Those, who conquer the peaks. In ancient Sumeria, only the tenth were them. Namtar is a unique combination of historical studies of the long-vanished civilization and a literary work.
The information about ancient Sumerians is primarily academic in nature. It is intended for a narrow circle of specialists. The author’s idea is to make it accessible to a wide range of readers.
Without pretending to have absolute scientific and academic accuracy, using artistic fiction, the novel is based on historical realities and facts. These elements convey atmosphere of that time and immerse the reader in the world of the long vanished civilization.
The heroes revived in the novel, possess features and performance similar to modern people, but possible coincidences are casual. An intent reader will find parallels with the disappeared Sumerian era and our society - our era, which replaced the Sumerian.
The author, Vladimir Vassilenko, has published Namtar in Russian. Now, he's seeking for native English publishers to spread the historical word and the reflections on it.
Those, who conquer the peaks. In ancient Sumeria, only the tenth were them. Individuals looking for a compilation of existing historic information and artistic license. Printed version: for 40+ audience. eBook version: for 18-49 age group
Born January 1966, Kazakhstan. Permanently living in Bulgaria.
2 years in the Soviet army, University honors degree, and international companies experience. Visited more than forty countries independently and as a part of delegations.
Vladimir was a University lector for a short time, followed by the international business experience, as: general director assistant (Kazakhstan); supervisor (Switzerland); sales supervisor (USA); marketing manager, commercial director (Canada). Entrepreneur since year 2002 – building, business development, investment.
Since 2007 created in Russian language about thirty miniatures, stories, traveler’s notes; novelette “Maya. Chronicle of one life”; the novel “Namtar”. The second part “Elam” and the third novel “Tears of Ur” would crown the trilogy.
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- as a compliment - one stamp with Sumerian sign. Might be used on sealing wax, clay, concrete, leather, paper.
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-Emails with Q&A with Vladimir for topics related to the book
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