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Hidden Addiction: Head in the Sand, Wine in the Hand

Marcus van der Post

Hidden Addiction is a raw and inspiring memoir of Marcus's journey to overcome self-destruction and societal pressures. He bravely confronts his Hidden Addiction, embraces his true self, and challenges societal norms through therapy and self-reflection. Marcus's unflinching honesty makes him a powerful guide, inspiring readers to heal, find purpose, and reclaim their lives.

  Personal Growth & Self-Improvement   60,000 words   100% complete   4 publishers interested
121 preorders
$2,048.00 · €990.00 funded



1. The Hidden Struggle: The Epidemic of "Hidden Addiction"

In today's fast-paced, achievement-driven world, many individuals grapple with a silent epidemic: 'Hidden Addiction'. Unlike more visible forms of substance abuse, hidden addictions often masquerade as socially acceptable behaviours, making them difficult to recognise and address. These addictions can range from workaholism and excessive exercise to compulsive online shopping and unhealthy relationships, in this case, alcohol and cocaine abuse.
The pressure to maintain a perfect facade and the fear of judgment often prevents those suffering from seeking help. They may appear successful and well-adjusted on the outside, while internally battling feelings of shame, isolation, and despair. Studies show that hidden addictions can significantly impact mental health, leading to anxiety, depression, and even suicidal thoughts. It's a crisis that affects millions, yet remains largely unspoken. This book is about discovering the root causes of Marcus 'Hidden Addiction. 

Who does not know somebody, that has a Hidden Addiction?

2. A Path to Healing: Marcus's Story and Roadmap to Recovery

"Hidden Addiction" offers a lifeline to those struggling with this silent epidemic. Through his own courageous journey, Marcus illuminates the darkness of his 'Hidden Addiction' and provides a roadmap to healing and self-love. He shares his experiences with therapy, Rapid Transformational Therapy (Hypnotherapy), mindfulness, and family constellations, demonstrating how these tools helped him uncover the root causes of his destructive patterns and create lasting change.

  • Key Takeaways and Methodology:
    • Identify Your Hidden Addictions: Marcus helps readers recognize the subtle signs and symptoms of hidden addiction in their own lives.
    • Confront the Root Causes: He emphasizes the importance of understanding the underlying emotional triggers and past traumas that fuel addictive behaviours.
    • Embrace Self-Compassion: Marcus guides readers in cultivating self-acceptance and forgiveness, essential for breaking free from the cycle of shame and guilt. He challenges loneliness, which is one of the strongest triggers for addiction.
    • Develop Healthy Coping Mechanisms: He shares practical strategies for managing stress, anxiety, and negative emotions without resorting to addictive behaviours.
    • Create a Life of Purpose: Marcus inspires readers to pursue their passions and build a life filled with meaning and fulfilment.

3. The Author's Voice: Marcus's Unique Perspective.

As a former sales expert in the luxury industry and someone who has always been in the spotlight, he brings a unique perspective to the topic of 'Hidden Addiction'. His own experiences with self-destruction and his subsequent journey to healing make him a relatable and trustworthy guide. Marcus's raw honesty, vulnerability, and unwavering belief in the power of self-acceptance resonate throughout the book, inspiring readers to embark on their own transformative journeys.

Sales arguments

  • Prevalence of Behavioural Addictions: Research indicates a rising prevalence of behavioral addictions, with estimates suggesting that up to 10% of the population may be affected.
  • Impact on Mental Health: Studies have linked hidden addictions to increased rates of anxiety, depression, and even suicide. One study found that individuals with behavioural addictions were twice as likely to experience depression compared to those without such addictions.
  • The Mask of Success: Many individuals with hidden addictions maintain a facade of success, making their struggles even more difficult to recognise and address. This "mask of success" contributes to the stigma surrounding these addictions and prevents people from seeking help.
  • Marcus' raw honesty will ignite your own journey of self-discovery. His story isn't just about his struggles; it's a blueprint for finding your own path to authenticity and healing.
  • Leveraging his online marketing skills and 3,500+ social media followers, Marcus has the potential to reach a significant audience.

