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Blake Godkin

Blake Godkin

Texas, United States

Blake has almost 15 years of experience in the study and facilitation of creativity—having served as a Director of Innovation, Senior Strategist, and Futurist in many arenas—from software development to public education.

Before moving into the private sector, Blake worked in higher education at Texas A&M University. While there he taught courses in creativity and helped develop the University’s “Build Your Own Major” degree program—allowing students to explore fields of study that have yet to be invented.

Blake holds a Bachelor of Environmental Design from Texas A&M and a Masters in Creativity from SUNY College Buffalo. Blake has spoken both nationally and internationally on creativity and innovation—including a TEDx Talk titled "Unconventional Approaches to Transforming Public Education”.

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Additionally, to show my gratitude for your extra support, you and/or your organization will be named and thanked in the book's acknowledgements.

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Your generous support will come with an on-site speaking and training event at a venue of your choosing. I will provide an interactive workshop where you and your colleagues can receive focused training on how to utilize, adapt, and facilitate tools discussed in the book. Every attendee of this workshop will walk away with a strong understanding of how to apply these tools (having had the opportunity to deliberately practice them during the workshop).

Additionally, to show my gratitude for your extra support, you and/or your organization will be named and thanked in the book's acknowledgements.

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Paper Clips & Dynamite

How to think like MacGyver

A tool kit for finding creativity through seemingly unrelated ideas.

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I was putting together a TEDx Talk and had come up with the working title, ‘How MacGyver Can Help Transform Public Education”. I was pretty excited about it, until a friend asked me “What’s a macgyver?”, bringing a sudden halt to both my catchy title and the assumption everyone shared my love for the brilliant 80s television hero. 

Over seven seasons, the fictional TV character MacGyver used his creativity to solve over 430 problems.  Many of his impressive solutions came through the combination of seemingly unrelated objects.  In essence, this is what analogical thinking or the practice of “making associations” means--and it is an essential skill of human creativity.

Who Is This Book For?
I’m writing this book for users – not readers.  It’s a field guide for people who want to enhance their capacity for making associations. It’s for people who need practical, accessible tools for the purpose of creatively solving problems, and will hopefully be a book you come back to daily, weekly, monthly as you encounter new problems to solve and new creative challenges.

Why This Book?
Simply put, most adults stink at creative thinking.  According to a study discussed in the book Breakpoint and Beyond (1998), when 200,000 adults were given an assessment for creative thinking, only 2% of those adults scored at genius level for divergent thinking--a key aspect of successful creativity.  In contrast, when a group of kindergartners were given the same assessment, 98% of them scored at genius level.  

While we seem to lose this skill as we mature, it’s one we can certainly regain.  We simply need help learning how to enhance our capacity for “deliberate creativity”. I believe associative thinking is one of the most important skills for successful creative thinking, and there are many practical ways to go about improving our practice of it.  This book is designed to provide practical, accessible tools and techniques to improve your aptitude for associative thinking and equip you to approach problem solving more creatively and effectively.

How The Book Will Be Organized
Each chapter covers a specific tool for enhancing associative thinking and will be organized into three parts: background of the tool, how to use the tool, and real-life examples of the tool in action.  There will also be a helpful diagnostic guide in the front to help you easily find the tool or tools that would best serve you in a given situation.

Some Example Tools
What if a coffee-cup Splash Stick, covered with temperature-sensitive paint, could change color depending on the temperature of the liquid inside the cup?  This way, you can take a drink as soon as the Splash Stick reaches a particular color (your preferred temperature) without risk of burning your lip.  This is an example of utilizing Synectics, a set of analogical tools using direct, personal, fantasy, and symbolic analogies to “help you think un-habitually” and solve problems more creatively.  Developed by William J.J. Gordon in the 1960s, Synectics enhances creative problem solving through analogy and metaphor.

For about a year now, the Perth Wave Energy Project has been operating out of Australia through an organization named Carnegie Wave Energy Limited.  Carnegie has installed three commercial-scale generators that float under the surface of the water and transfer power produced by the movement of underwater waves into usable electricity.  Biomimicry is a tool that encourages the study of biological methods and systems found in nature in order to influence the design of solutions to real-world problems.  Coined by Jack Steele in 1958, this work essentially means “like life”.


Introduction: Creativity Doesn’t Happen in a Vacuum

  • What is a MacGyver? -- The story and theoretical background behind why this book was written
  • How to Use This Book -- How to read, use, and reuse this book.  This will serve as a diagnostic and selection tool for users of the book (this book isn’t simply being written to be is being designed to be used).

Chapter 1: Forced Connections / Forced Fit -- The most straightforward of techniques for encouraging deliberate associative thinking.  “When I consider this object, what ideas do I get for solving my problem?”

Chapter 2: SCAMPER -- Originally developed by Alex Osborn, the father of the Brainstorming process, this mnemonic device helps us think of ways we can substitute, combine, adapt, modify, put to other uses, eliminate, and rearrange the ideas we are working with.

Chapter 3: Morphological Matrix / Idea Box / Creative Matrix -- Made famous by Fran Striker, to help him craft the scripts for the Lone Ranger Radio Show, this tool uses chance to force unexpected intersections of concepts that are not normally related.

Chapter 4: Synectics -- Originated by William J.J. Goardon, Synectics encourages analogical thinking through a variety of methods such as “Personal Analogy”, “Fantasy Analogy, and “Symbolic Analogy”.

