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Participation is Preparation

Tim Kubik

Together we can re-design our "end in mind"

Why we must transform our preparatory mindset so today’s learners can participate in the challenges of re-imagining our communities.

  Career & Success    Education   50,000 words   25% complete   2 publishers interested
50 preorders
$1,210.00 funded


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Update #8 - Thanks! March 16, 2016

Thanks to Publishizer for the opportunity to reach out to all of you, and to all who purchased a pre-order of Participation is Preparation. Although I didn't meet my pre-order goals, I've learned a lot in the process and met some great new schools with exciting stories to tell. 

Given that, and the progress I'm making on the manuscript, I intend to move forward and self-publish, or send the draft manuscript to more traditional publishers when it is finished in May or June. 

Those of you who elected an option that includes a PDF will receive the draft sometime this summer. Those of you who ordered a hardcopy "old school" edition may need to wait a bit, but I till keep you updated via the information I have.