Similar titles

  • The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson. Similarity: Both challenge self-help norms, promoting self-acceptance. Difference: Manson's focus is broader, while "Hidden Addiction" targets the specific struggles and recovery from hidden addictions. Advantage: "Hidden Addiction" offers a fresh perspective on behavioral addictions, with Marcus's personal story creating a strong connection and offering hope.
  • Daring Greatly by Brené Brown. Similarity: Both emphasize vulnerability and authenticity for a fulfilling life. Difference: Brown explores vulnerability broadly, while "Hidden Addiction" focuses on the shame and vulnerability linked to addiction. Advantage: "Hidden Addiction" provides a targeted approach to overcoming addiction's challenges, combining personal narrative with practical tools.
  • Atomic Habits by James Clear. Similarity: Both focus on the power of small changes for lasting transformation. Difference: Clear focuses on building positive habits generally, while "Hidden Addiction" tackles breaking free from destructive ones. Advantage: "Hidden Addiction" combines habit change with understanding the emotional aspects of addiction, offering a holistic approach to recovery.


Since Hidden Addiction affects countless individuals, this book is relevant to a broad audience, particularly men and women between 25 and 50.

Advance praise

Since this is my first book, I have solely the reviews of my proofreaders.

1. I am so proud of what you have achieved for yourself, your strength and determination and your mission to use your own suffering to help others. You are truly inspiring and I am positive your book will heal hearts.

Thank you so much for including me, I appreciate that so very much. 
I am looking forward to everything that is going to happen with your book, please let me know if I can support you further. I am in your corner rooting for you! :)

Lena ( RTT therapist)

2. What I most admire about Marcus's book is its honesty. Too many 'self-help' books have a preachy tone looking at issues from the outside in. Marcus takes us on the honest, intense and moving journey from the inside out. There is the Socrates quote that the unexamined life is not worth living. Marcus opened his eyes to the toxic elements in his life, triggered by an almost life-threatening experience, and made his way to the light. He is a powerfully honest guide.
I have been honoured to offer my thoughts as I have seen his book evolve, and I know it will be a great source of support to those who read it.


3. This book offers a powerful exploration of addiction's impact on individuals and families. As someone unfamiliar with these struggles, I found it enlightening and moving. It encourages self-reflection and understanding, making it a valuable read for anyone looking to grasp this complex issue.


4. Marcus takes you on a transformative journey through his life, recounting the chronological events that have shaped his experiences. By delving into his memories, he uncovers new insights and shares them with the reader. Through therapies and engaging, emotional writing, he addresses the topic of Hidden Addiction, a common struggle that resonates with many readers on their road to enlightenment. It is truly inspiring to gain insight and learn from your experiences through the lens of love.


Marcus van der Post

About the author

Marcus, a Dutch man based in Berlin, weaves his personal experiences into captivating narratives of self-discovery and healing. His background in sales and training provides a unique lens through which he explores the complexities of human connection, vulnerability, and the transformative power of authenticity.

'Wine in hand, head in the sand,' is how Marcus describes his way of life before a traumatic event forced him to confront the life he was living - and the roots of that life. Marcus's writing delves into themes of addiction, mental health, and the challenges of navigating life as a highly sensitive individual, diagnosed with ADHD. His stories resonate with readers, offering a space for empathy, understanding, and hope. Through his work, Marcus invites us to embrace our own vulnerabilities, confront our past, and step into the light of self-acceptance. He believes that being honest with oneself is the first and most crucial step towards healing and living a fulfilling life.

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A Short Explanation of My Book: "Hidden Addiction"

Sharing sample chapters is challenging because I believe the chronological events are best read bit by bit. So, I've decided to write a short explanation instead.

For years, I questioned whether I had a problem. Did I? My whole life, I've tried to adapt to what I thought was expected of me. The book begins where my life began, in The Hague, Netherlands. By writing my story, I took the chance to look back and learn from my experiences. Interestingly, writing through the eyes of young Marcus allowed me to relive moments and feelings. Looking through the lens of love and seeking self-understanding brought many insights.

Throughout the chapters, you'll see my writing style evolve alongside my realisations. (I wrote as ideas and insights popped into my mind). It was fascinating to see myself through the eyes of my younger self and then through the adult's perspective. There's also a third observer: me, the writer of this story. Three perspectives, through many different eyes, as I develop over the years with age and experience.

