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Seydou Soumaré

Seydou Soumaré

Luanda, Angola

From having enjoyed overnight continental fame, to having fiercely battled depression, my life has been full of ups and downs and so has yours. That's why we are all #LBTU!

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About the author

He’s a globetrotter, a playboy,, an intellectual, a cool nerd, an aspiring politician, a kind, warm, generous person who hopes his grasp will one day exceed its reach in ways he could only dream of. He dreams big but always keeps his feet on the ground, so big in fact that some people feel uncomfortable being around him. He was fortunate enough to get a good education and was wise enough to take advantage of it. He speaks five languages fluently. He studied German and Spanish in school for 7 years and he started having english classes since grade 2. He’s a Portuguese and French native speaker, who is in fact half Angolan, half french. He carries with him wounds so deep that not even time might not heal, however, he didn't lose his love for life and his ability to trust people. He loves mathematics, currently works for his Government and recently just finished writing his first book (in english), in which he portrays his life before turning 30. 

He still believes in true love and the good in people despite having been backstabbed a couple of times. He could easily make Christian Grey look like a japanese school girl and at the same time, he claims to know women like Hugh Hefner knew his playmates. He replaced his lifelong motto, carpe diem, by a 9 to 5 and plans of getting engaged in the near future. He wants to grow old next to his special lady, but he will never stop playing the game. He believes people don't stop playing because they grow old, they grow old because they stop playing, That being said he might just be a player for life (laughs). In the end, he firmly believes that all humans despite their social status, different ethnicities, backgrounds and religions, have the same problems. Therefore, he knows for a fact that his book is for everyone, because at the end of the day, we all have a life beyond the usual. Hero or villain, it's all about perspective.

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#LBTU, Life Beyond The Usual

I can say that I have experienced a unique ensemble of extraordinary events, from epic to disturbing, and fabled to traumatic. I’m far from being perfect, but so is life.

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Biography & Memoir
111,181 words
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My name is Seydou Soumaré II and as my 30th birthday is approaching, I've realized that I'm still not rich. I seemed to have failed the popular dream of becoming a millionaire before thirthy and that really sucks. Anyway, I will survive. At least I can say that I'm an incredibly intelligent, charming and attractive man (Laughing untill 2045). Okay...well, jokes aside, some people call me a narcissist son of a bitch and frankly, I don't blame them. I'd probably think that if I were them. But hey, you can't judge a book by its cover. But do I care? "No way, José ". Frankly, I could really rewrite "Seven laws of Attraction" with my eyes closed and make the iconic Christian Grey look like a 13 year old japanese schoolgirl. Big statements right? I agree. However, in my defence, I can genuinely say that I'm one of the coolest persons who has ever walked the face of the Earth. I'm like one of those bad motherf***** (bip), straight out of a Martin Scorsese movie. Even bigger statement right? I know, I know. But see, as you embark and follow me trough my journey, you will definitely understand where this comes from. I have experienced a unique ensemble of extraordinary events, from epic to disturbing, fabled to traumatic and such situations have shaped me into becoming the person that I am today. Remember, that incredible , genius/handsome man? I'm joking. I'm far from being perfect. In fact, I'm only human and still have a long way to go. I'm still learning, still mastering my craft. Life is a journey, not a destination and luckily for you, I'm determined to share the complexity of my larger than life persona. I will open up about the man behing the ego and the beautiful darkness beneath the mask. Here's a realistic, in-depth and inward retrospective and instrospection of my life. The magic in it is that you'll find out that it is not that different from yours. At the end of the day, we are all human and either hero or villain, it's all about perspective. There are always two sides to every coin.


The Book has 69 chapters and 1 epilogue.

1)Happy Days: Literally the book opens with my first memory ever, I was 1. This chapter basically gives an overview of the early days, the happy ones, before all of the drama.

5) The Ugly Truth: As this chapter dives deep into my family feud, the readers will discover one of my family's darkest secret, its dark sheep

9) A New Romance: This chapters perfectly describes how I fell deeply in love for the first time and how this relationship affected my life

There are honestly too many chapters to write down, hence I will only write the titles. Believe me this is some best seller material.

