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Lucia Mungar

Lucia Mungar

Changchun, China

Lucia is a divorced mom who raised two children alone. She has a BCom degree and currently working as an English Teacher in China.

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About the author

Lucia has been divorced from the age of 29 when she then faced the task of being a single parent to two little ones. Her journey through parenting has included being kicked out of places to lives, being fired, and taking 16 years to finish a degree all the while raising her children to be the best they could be.

Lucia is currently living in China and working as an English Teacher. She loves children and loves being a teacher. Both her children are grown up and independently living in Cape Town, South Africa

Lucia loves reading, cooking and dancing. Her favourite author is Sidney Sheldon.
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Tarryn Ronald

Tarryn is 25 years old and she has a BA degree in Film and Media studies. She has been writing poems and short stories since she started High School and recently published a fantasy trilogy about werewolves online.

Tarryn was born and raised in Cape Town, while growing up she moved around a lot. Since she was was young she was an avid reader and soon took to the literary arts and started writing poems, short stories and a first attempt at writing a novel when she was in Grade 9. Her hobbies have always been writing, reading and trying new things. Her creativity and imagination has spawned some interesting little poems, jewelry, fashion designs and meals. Cooking isn't her Forte but that has not kept her out of the kitchen trying new recipes and making some unusual meals.

Currently she is working in Customer Service and while working, in the last year, she managed to complete her degree.

Justin Ronald

Justin is a 23 year old software developer student currently finishing his studies , he enjoys manga , first-person novels and most forms of music and video.

Justin was born and raised in Cape Town. He is currently studying software development. He wishes to gain experience before setting off as a digital nomad. He enjoys stories of any kind that have great reliability , emotional depth and a bit of the unexpected. His two favourite quotes are :

It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

In three words I can sum up everything I’ve learned about life: It goes on.
-Robert Frost

With these two quotes I can summarise my life philosophy into not thinking before accepting or rejecting ideologies or people, however unpleasant it may be.

And too live beyond my current circumstances always thinking beyond what is present too what may be.

Currently he is finishing up a software development internship.




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My children and Me

Written by a mom and her two children. This book includes stories and views of the single mom and the stories of the children in a single parent household.

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48,000 words
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It was my ex-husbands fiftieth birthday party. His sister and I are good friends and we were sitting and chatting about our children. My ex went to the front to say a few words and thank the usual for a great party setup. But instead I heard this.
“I would like to thank that woman sitting over there. She has done a great job raising my two children and she did it alone, being a single mom. I am proud of my children and how they grew up. Thank you, Lucia, for raising such great kids” I was shocked firstly because his current girlfriend was standing nearby and I never expected him to acknowledge me even less thank me. My first thought was, “Bloody shit, now you thank me”

This is a book about My children and me.
No, this is not a rag to riches story of how I fought against the odds and own multi business setups or how I became super cool. Instead this is my realities of being unemployed, tired, weak. However, I found strength and determination knowing that two precious lives depended on me and that I had to make sure they grow up well mannered, well adjusted to society, strong and determined… You know what – I succeeded

This book is written by myself and my two co-authors (my children) and gives perspectives on divorce and parenting from the single mother's side and the views of her two children It outlines our successes and failures as well as the lessons learnt. I believe that through this book, single parents will have a greater understanding on what our children think and how best to handle many different situations. It will also give children a greater understanding of their parents and what they go through.

Sales arguments

  • According to the divorce rates for the 3 top countries include Russia which is 4.8 divorces per 1000 residents. United States and Gibraltor ties at number 2 with 3.1 divorces per 1000 residents.
  • Being a single mother has become the new norm with 80% of single parent households are headed by the single mom in America
  • Children from a single parent household are more likely to misbehave and be influenced by outside pressures

Similar titles

  • "The courage to be a single mother" written by Sheilla Ellison. Published by Harper Collins in 2001. My book is different as my book deals with my relationship to my children and overcoming many barriers of being a single mom
  • "Growing up with single parents - What Hurts and What Helps" written by Sara Mclanahan in 1994 and published by the President and fellows of Harvard College. This book is a study which took 10 years on the children of single parents. My book differs in that it is a study on one such family
  • "Single parent families (The changing face of modern families) written by Rae Simmons. Published in 2010 by Mason Crest Publishers. My book is different as it is written by both the parent and the children hence giving both sides of the story.


Take Heart Mom, this book is for you. Through my life lessons I hope to inspire and encourage you to rock on and never lose hope. Chin up children - this book is for you too as it was co-authored by my own two children who share and can relate to what you going through.

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