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Torben Rif

Torben Rif

I live by the motto: Walk the talk.

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About the author

Living in the past

Torben Rif spent most of his life fighting to be the best—to be better than the others. He was influenced by what others thought about him and their opinions on what he was doing.

It was a life ruled by the fear of failing and the uncertainty of whether he was good enough; a life dominated by beliefs that were created in the early years of his life.

Torben learned quite quickly that you gain recognition and attention when you become number one; a winner gets attention, and number two gets nothing. Torben quickly developed the tools to become number one, but with these abilities he also developed this fear of failure; this fear began to dominate his life and his decisions more and more.. Torben was trapped in false convictions from past experiences.

Torben is the father of two amazing children—Kamilla, 19 years old, and Daniel, 23 years old—who were huge motivating factors for changing his behavior. Torben discovered that his actions and attitudes had begun to affect his children. He was frustrated to see his own children fighting the same beliefs that he himself had struggled with for so many years.

He decided that he had to change. However, it wasn’t easy, and progress was slow moving until Torben had a life-altering event that made him realize the fragility of existence. Torben realized that the only thing that he had the power to change was himself.

He began to look into all the tools that he already worked with through his daily practice and teaching Wudang tai chi chuan and began to make a plan. He would harness Tai Chi Master's ability to let go of beliefs that could be dangerous to him.

These tools have been used by Torben for several years now, and these are the tools that more than 10,000 in Denmark already work with to change their behaviors and let go of restrictive beliefs.

Torben has studied and trained in Chinese martial arts for more than 30 years, and he has reached the top. He has built a huge organization in Denmark and taught in almost every European country over the last 20 years. Torben's mission is to help other people find balance both physically and mentally, and he does that through Wudang tai chi chuan, qigong, and mental strategies and philosophy from the Tai Chi Master's world.
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* Perfect for anyone who would like to dive into the book content with Torben Rif.

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Let Go

Conquer Your Fear Without Quitting

When the proud warrior lost face … and conquered.

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Mind & Body
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When the proud warrior lost face … and conquered.

A lot of people feel caught and held in various roles and patterns of conduct. Some have made a “pleaser” og themselves and others a rebel. Some are addicted to acknowledgement and others hate to show vulnerability.

Common in all is, that they have arrived from one bad experience, in which we are still stuck unconsciously. An experience, that has been allowed to take control of our destiny and is keeping us from living free and be who we really are.

LET GO Without Quitting.

Everything we have been through has made us what we are today, and some of our experiences from the past have given us beliefs that prevent us from living freely without restrictions. Many of us walk around with beliefs that create fear of losing, fear of change, fear of conflicts, and concerns about what others think about us. These beliefs can result in behaviors that prevent us from being present, and thus we can lose the joy of life. These beliefs affect ourselves and our surroundings, our families, and our friends.

The key is to let go of some of these beliefs, and in this book Torben will show exactly how you can let go and reconnect with your inner "warrior"—the power that gives you the strength to be present and live life so that you, your family, your friends, your colleagues, and your surroundings are lifted up.

Torben will help you to be at peace so you can let go of the past and live here in the present. Torben will guide you through the exercises where you will forgive, acknowledge, and accept.

Keep Focus.
How do we take 2500 years of life philosophy and adapt it to the common people of now? The answer lies within the tenets of Daoism y, which are timeless, combined with the Tai Chi Master's strategies, where we are not led by ego and fear of change but are filled with energy, self-esteem, and self-confidence.

The goal is not to be guided by what others think about us and what we do, but to be faithful to ourselves and to trust in ourselves, which means more calm,  balance, joy in life, and job satisfaction. We can, with our presence and energy, influence our surroundings to create more peace and balance.

How do we use the strategies to quickly resolve conflicts or clashes and find understanding? The way is to be at peace with ourselves and be present; that is the way of the warrior, otherwise he dies!

"I'm independent of other people's opinions"

Letting go is not about changing the past, because nobody can do that, but we can change the meaning of what we've been through. Some of us, for many years, perhaps most of our lives, have lived with beliefs that have limited us to living the life we dream about deep down.

In this book, we are working to understand why we have the behavior we have today. You will dive into what you have learned through life and discriminate between which beliefs serve you and which ones hold you back.

In the Tai Chi Master’s world, it is important that the tools work immediately; the time for you to begin is now. The Tai Chi Master must be able to let go, here and now, or else he dies. He must be able to let go of previous matches, defeats, and challenges. He must be HERE, and therefore he must LET GO without quitting.

"I will, I can, and I'll do it now."

“THANK YOU, Torben I have both laughed and cried – thank you for sharing. It is a gift!” –Bine Paasch

“I have read a lot of self-improvement books over the years and have always found good tips and exercises in those. Torbens book “Let Go” differs by starting with the first half of the book being about his own personal journey to letting go. The journey moved me to tears along the way. The story was so vivid that I literally took the journey WITH him. The second half of the book are the exercises to letting go. Maybe because the beginning struck me so deep, it felt more important and easier to go ahead with my own personal journey.” –Cammilla Rysgaard

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