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Kalyna Miletic

Lessons to Leave a legacy

The new way to work: choose how you spend your time, enjoy what you're doing and get paid for the impact you make.

  Business & Money    Travel + Entrepreneurs   40,000 words   25% complete   Published by Sunbury Press
523 preorders
$10,757.00 funded


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Update #12 - Your Book Will Arrive November 2022! March 29, 2022


I'm writing to share the amazing news that I've (finally) signed with a publisher! 

Editing and cover design is on its' way and my book is set to be released end of October/Early November. 

I could not have done this without your support!

If you have moved since the project began, please reply with your current address so I can be sure to get your books to the right place. 

This has been such a humbling experience. I am grateful for your support, that of my editor making sure that we get through chapter after chapter and my publishers who get my vision for the book. 

I look forward to hearing what you think of it!

Enjoy your summer,
