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Christine Schwets (Pemberton)

Christine Schwets (Pemberton)

Cambridge, Canada

Christine is a Reiki Master, Huna Practitioner, Author, Speaker, consultant and mentor. She is founder of Rejuvin-Aging and Maia International as well as Success Today. Clients are confidential.

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About the author

Christine helps companies build business, as well as helps people with direction and wellbeing. She has a strong history of growth driven business expansion, and helping others. She works with companies that have products that help people. She is writing this book to share incredibly devastating experience that changes her life dramatically as well as her childrens, and provides tools to help guide others who are experiencing or have experienced incredible negativity. The book is a foundation and insight into how self love, truth, unconditional love, and being yourself can serve exceptionally well.
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Just Because (TM) did not hit its pre-orders goal.

$25 49 Ways to Younger Functioning Skin

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- 1 free eBook: 49 Ways to Younger Functioning Skin

The skin, being the largest organ, is the last to be fed. Supporting major organ function, and eating well contributes to healthy, younger functioning skin. The book, 51 pages, outlines a way a day, if you will - choose one way, practice it, and then others to support your body, and achieve glowing, youthful skin and better internal health.

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$50 Huna Healing or Reiki Distance Healing

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- 20 minute session of either Huna Healing or Reiki distance energy healing or a combination of the two depending on what you would like to achieve. This half hour session helps address any ailments or overcomes negative energy or that which is bothering you physically. Phone or via whats app.

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$100 Life By Design

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- 30 min telephone or whats app consult to help you figure your personal goal, what you would like to do to design your own life, or consult for your business, or start a business or help you... overcome an issue that is causing you discomfort or confusion. (mentoring) It may be a simple as to how to build your business...what to do next, or even what to choose in your life. I help people in cross roads, or even to talk about ideas and add clarity. I have been a successful consultant in various industries for over 25 years. - speaker and educator

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Just Because (TM)

Life By Design (TM)

Just Because
This compelling book shares a string of incredible malicious, intentional acts that caused purposeful harm.This foundation engages the reader and draws on emotion so they can relate. It then shares powerful tools that can be practiced to overcome labels, negative influences and help you find your path to excel. It’s about you, and being the best you can

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Mind & Body
13,000 words
50% complete
3 publishers interested


I sat quietly in front of a seasoned expert, his head deep into the plethora of evidence, and occurrences gathering all he could in details, then he took off his glasses, looked at me and stated in a matter of fact manner "they cut you off at the knees and made you dance."
To play, in a new arena, to prove allegations false (those which I came to semi-believe as I was depleted) Money to an exorbitant amount had been spent, emotions high, enormous toll. I had to borrow $25K to put on the table. Round, who knows how many at this point, as we were fully engaged in criminal, civil and family proceedings, in what was described to me as Chinese water torture. Friends, family, my kids in a constant barrage of pre-planned intentional events meant to harm. It is worse than getting one blow. It was one act after another, relentless, how many I couldn't count. They continued until there was a feeling of total despair and depletion.

This is the time to gain your strength, find your hope, know your confidence, deep within you find it within yourself to strive for the truth. This is the time when you dig deep, search for the best path, and even if only one person believes in you, hang onto that until you can believe in yourself.

This book is about loss, society, purposeful acts, labels, judgments, our systems, and most importantly you. How to find ways, even moments to explore feelings, dissect and find your best path. It is about healing, excelling and shares practices that may help you.

The book explore social influences, philosophies, and the impact of behaviours and how they shape our decision, who we become and ultimately our life, and those around us. It touches upon Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Survival of the Fittest, Nature v Nurture, theory of blank slate, and the Cinderella story. How external people and theories affect our lives, and is focused on sharing of past ordeals that changed lives dramatically. Through that foundation of sharing it will throw you into what harmful, intentional and devastating actions can create, feel the despair, and loss and how the processes that are not taught, conventionally found, entertained and to look for the strength within you to make better choices, appreciate, heal and move forward.

The book teaches you about the importance of making your own choices, and teaches how we can be the best we can be. How to choose options and behaviour that ultimately will better your well-being and those around you. The goal is to provide tools to the reader on how to overcome external influences, opinions, judgments, labels, intentional cruel acts and strive to be their best self. Huna principles and practices as well as insight will be provided to help ground, heal, release and gain strength, confidence, and hopeful direction.

The book is non-fiction as what occurred is real. It is made fictional through the intention that no names are provided only summarized events. The focus is on philosophy, psychology, principles of Huna and energy healing, as well as the power of the mind. By basing the book on fact the reader is thrown into the horrors and challenges that occurred that are commonplace, perhaps to a lesser extent to some people, and exacting to others so they can relate. There are so many avenues that are unforeseen that no one would not be able to relate. There is a deep emotional hit.

