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Kalyna Miletic

Lessons to Leave a legacy

The new way to work: choose how you spend your time, enjoy what you're doing and get paid for the impact you make.

  Business & Money    Travel + Entrepreneurs   40,000 words   25% complete   Published by Sunbury Press
523 preorders
$10,757.00 funded


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Update #10 - Summer Wishes and A Book Update! Aug. 3, 2020

I hope this email finds you and your loved ones healthy and well. I wanted to check in as this year has been full of unexpected turns and I am now regaining a sense of normalcy in everyday life on my end. I have heard many stories of huge job change over the past few months and want to offer my ear if you have personally been affected by job loss or change in the past months. My wish is that you are navigating all of this change with as much ease as possible. 
I promise you the book is still a daily project on my end. Who knew a book could take this long – I certainly didn’t starting out the process. 
The manuscript is complete and in editing. 
We’ve got a publisher (3 actually) narrowed down and in negotiations (they are showing up with different offers and percentages for commissions, so it’s not as cut and dry as one might think!)
Also, the slated September dates for release and a North American book tour have been completely delayed with COVID and the restrictions on in person events unfortunately. 

I am planning for a November-December launch, in time for Christmas. The e-book version hopefully before that.

The book content has also taken a big turn as I have further re-evaluated what’s important in the job and leadership space now. I want to deliver you great content some months late rather than a rushed version that doesn’t do the content justice. 
As always, I deeply appreciate your patience and support of the campaign and of my work in general. I assure you I’m doing my best to get an amazing book in your hands!
I am eager to see this project complete myself. 
I’ll be sure to send monthly updates until you have the book delivered to your door. 
Hope you’re finding some enjoyment this summer!