Writing about certain parts of my life wasn't easy. I felt guilt, shame, and sometimes embarrassment for my own behaviour.

Step by step, my self-love grew, as did the determination to share this and perhaps help the many people I know who hide their addictions, whether substance or behavior-related. I saw increasing loneliness in my surroundings, and with modern communication styles through social media and dating platforms, people generally don't seem to be thriving.

The first step to healing, for me, is honesty towards oneself. I believe loneliness is addiction's best friend, and I felt a strong need to speak out, to break this cycle and make "Hidden Addiction" a topic people discuss openly.

While writing, I felt the familiar angel and devil on my shoulders. The third presence, a weight I felt, was Family. What was I doing to them, exposing sometimes very private information? What would they say?

My intention is to improve lives, but I also saw myself losing people through this process, fearing my story would be misunderstood. And it happened. I lost some friends, but it's okay. Growth sometimes means leaving things behind.

Sometimes life paths separate, and through introspection, I realised that I had changed, along with my expectations and values for friendships. My family is my blood, and they never intentionally hurt me. My parents did what they thought was best, and I am grateful for that. 

They were, after all, also parents for the first time.

I take responsibility for my life now and don't want to blame anyone anymore. It's ultimately my decision what I allow and don't allow in my life.

My family didn't take it lightly, but they supported me. There were interesting confrontations, and the aftermath of writing and publishing could be another book's topic. Who knows, maybe I'll explore that later.

In this book, I use myself—my mistakes, traumas, and perceptions—as an example of how to look at yourself without judgment, shame, guilt, or unnecessary pain. I'm not a therapist, but I've found my way to deal with my "Hidden Addictions." By opening up, I hope readers can too.

  • Update #4 - Update #4 Nov. 1, 2024

    Exciting updates on "Hidden Addiction"!

    Hi everyone,

    Just a quick update on the "Hidden Addiction" pre-sale campaign!

    We've extended the campaign by one week to …

  • Update #3 - Pre-sale campaign is almost about to end Oct. 27, 2024

    Hello again to my new subscribers and everyone who has already pre-ordered!

    Pre-selling a book is definitely a thing! What an incredible ride!

    Today, I …

  • Update #2 - Welcome! Oct. 14, 2024

    Hello to my new subscribers and everyone who has already pre-ordered!

    This book is a deeply personal journey of overcoming self-destruction, confronting childhood trauma, and …

  • Update #1 - Exciting Updates + Making it Easier to Support "Hidden Addiction" Oct. 3, 2024

    Hi everyone,

    First of all, thank you so much for subscribing and/or pre-ordering "Hidden Addiction"! It means the world to me.

    The biggest enemy of …

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  • Bethany Marshall
    on Sept. 30, 2024, 4:43 p.m.

    Can't wait to see this lovely book in print! Way to go Marcus!

  • Elwin Flint
    on Sept. 30, 2024, 6:05 p.m.

    Make the rest of your life the best of your life ❤️

  • Lena Büchele
    on Sept. 30, 2024, 6:47 p.m.

    Can‘t wait to read it! Thank you for being so brave to share your inspiring story!

  • Anonymous
    on Oct. 1, 2024, 4:07 p.m.

    Good luck⭐️
    Can't wait to read your book, you got me with the spoiler..


  • Robbert de Bar
    on Oct. 1, 2024, 7:05 p.m.

    Keep it up!! In kijk er na uit je boek te lezen :D

    Groetjes Robbert

  • Liesbeth Flint
    on Oct. 1, 2024, 9:31 p.m.

    Lieve Markus,

    Ik wens je veel succes bij de uitgave van je boek " Hidden Addiction " en bewonder je moed om dit te delen met lezers en ze zodoende hulp en inspiratie te kunnen bieden.
    Lieve groet ,

  • Jasmin Arnold
    on Oct. 3, 2024, 8:27 a.m.

    Dear Marcus,
    I am really looking forward to reading about your journey, your way and how you became this wonderful person you are.

    Thanks so much for sharing your deepest with the world. xx Jasmin

  • Katrin Tabari
    on Oct. 3, 2024, 3:10 p.m.

