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Satu Virtanen

Satu Virtanen


Light coach, health care professional and entrepreneur..
Author of "Vehicle of light" guidebook.

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About the author

Satu Virtanen has studied in various finnish art institutions. She has had several art exhibitions during 25 years.

Satu is a Finnish professional with a degrees in Information Technology and Audio visual Communication.

She has a qualification for acting as a official health care professional in Finland. She has meditated and studied different methods of spiritual healing. She has worked with individual clients and groups of people, both present and remotely. She has been a sole entrepreneur for over 10 years.

Languages and words have always been dear to her. She has been writing all her life. Lighthuman is her first book to be published.
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$38 Lighthuman Book + remote Lightmoment

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- 1 printed copy in English
- one free eBook in English
- 30 minute remote Lightmoment

Lightmoment makes you feel peaceful and invigorated. You may be located anywhere in the world.

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$240 Lighthuman book + Workshop in Finland

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- 1 printed copy in English
- one free eBook in English
- Entrance fee for a 2 -day-long Lighthuman workshop in Finland

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Update #1 - What is light, lightconsciousness, transformation and oneness? Note english subtitles! April 30, 2020