be part of a team pack. It started out without fanfare in my backyard, playing by myself, imaginary shot clock buzzer beaters, slap shots from 30 feet into the narrow creases, fullback runs with 5 defenders on my back desperately trying to bring me down as I crossed the goal line to win in overtime.
Nobody was a ‘Baller’, just barking and blathering. You played. Things happened, or they didn’t. Sports kept my body, brain and spirit consumed with a never-ending series of problem solves. My brain liked it and my body responded in kind.
There was no dream of becoming an Olympic Champion. The early years started with baseball. If things went well, even thinking about going to college was a distant vision. It moved onto basketball, then volleyball, but only after taking a nasty hit early in roundball season, leaving multiple arm fractures. Sitting on the sidelines in a full arm cast, watching spring baseball was a gut wrench. Turned out that viewing session was the opportunity the volleyball coach had been waiting for. A whip for a right arm, good hand eye coordination, fast twitch movement translated perfectly into the sport of Volleyball. Never looked back.
There were multiple tipping points along the path, however, in hindsight, since the age of 7 sports was an upward trajectory without a major fail. 20 years of whole mind, body development, opportunity, hard work, and of course, a dash of good luck and key performances at the right time. Blend good reflexes, speed, coordination, a proclivity to heal quickly, with just the right amounts of angst and anger, and I was a good sports chemistry experiment waiting to happen.
What was never spoken about in my childhood added an asterisk to this journey. I was one of those kids who grew up in a broken household. Broken in more ways than I could understand. An unfortunate series of events between Mother and I forced an early decision to ascertain what was for my best and highest good. I couldn’t deal with the unpredictability, confusion and chaos. Oddly, it never really registered as that big of a deal.
A tough run it was around my house from ages 7-11. Confused, always on egg shells wondering what was coming next, there was a cloudy perspective on what was normal. I tried not to blame, go all ballistic because someone was acting crazy. You want to believe, operate as you do believe everything will one day just be better, different. Density we can’t interpret as young adults.
It was Xmas of 1975, 1 day out of the emergency room with a very long and heavy cast protecting a double leg fracture incurred from a reckless bike outing on Scenic drive in Carmel, CA. Aching and throbbing from the pain, I found myself on the receiving end of an emotional and physical outburst which forever changed my course. The apology for a long series of unexplainable outbursts and drama wouldn’t arrive for another 40 years, appropriately served up bedside in her dying days.
Doctor said it would take the better part of 5 months before I was back to sports. I grimaced and squirmed knowing something needed to change. Going thru the gyrations was no longer an option, so a promise was made. Once I could run, I was done. The decision didn’t weigh me down, it felt freeing.
So, I waited it out, let the healing do its thing. 6 weeks before my 12th birthday freedom was visible as white plaster dust billowing from a handheld circular saw. In grand metaphor, a leg was hatched from its casing, freshly healed and ready to a part of the team again. I left home before my 12th birthday. Told mom I was going to stay with a friend for a few days. I didn’t have a plan, but I wasn’t going to be living on the streets either. Wasn’t a daunting choice, just a necessary one.
As one might imagine, this kind of path comes with extra baggage. I was insightful enough at a later point in my upbringing to admit this box of junk would have to be revisited. But later, much later. Later when, I was not prepared to ponder. I boxed it all up and shoved that imaginary chest of gremlins deep on a high shelf. Little did I realize later would consume the better part of 20 more years.
Close friends have heard me quip that I credit Sports for saving my life, primarily because the vent saved me from my self. There was so much coal in my caverns fueling my fire was a non-issue. It was retiring from full time training and competing which created a monstrous grey zone where identity and clarity were cloudy. Without the vent of high exertion, I was lost. The mere thought of foraging through my emotional clutter, doing some rearranging in my psyche was dreadful. But deep down I knew the work was inevitable. This acknowledgement started a very long unwinding process which brought with it, deep dives into personal growth, sacred teachings, mystical traditions, and years of participation in purification rituals across different spiritual platforms, Buddhist, Hindu, Christian and Native American. Sacred ceremonies, non-psychedelic, consisting of intentional sacrifice of food and water for days on end.
Diametrically opposed experiences to belief structures instilled from an early age. It was implied that sports and spirituality were mutually exclusive. How and why on God’s green Earth could physical performance, competition, besting others, becoming a champion, be influenced by such mumbo jumbo as energetic balance, self-discipline, positivity, intuition, that elusive ‘sixth’ sense. Hogwash, Boy. You need to toughen up, then go wash your mouth out with soap.
Thus, I kept two very clean, well-organized compartments neat and separate. Sports, all things physical, everything learned about metrics, force and mind/body development as it related to ‘progress’ had its own playground. You think this and then you do that. No back-talk boy. Yes, sir. I didn’t push back, ask questions, or wonder if there was an alternate reality.
The other compartment in my imaginary playground stored my secret box. Hidden from plain sight, this box contained all the dark stuff, the resentment, anger, the hurt. It was the place I went to have conversations with people I couldn’t see but believed existed. It didn’t feel safe to share, so I never did. If there was no place for back talk in sports, what would come about if I mentioned the imaginary people actually talked back, and with very sound advice no less. This was my definition of spiritual, and it was better kept quiet. My sacred stuff, the imagery, the longing, the hero’s journey, the contemplation. What they referred to as the metaphysical stuff had no place in where I was going with my athletics. You want to be the boot or the ass that gets kicked? Yeah, yeah, I get it.