Chapter 1 Happy Days

Chapter 2 Lisbon

Chapter 3 Homecoming

Chapter 4 The Soumaré’s

Chapter 5 The Ugly Truth

Chapter 6 Early Bloomer

Chapter 7 Leader By Default

Chapter 8 Loosing My Innocence

Chapter 9 A New Romance

Chapter 10 Landing in Malta

Chapter 11 The Making of A Legend

Chapter 12 A Ride To Remember

Chapter 13  A Happy Ending

Chapter 14 Nostalgia

Chapter 15 Just The Two Of Us

Chapter 16 Amor Perfeito

Chapter 17 Enkhjin

Chapter 18 One Last Dance

Chapter 19 Summer of 2006

Chapter 20 Change Of Paths

Chapter 21 End Of The Road

Chapter 22 The Hardest Goodbye

Chapter 23 Bairro Alto

Chapter 24 Landing in London

Chapter 25 Rerouting 

Chapter 26 Christmas Holidays

Chapter 27 Young Lords

Chapter 28 Adrianna Gutierrez

Chapter 29 Life As We Know It

Chapter 30 The Penthouse

Chapter 31 A Ghost From The Past 

Chapter 32 Crossroads

Chapter 33 Inside Our Private War

Chapter 34 Darkest Hours

Chapter 35 Recovery Mode

Chapter 36 The Rise Of A Villain

Chapter 37 Space Cakes

Chapter 38 Bad Trip

Chapter 39 Speaking From The Heart

Chapter 40 Nothing Was The Same

Chapter 41Darkness Beneath The Mask

Chapter 42 Emotional Rebirth

Chapter 43 Miami

Chapter 44 A Sad Welcome

Chapter 45 Life After University

Chapter 46 Resetting The Clock

Chapter 47 A Casting For The Ages

Chapter 48 Last Call For Glory

Chapter 49 The BBA Experience

Chapter 50 The Real World

Chapter 51 Le Coup De Maître

Chapter 52 15 Minutes Of Fame

Chapter 53 A Nuclear Bomb

Chapter 54 Duty Calls

Chapter 55 Fatherhood

Chapter 56 Infamous Decision

Chapter 57 French Riviera Rendez-Vous

Chapter 58 The Angolan Dream

Chapter 59 Either Business Or Pleasure

Chapter 60 The Art Of Compounding

Chapter 61 Rumour Has It

Chapter 62 A Much Needed Breather

Chapter 63 Unexpected Romance

Chapter 64 The Million-Dollar Sex

Chapter 65 Billie Jean

Chapter 66 Wunder Boy

Chapter 67 Striving For Greatness

Chapter 68 The Power Of Failure

Chapter 69 Forever Strong

Epilogue Dear Son


The initial concept behind my book was the story of my life, thirty years in the making. It literally portrays every aspect of my journey, since I was a baby until today. That being said, it displays everything I had to deal with and how it changed me for the better or worse. Although even adults can learn a thing or two while reading this book, I’d say that this book is for the young crowds struggling with life and its plots. To be honest, I’m looking forward to read an audience  between 15 to 35 years old. This is not a guide on how to dealing with your problems, but it shows people that even tough, we all struggle with the same issues, we’ll live to fight another day. And sometimes when we are young we don’t necessarily know that. We think that every setback will be end. We think that the pain will never stop. We don’t know ourselves, we are petrified to opening up to others. In fact, we think we don’t need others. We are terrified of failure, the smell of it makes us sick to our stomaches. 