Then principles and practices are provided for a foundation of better behaviours or solutions to achieve more favourable outcomes that focus on self love, healing, to live an authentic life being yourself and celebrating who you are. A life regardless of external influence, and driven by your passions and what you want.

The book shares experience so I may help others through several unconventional avenues, and teach practices that will take them through the other side in a healthy manner. The goal is to help others and to learn the tools to overcome adversity, opinion, and hurt. Solutions, and intentional practices to be their best, happy self.

The expertise comes from living through the abuse, and intentional acts of cruelty, purposely planned, the resulting depletion, self abuse then finding your stronger self, re-correction and striving forward to excel.

Learned from those experiences was the severe impact on my life, and others lives and what can occur when you believe the judgments, mis-truths, and labels that are not real. Getting out of the quagmire takes strength, believing in yourself, with forgiveness first, fortitude and practices that are not taught in our social system or schools.

After the reader reads about the history, or the "rounds" practices, motivational, thought provoking insight, and solutions are provided to challenge, provide direction, hope, healing, goal setting, releasing and uplift in order to help make positive changes.

Happiness, contentment and self love is contagious and your new positive energy also extends to others. I have taken what I have lived through, and those closest to me, shared the summary in a book, and through my expertise, that was learned, history of consulting, guiding and mentoring, the Huna Practitioner skill as well as Reiki and bundled together to provide a concise, thought provoking way forward to well being and a confident, healthy journey.

Sales arguments

  • 24 people per minute are victims or physical or emotional abuse, in many forms, including stalking and other detrimental acts. These acts often deplete emotionally, physically and cause mental health problems as well as addictions. There is little help that takes a hard look at the practices that one can undertake to bring forth well-being, close the cycle and live a healthy, successful life. This book teaches very viable options to guide and assist.
  • The WHO states that “there is no health without mental health.”...and there are many definitions or mental health or well-being. We all have our own definition and it is often based on our belief system, what is learned, and what we have experienced. One might state that to be healthy (in mind and body), we must be happy with where we are and where we are going. We also must release past pain and forgive. This book helps pave the road to overcome and achieve.
  • one in four children are neglected. The least transparent being educational and emotional neglect. As adults our childhood experiences affect our lives and can result in co-dependency or acceptance issues. This book teaches a correction and techniques to appreciate and be happy with yourself and reach within for self love and unconditional love for others while letting go.
  • E=Mc2 - energy flows where attention goes. We are taught in school not to daydream, yet studies have shown that there is a powerful link between the mind and body, as well "Neuroscientists now tell us that allowing our minds to wonder can actually form new brain pathways and develop our ability to solve complex problems. This book will teach practices using your mind; awareness, expectation, and confidence to name a few that will better physical and mental health.y
  • Henry David Thoreau wrote "“The path of least resistance leads to crooked rivers and crooked men.” There are many quotes, phrases and theories that we learn through education, and on our path may hear from people. Are they true? How true are they and are they applicable to you? This book as a foundation touches on these theories and how you can choose or create you own path, your own "theory" in life, and fulfill your objectives to reach the goal you have set for yourself - with confidence and love.

Similar titles

  • Zero Limits as it is based on the principles of Huna. This book is different as it shares a devastating series of intentional acts of abuse that depletes a person, and affects many lives to detriment, alters the course of others. The book starts with the background and then provides solutions which many will be able to relate to as it covers so many facets. Most people will relate, can relate, and have experienced one part of this and feel the emotion. Principles are provided to practice/heal.
  • A Return to Love - as it is about self love, unconditional love, and caring for yourself. Similar to a course in miracles, it is about regaining your self, finding yourself, and living your best life.
  • Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life. This book is different, but it does touch on the power of the mind and our belief system. The book helps the reader believe in themselves and better understand manifestation, and the power of the mind. Only believe truth, and believe what is best for you and that which is who you are.


Everyone searching for what to do next, and wanting to be the best person they can be while striving for happiness. Those that have been affected by social influences or felt they are fighting to be understood. This book could very well be the next best thing moving effortlessly forward.

Advance praise

My linkedin profile has many blurbs and accolades written about me that all are welcome to see, and all that have been un-solicited. Verbal comments from those that have watched me rise from the depths of despair, not only standing, but once again achieving at a greater level are waiting for this to not only be a completed book but a mentoring program with mass influence.

3 publishers interested Express interest
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