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Sandrine Marlier

Sandrine Marlier

New York, United States

Sandrine Marlier is a Mother, Meditation Teacher, Transformational Coach, and Reiki Practitioner. She holds a bachelor’s degree in English literature and has traveled the world extensively. She shares free and live meditations on Instagram @sandrinemarlier about healing and empowerment.

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About the author

Sandrine woke up one day in her New York apartment feeling out of sorts. She realized that no matter how many trips around the world her modeling career would take her on, it was only a journey within that would bring her peace; peace - something that sounded boring, she first told her therapist when he suggested she meditates to help reduce her anxiety!

Odette was about to be born.
She trained with world-renowned meditation teacher Davidji. When her training was complete she drew an ant and a sound: A, the beginning of all beginnings.

She shares free and live meditations on Instagram @sandrinemarlier. Healing and empowerment is accessible to all - this is how we transform the world. Let’s begin from the ground up, with our children!

Sandrine lives with her daughter in Sunnyside, Queens. Together they love to play with words and create new worlds. She’s infinitely grateful to have found her hOMe and wishes every grownups and little ones the same.
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$25 Feel your heart!

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$50 Share the love!

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With big gratitude, you will receive:
- 2 printed copies
+ Free eBooks
+ Q&A with Sandrine about the book and the activities
+ Sandrine's famous chocolate mouse recipe video
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$100 Big love!

12 readers

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- 5 printed copies
+ Free eBooks
+ 1h webinar with Sandrine for a meditation session with kids
+ Sandrine's famous chocolate mouse recipe video
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Update #3 - Did you say CHOCOLATE?! Dec. 29, 2021

Hello dearest friends and fans of Odette and decadent chocolate!!

Let's take this moment together to acknowledge the challenges of the year. Maybe place a hand on the part of your body that feels it the most. Feel the heartaches. The frustrations. The disappointments. The fears. Oh the fears... Bring your breath into that part of the body you're now most aware of and see if you can soften that area. Stay there, breathing in deeply and lengthening your exhale for two more rounds. Now call to mind the moments of grace, truth, and togetherness that you've also experienced this year. Let this energy fill your heart, mind and body. Let love overflow through you and outside of you. And like Odette, send love out to others like the sun sends rays of sunshine. 

While fear divides, separates and disconnects, love unifies, makes whole and brings healing. This is how Odette was born: from a deep desire to transform and inform new generations on the transformative power of love, starting with the love for ourselves. 

I apologize for not giving you updates any sooner. Odette's development has been going very slowly and it will take 2022 to bring her into materialized form. We're almost there though! I am looking for further endorsements to give Odette more power to sail away at the speed she deserves, to meet you and all new fans of hers. :)  I try reminding myself that all good things come to those who wait. While it sounds cliché, I see it with my little girl, Emma - there is a fullness to her joy when she experiences what she's been waiting for... 

While we wait in anticipated joy, I want to share with you my promised famous chocolate mousse recipe in video. Yes, we made a video! Here it is: Yum! 

This year, one of my proudest achievements has been the launch of a course for busy mamas- Living Goddesses. The next round of the 6 weeks online and live course will start around February/ March 2022. Any mama around the world can sign up for it! (More coaching courses coming up this year.)

If you want to know more, or have any question or topic you'd like to discuss, you can email me at, connect with me on IG @sandrinemarlier, or through my website

My dear friends, I am in such gratitude for your love and support. I will be sending reiki love collectively and live on IG on January 1st at 11am, EST Click here to tune in and receive: IG.

I wish you a year of peace, unconditional love and abundance. 

Deep love,