Personally, this book is about cherishing life, love, friends and family. However, it also shows a much darker side, that a lot of teenagers, you'd adults and people in their mid thirties can relate to. Actually people older than that, simply because human nature is not perfect. I’d like to shed some light in the important of never giving up, no matter what. In this book I raise some awareness on mental help and its importance. We don't have to be ashamed of our problems. We all deal with issues, some at a larger scale, some at a smaller one. Whether it’s family feuds, stress, anxiety, depression, heartbreaks, back stabbing, trust issues, fake friends, boring jobs, bullying, abuse, addiction, insomnia etc etc, We all have experienced at least one of these matters and it’s alright. We don’t have to feel ashamed, we don't have to feel like an outcast. WE ARE ALL HUMANS.  Last but not least, I don't want to advocate promiscuity, but an active sex is healthy and beneficial to your lives.  And when it comes to that topic, there are no limits or rules, what pleases me may not be what pleases the other, therefore, it is important to accept one another as they are. Respect is fundamental. I deliver many life lessons throughout the book, based on my own personal storym from Compound Investment to healing a heartbreak and curing depression.


I Have:

20 Thousand followers on Twitter.

30 Thousand followers on Facebook,

5 Thousand on Instagram.

Additionally, I've been on a reality show called Big Brother Africa (by Endemic) in 2012 and it was broadcasted across Africal and the world. I'm biased to speak for myself, but you can google it, I was very popular for a while. With appropriate marketing strategy, a significant buzz can be created and therefore generate a significant number of sales. I was very famous in Nigeria, Zambia, South Africa, Tanzania, Namibia and Angola. You can google me and verify such information for yourselves. I was considered an African Sex Symbol! some fans even created a thread with over a million + views. Anyway here are some links, but if you google you will find more info on that chapter of my life.



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Honestly my book is one of a kind, it is raw, it is powerful, there are no additives, it came from the heart, it was written by me, a nobody just like the average person. I took over 3 thousand hours of writing. It is filled with a rollercoaster of emotions, it speaks the truth, it talks about depression, anxiety, sex,  drama, autism, hopelessness, abandonment, corruption in Africa, failure, loss but it also talks, about love, life, passion, family, traveling, academics, the importance of sports, trust, second chances, new beginning, winning, a whole chapter on LeBron James and his influence, motivation, dreams and so much more. I haven’t seen anything like it in africa. It is ugly and then it gets beautiful,…and ugly again then beautiful..just like life, it is no scripted and everything can be vouched by e-mails, dna tests, web hyperlinks, photos etc. Trust me, I’m worthy of the opportunity and I will get it one way or another, sooner of later. Don’t miss out on me.