    …ich will es noch einmal betonen wie ich mich freue, dass Du „Dein Buch, Dein Leben geschildert hast, und wünsche Dir
    viel Erfolg damit. 👍👍👍
    Auch wenn es nicht so läuft, wie Du und alle, die Dich kennen und mögen läuft: Denk immer daran an die Zeit, die Du beim Schreiben investierst hast, und die Dich befreit hat von Deinen Problemen. Du bist ein ganz wertvoller Mensch❗️
    Dazu noch hübsch und liebenswert…💋

    • Marcus van der Post
      on Oct. 6, 2024, 8:41 a.m.

      Liebe Katrin,

      Das hast du genau richtig. Es ist und war sehr wertvoll für mich. Diese arbeit mache ich tatsächlich auch um anderen in den gleiche situation helfen zu können besser mit deren eigenen Problemen um zu gehen.

      Du bist die beste!


  • Gretta Simonis
    on Oct. 6, 2024, 7:39 a.m.

    Ha Marcus,
    Wat ontzettend fijn en goed dat je dit boek geschreven hebt. Zo mooi en moedig hoe je je open stelt en je verhaal wilt delen. Ik zal het met liefde en interesse lezen .
    De compassie die je hele presentatie uitstraalt, zowel naar jezelf als in je missie anderen te willen helpen ermee zal zeker bijdragen aan een wereld waarin we meer open kunnen zijn over onze worstelingen en een weg naar heling kunnen vinden.

    • Marcus van der Post
      on Oct. 6, 2024, 8:35 a.m.

      Hi Gretta,

      Wat een fijne verrasing jouw steun ook te mogen ontvangen!
      Dit doet mij goed.



  • Sigrid Traunecker
    on Oct. 6, 2024, 4:29 p.m.

    Your book presentation moved me deeply. I look forward reading the whole story. So lovley hearing Lena's voice in between.
    Kind regards

  • Shuka Yamaguchi
    on Oct. 7, 2024, 7:39 a.m.

    Congratulations 🥳 for your publishing and I can’t wait to read it!!! I wish you all the success and love 🩵🩷

  • Joshua Scholtmeijer
    on Oct. 9, 2024, 7:28 a.m.

    You are a true blessing to all of us who are or have family members/ friends Battling ! I sincerely thank you for being you , a real friend and a brother ❤️I am so proud of you !!! Keep on keeping on beloved, may you blesss & heal many with your book 📕can’t wait to get my copy !!!

    yours Joshua

  • mazen magdy
    on Oct. 10, 2024, 9:32 a.m.

    Can’t wait to read it , super excited to share your journey.

    Your forever Friend :

  • Danny Gomes
    on Oct. 11, 2024, 11:02 a.m.

    Graag , gedaan , succes op je reis ,Danny.

  • Angela Rapisarda
    on Oct. 13, 2024, 6:44 a.m.

    Well done Marcus, I can't wait to receive the book ❤️ Angela

  • Kitty van de Rijt
    on Oct. 13, 2024, 12:32 p.m.

    Needs a lot of courage I suppose, to write a book like this. You can be proud despite of how people are going to react on the book.

  • Eyal Ron Meistel
    on Oct. 14, 2024, 8:20 a.m.

    Dear Marcus,

    I’m very proud of you and your willingness to share your journey with the world. Looking forward to read all about it.



  • Max Rose
    on Oct. 16, 2024, 6:16 p.m.

    Can’t wait to read those lines…… thanks for sharing it with us. Tap on your shoulders ❤️

  • Ryan Kummins
    on Oct. 30, 2024, 6:42 p.m.

    I’m so proud of you for this. As your journey continues, I can’t wait to see where it takes you! Can’t wait to get my 1st edition autographed!!!


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Are you ready to delve deeper into the world of hidden addiction? Join me for a one-on-one session to discuss the book, share personal experiences, and explore strategies for overcoming challenges.


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Join me for a post-launch webinar where I'll discuss my book's writing process and personal journey.


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🙏🏼 Help me Translate the book into Dutch and German + get three 📖 copies 🙏

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As a Dutch native living in Germany, I'm eager to translate "Hidden Addiction" into both Dutch and German. This will not only broaden the book's reach but also enable me to participate in podcasts and interviews across both countries, sharing my story in three languages.

Each translated copy will be personally signed by me!

Interested in helping bring this vision to life? Please contact me for more information!


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