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Tim Kubik

I'm Tim Kubik, and I’d like to invite you to participate with me as I write this book. A nationally respected educational facilitator and speaker with degrees from Yale and The Johns Hopkins University, I've participated in education innovations with over 100 schools in more than a dozen states and six countries. I've also collaborated with three national networks -- Asia Society/International Studies Schools Network, Buck Institute for Education, and World Leadership School--and the local but deeply effective New Mexico Center for School Leadership. I started Kubik Perspectives, LLC in 2010 to bridge the gap between education and politics, and helped to launch Project ARC, LLC in 2014 with colleagues dedicated to empowering teachers and students to be the potential difference in their own growth and development.

And now? I’d like to invite you to participate with me as I write this book. Get a draft version, get into the conversation, and get participating! Together we can re-design our "end in mind."

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Tim Kubik

Participation is Preparation

Tim Kubik

Why we must transform our preparatory mindset so today’s learners can participate in the challenges of re-imagining our communities.

Career & Success Peter Lang Inc., International Academic…