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I wrote this letter in the hope that you don’t make the same mistakes as your old man once did. I want to give you the head start that I unfortunately didn’t have. Don’t get me wrong, I do want you to make mistakes, for they are essential to growth. Without them, no valuable lesson can be learned, and that only, will be your first real lesson. Nonetheless, as much as failure is important, making the right decisions is still the fundamental key to success. It’s really the only way forward in life, so let’s get right to it. First and foremost, I want you to know that your mother and I love you unconditionally. You truly are the best thing that happened to us and if one day we’re no longer together, don’t overthink it, you had nothing to do with it. When something is not meant to be, life finds it’s way and vice versa. Watching you grow each day more is a pleasure, your birth gave a whole new meaning to my life. You don’t know, but the first time you called me Papa was one of the happiest moments in my life. Words could never explain the joy I felt, but it was truly an honour to say the least. I want you to know that I will always be by your side no matter what. Never count me out son, never. I’ll be there to put you to bed when you don't want to sleep and I’ll be there to hold your hand whenever you need me. We are a team, just like Batman and Robin or Jordan and Pippen. I doubt you know who those two are, but I promise to tell you all about them when the time comes. For now, I will focus on telling you some of the most important things that a man needs to know. A few words of wisdom, love and encouragement for you to remember as you go throughout life. It’s imperative that you pay attention in class and get good grades. The sooner you understand the importance of school the more  you will benefit from it. Your mother and I will really spoil you if you keep the straight A’s coming. Always stand up for yourself, but avoid any confrontation when possible. In case you can’t back down from a fight, then don’t forget to be the first one to throw a punch, or any blow for the matter, as hard as you possibly can. Never under any circumstance wait to get hit to hit back. Always aim for the jaw, the stomach, the throat or the nose, then make sure you end him quick. He who delivers the first blow has more chances to win the fight. Respect your mother and do as she tells you to, even if she’s being a pain in the ass. Never raise your hand to a woman, you can’t it back. If you get angry at your girl, then have your payback between the sheets. Make passionate love to her and make her sweat. Spank her a little bit, they love it. Be a gentleman at all times, don’t forget to always open and hold any door to any woman. Chivalry is not a choice, it’s a lifestyle amongst Soumaré’s. Be kind and romantic, girls love to feel desired and appreciated. If you think a girl is beautiful then just tell her, and while you’re at it, make her smile. Don’t necessarily wait for the perfect moment, instead, create it. Master the art of seduction and step your game up. Always dress to impress and don’t forget to smile, it really goes a long way. Have some fun but don’t go around breaking girls’ hearts, because a broken heart never heals the same way after it’s shattered. You will get your feelings hurt and your heart might break into pieces, but you will survive. In fact it will make you wiser and it will make grow emotionally. If you feel like you’ve found the one, make her yours forever and never let her go. Always use protection son, it’s the only way to prevent against STDs. It’s also the only way you can avoid unwanted pregnancies. Enjoy life, but never get too comfortable. Challenge yourself always try to win and when you do, try to make others win too. Real winners empower people and help others out. Also, ask for help whenever you feel you need it. Take good care of yourself, our body is our vessel and we don’t get to swap it. The same goes for our mind. Stay fit and practise plenty of sports, it helps to keep your mind in check.  It also drastically increases your chances to get laid. Stay away from steroids, they are not worth it, and always have side effects. Don’t do drugs, nor smoke, that’s a very nasty habit, there’s really nothing to benefit from it. Binge drinking is really bad for your mind, body and soul. It can lead to serious illness. However, If you want to take the edge off, then just go out for few drinks with your friends. Hangovers are really a bitch, try to avoid them. Take 1g of paracetamol as soon as you wake up the next morning, it really helps with the headaches. Stay away from any sort of addiction, it can really mess up your life. Pay regular visits to the doctor, it’s always good to know how we’re doing. Find a hobby, a passion, something to love. Read as many books as you can and watch as many movies as you can, there is really a lot to learn from them. Additionally, it’s a great way to connect with other people and make new friends. Speaking of friends, even though your family will always have your back no matter what, friends are the family you chose. They will make everything better. Some people will befriend you and then stab you on the back, but being my son, I’m sure you’ll be able to see right through the fake ones. The real ones will never leave your side, aim for a handful and share your life with them. Learn to apologize, don't wait to long, sometimes it’s even better to be the first. Saying you’re sorry will help you to sleep better at night, and a good night sleep does wonders. However, a certain amount of pride is necessary, but I’m not worried about that one, because it runs in your blood. Nonetheless, too much pride is not good son. Focus on you can change and work from there. Always try to put yourself on someone else’s shoes, think things through before you make decisions, sometimes, it’s even better to sleep on it. We are not born with all the answers so go back to your first lesson and accept your failures as life lessons. Believe in yourself even when others won’t, and work towards make them believers. Never give up on your dreams nor on your self. If you ever find yourself in a dead end, just start over, never ever settle for less. You can have it all son, the sky is the limit. Don’t overthink situations, it will only make you anxious and frustrated. Nothing good comes that. Don’t compare yourself to others, we’re all destined for something and it can take a while for us to discover. Our end goal in life is to find  our purpose. Go places, explore the world to the fullest, our journeys are triumphs. Travel with the love of your life son, intimacy is everything. Work hard, we’ll pay for your education, make sure you get a Bachelor Degree then a Masters. The world is a very competitive place. The more prepared you are, the more chances you have to finding the perfect job. Create wealth, diversify your income and invest in bonds, stock and other sources as long as the outcome is income. Be a family man my son, always put your family first, give me beautiful grand children and don’t forget to name one after me. Lastly, you should have at least 3 expensive watches, 100 tailor made suits, brown shoes, exclusive perfumes, silk shirts, a firm hand shake and a mean left hook. Like my father used to say, we are Soumaré’s we fight until we win. Count your blessing, be grateful, strive for greatness and remember, a man’s grasp must exceed his reach. I love you kiddo.

Forever yours, Forever Strong.


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