Beyond High School athletics, the next wave of concepts and conversations bridging physical and metaphysical truths and tenets were discovered. How to consciously affect performance, including the ability to grow, evolve past limitations, challenges, conflicts or life trials. Coming into Stanford as a top recruit cultivated a personal attitude of wanting Stanford to get as much as they could from their investment in me. Falling short on that personal challenge was not an option.
In the 80’s it was difficult to find sports psychology or practitioners embracing the Eastern concept of Mind, Body, and Spirit. Yet, having the freedom to choose, ability to schedule time as desired, I sought out, researched what I could find covering sport development, mental training, what most referred to as peak performance. Imagery, visualization, imagination in constructing a mental picture, in these ways, the spiritual overlay hinting at hidden treasure.
After enough examples of playing in the ‘zone’, you accept there is something bigger than our individual variables going on. That mental toughness can be cultivated. That paying attention to energies beyond our grasp can be garnered and channeled. Divine aide. Be the Ball everyone preached.
The Physical and the Metaphysical boxes are what they are when kept to their own petri dishes. I would learn over time there is magic to be had when we encourage perceived separate systems to mix and play together. I don’t know what the girl archetype metaphor would be, but as a tinkerer, it would be akin to emptying a full tool box into the center of the floor, identifying known tools, but seeking with curiosity how some tools can serve different needs and devices. You want to figure out how something works, take it apart.
When both boxes of stuff, the objective mind/body tools and the more interpretive emotional/energetic items are tossed onto the floor, mixed together, then separated again, we appreciate with a higher degree of awareness, how these pieces, tenets of truth, mix and match to produce amazing things. That the whole is greater than its parts. Mind, Body and Spirit for me wasn’t specific enough. There was more to it. There are the individual operating systems we all deal with, then there is the integration of these processes which we all can leverage producing greater impact towards things we wish to create.
Coming full circle from my opening tag, the ‘what’ is a clarified intention to help others from what I have learned and applied. Higher highs and lower lows reflected a range of successes mirrored by great challenges. At some point, my relationship with life needed structural change. Everything felt like a competition devoid of any divine mojo and if felt like I was losing more than winning. Life, in many comparisons, became a spiritual sport.
The What as an intention covers over 30 years of deep dives, pulling out the pearls, stringing them a different way and with different materials. Instead of just talking about consciousness, let’s see if there is something to map. A map, in metaphor, becomes a manual for performance and change.
It’s not easy work, but the fine tune is worth the work. Competition, challenge, conflict or commitment, on-going reasons to continually raise your game. Either a higher spot on the mountain requiring something better, more efficient, or from a place proverbially face down muttering to myself that ‘I can’t take this anymore’. There is a way up and a way out. Always is and always will be.
It’s about Consciousness, and it’s about time.
Hi All,
Heart-Sparking Performance will be under the ARS Metaphysica imprint for Sunbury Press. As of August 27th, book is heading into pre production final …
Thank you for your pre-order support of Heart Sparking Performance.
Sunbury Press, (Lawrence Knorr et al) have been great to work with. With their 6 publishing …
Across 2 'circles' of consciousness, Physical body and Emotional, I discuss variations of Pain, how we respond and register. Termed Reminder Pain and Portal Pain, …
Thank you to all who have supported Heart Sparking Performance: It's about Consciousness, (and it's about time).
Jon, I look forward to reading Heart Sparking Performance in its entirety. The first three chapters have my interest, especially as they tie into your first book, Life,The Spiritual Sport!
Thank you for representing our country as an athlete and a fine young man that continues to inspire others.
Good Luck Rooter!
Looking forward to reading this! xo LC
Congratulations on the new book! Can’t wait to read it and share it with those who I know will benefit from it (and will share it with others).
Well done Jon!
Bravo, Jon. Looking forward to more of your success, as it is our success! Thank you.
0 readers
1 Copy of the Ebook version only.
Special limited preorder bonus.
37 readers
1 Copy of the autographed limited edition of the book "Heart Sparking Performance" + invitation to the book launch.
11 readers
2 Copies (One for you and one for a friend) of the autographed limited edition of the book "Heart Sparking Performance" + Free invitation to the book launch. You ALSO get exclusive access to updates and an invite to join my community.
6 readers
3 copies of the autographed limited edition of the book "Heart Sparking Performance" (1 to read, 2 for gifting those you feel would be inspired or could benefit)
Multiple copy purchasers will be invited to a private address prior to Launch.
16 readers
14 copies (4 free) of the autographed limited edition of the book "Heart Sparking Performance" to share with a reading club, mindfulness group, or personal growth circle.
Includes a 2 hr. video conference session with Author on topics of groups choice (value $500).
0 readers
100 copies of the autographed limited edition of the book "Heart Sparking Performance" will include 1 Half-day appearance and presentation catered to your company, group or event. (4-5 hrs includes post event reception) (travel/lodging not included). Valued at $3,750.
Heart Spark 2019!
on Jan. 14, 2019, 7:34 p.m.