Chapter 5: Biomimicry -- This tool helps individuals tap into their creativity by studying biological methods and systems found in nature in order to bring about creative solutions to problems.

Chapter 6: Visual Connections / Visually Identifying Relationships -- This tool primarily targets the sense of sight by encouraging creative thinking through the responses that result from specific stimuli.

Chapter 7: Excursions / Alternative Worlds -- This tool encourages us to imagine how our problem might solved by another entity or within a different context.  For example, “What would public education look like if it were design by Amazon? Or Google? Or Mont Blanc?”

Chapter 8: Fish Out of Water / Cross-Fertilization -- The best way to make creative connections, is to connect with people outside your field of expertise, or outside the space where the problem exists.  One way to make this happen is to attend conferences or professional meetings that you have no business attending.  What ideas might be birthed out of an architect attending the Nieman Conference on Narrative Journalism?

Chapter 9: Web of Associations / Concept Mapping Switcheroo -- This is an adaptation on the classic tool of Mind Mapping.  Instead of working to find how things are related, this tool encourages you to do that and then to deliberately make connections with things that don’t logically relate.

Chapter 10: One of These Things -- Borrowed from the well known Sesame Street segment, this tool encourages you to take advantage of the one thing that doesn’t belong as a way to inspire a unique, creative connection.

Chapter 11: Walk-A-Mile Immersion -- Primarily utilized as an ethnographic tool for field research, this tools encourages empathy and in turn helps you consider new perspectives,  which in turn helps you create new ideas.

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500 copies • Partial manuscript • Looking for motivational, inspiration and the lighter side of business.
Sourcebooks is an independent vision. We are a company bound together by the idea that Books. Change. Lives. For us, it means a passion for books and a dedication to the belief that books change lives. It means innovative publishing, where every book is personal and every author’s voice has a place. And it means not being afraid to say “I don’t know” and forging a new path when we have to. We are a group of passionate, energetic and enthusiastic book lovers, and we are committed to helping readers experience each book. Thank you for being a part of our story.

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Agora Publishing logo Agora Publishing

Agora Publishing is a Canada-based not-for-profit organization, founded in 1997 with the aim of making book publishing accessible to all writers across Canada and internationally.

We are the only hybrid book publisher which is also a cable TV show producer; newspaper publisher; social media marketer and search engine marketing organization.

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Applications are due Saturday, May 29, 2021.

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Ballast Books logo Ballast Books

250 copies • Partial manuscript.
Ballast Books is a full-service hybrid publisher that handles all aspects of book creation, design, publishing, marketing, distribution, and platform building. We help our authors sell more books, secure more keynotes, do more consulting, earn more customers, and book more media appearances.

We want to work with the best of the best: Former Special Operations Forces, CEOs, big thinkers, industry-leading experts. Top-performing people with experiences worth sharing and skills that translate into a larger message and goal.

We've seen particular success with military memoirs, but we've also recently hired a children's book specialist, so we run the spectrum of genres. We're a small but growing team and take pride in dedicating more time and energy to all our authors than traditional publishers.

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Mascot Books is a full-service hybrid publisher dedicated to helping authors at all stages of their publishing journey create a high-quality printed or digital book that matches their vision. With comprehensive editorial, design, marketing, production, and distribution services, our authors have the support of an experienced publishing team while still retaining one of the highest royalty percentages in the business.

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Motivational Press logo Motivational Press

250 copies • Completed manuscript.
Motivational Press is a top publisher today in providing marketing and promotion support to our authors. Our authors get favorable rates for purchasing their own books and higher than standard royalties. Our team is at the forefront of technology and offers the most comprehensive publishing platform of any non-fiction publishing house including print, electronic, and audiobook distribution worldwide. We look forward to serving you.

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A publishing services company dedicated to delivering amazing results to our authors. From manuscript development and editing to book design to effective marketing tools, Dog Ear delivers. Our dedicated team of publishing professionals have spent years in both the 'traditional' and self publishing worlds.

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Mill City Press logo Mill City Press

100 copies • Completed manuscript.
Mill City Press coordinates distribution, printing, and self-publishing services for authors who are also going through a full publishing process with us for their book with one of our publishing packages which include interior formatting, ISBN assignment, bar code, distribution, etc.

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Virtualbookworm Publishing logo Virtualbookworm Publishing

Virtualbookworm (VBW) Publishing was founded by a writer frustrated by the long wait time and occasional heartbreak often associated with the publishing industry. After researching the various "alternatives," he discovered a number of subsidy publishers that would publish any author ... for a price. Unfortunately, many reviewers (and readers) thumb their noses at books from such houses, since all it takes is cash to get published by them.

Then he discovered self publishing and the endless opportunities it presented. However, such a venture requires countless hours of research of printers, proofreaders, artists, etc. And after publication, even more time is consumed trying to market the book.

So, was established as a "clearinghouse" for authors, since it offers virtually everything under one roof. Although we now charge setup and design fees, those costs are kept to a minimum so as to cover all expenses. And, as with "traditional" publishers, we carefully review each manuscript and only offer contracts to authors who truly have exceptional manuscripts. We don't print garbage, and we want our authors to proudly say they were published by Virtualbookworm. If we accept your book for publication, you can rest assured that it will be sold next to other quality books, and not just work that had enough money behind it. And, you'll receive some of the best royalties in the business!

Since our initial costs are so low, we want your books to sell as much as you do.

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