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Brandy Ange

The Kingdom Come Series: Book Two

Achaia and Shael's transgressions have angered a lot of Nephilim, including Lucifer. Now they must pay the price, and the price has never been higher.

  Science Fiction & Fantasy    Young Adult   118,000 words   25% complete   10 publishers interested
16 preorders
$380.00 funded



Shael has made more than enough enemies to last a lifetime, or several lifetimes, really. Now, his daughter Achaia has followed in his footsteps. With the council more distrustful than ever, and Luc absolutely furious, Achaia is definitely in over her head. Shael may be one of the greatest warriors the world has ever known, but in his weakened human form, they are going to need more help than a handful of teenage Nephilim can offer to get out of this one... 


Chapter One: We pick up a few weeks after Transgression left off, on Achaia's seventeenth birthday. Shael is training Achaia.

Chapter Two: Tension builds with the council as does the suspicion that the council is hiding something.  Achaia and Noland try to work through the residual awkwardness that began at the end of Transgression. 

Chapter Three: Lucifer begins making moves to start a new war. Noland and Shael begin to open up about what each of them know, and discuss their suspicions. 

Chapter Four: Achaia disapears. Shael thinks he knows where to find her, he just hopes he is wrong. 

Chapter Five: Shael talks about his past transgressions to try and find a way to find Achaia. The council holds an emergency meeting to discuss the hostile climate, and loss of Charges. 

Chapter Six:  Political tension rises as the council exiles those who oppose them. Our young Nephilim receive orders that lead them to a Nephilim for Shael's past. 

Chapter Seven: Emile and Amelia make some new allies, while Olivier is torn between the council that raised him, and his friends. 

Chapter Eight: Emile and Amelia make a discovery while on their mission. Olivier and Yellaina have a fight when Olivier isn't willing to leave the council. Achaia forms a new alliance with someone in a very dark place. 

Chapter Nine: Noland and Shael make a plan to get to Achaia. Emile and Amelia get asked to help solve a case while on their mission, and Achaia grows closer to someone new. 

Chapter Ten: Emile and Amelia become more and more convinced that demons aren't the cause of all their troubles. Olivier tries to prove himself outside of Noland and Emile's shadows. 

Chapter Eleven: The team  reassembles when a plan finally comes together to save Achaia. 

Chapter Twelve: Oliver and Emile get in an argument when Emile supports Noland's suspicions of the council. Shael starts to feel like something is off with one of his old allies. 

Chapter Thirteen: The group departs on their rescue mission to save Achaia, some members of the group are left behind to battle those who would prevent them. 

Chapter Fourteen: Luc becomes more hostile than ever when his plans are threatened. Achaia fights for not only her survival, but her friends as well. The group suffer losses.

Chapter Fifteen: The group have to fight for their freedom, and mourn their fallen comrades. 

Chapter Sixteen: Everyone processes grief in their own way, and some would rather do it alone. A division is formed in the group. 


The American Library association suggests that YA books are targeted at readers ages 12-18. However, some market studies suggest that as much as 70% of YA books are purchased by adults. Therefore, my target audience is young adults ranging from ages 15 through their 20s.
Fantasy stories (supernatural as well as mythological/theological settings) have been popular for years, and it doesn't look like that is going to change. Especially when fantasy worlds meet and intertwine with the real world (according to agents interviewed by Publishers Weekly)! From the fictional empire built by Rick Riordan with his Greek, Egyptian, Roman, and Nordic mythological worlds placed in modern day, to the angelic fiction made popular by Cassandra Clare with the Mortal Instruments, Infernal Devices, and Dark Artifices series' (along with Becca Fitzpatrick's Hush Hush Series, and Lauren Kate's Fallen series). Transgression will bring these two styles together to capture audiences with the mystery and intrigue of the spiritual world, made relevant in the modern day life of a teenage girl. Readers of fantasy, mythology, and spiritual fiction alike will enjoy this action packed book. 
In March of 2016, Publishers Weekly posted an article in which Agents talked about the trends they were seeing in YA literature this past year. According to the agents featured in this article, stories that are told from multiple POVs have become more desirable. This book is not limited in its telling from only the main character's perspective, but is told in alternating POVs from the entire core group of characters. This gives the reader insights from each individual character that the group at large may not have, and thus increases the dramatic suspense. This can also keep the story from being action driven, and help it become more character driven. Young readers everywhere are becoming more interested in characters and finding role models in books. For instance girls looking up to Hermione Granger for her brains over her looks. As well as young boys looking up to characters like Neville Longbottom who grew and developed throughout the series into a pivotal character. 
Young adult readers are also thinking more globally than ever according to agents. Readers are looking for culture in their reading as much as they are in their lives. Books that take them to places they've never been, or have always wanted to go, and that teach them something, are intriguing and popular. The global setting of the Kingdom Come Series will add to the sense of adventure and appeal. 
Young readers also like to be treated as adults, not talked down to. It is important that hard issues, and topics are dealt with, and done honestly; from politics, to terrorist attacks, to relationship issues, readers want these topics to feel real. For example, the Harry Potter books will likely be a timeless classic. They looked at hard issues like genocide, racism, and war from the perspective of young adults and handled it with hard honesty. These are books that children read while transitioning into adults. Hard issues are important in an honest and relevant story. 


I am active of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter with growing followings on each. I also have a website with a blog that is regularly updated every week, if not more frequently. 
I have hired an artist, who is not only working on the cover art for the book, but additional art specifically for promotion. 
Since social media skimmers are statistically more likely to click on images than just words alone, I am focusing most of my marketing strategy around images. From character sketches with quotes, to cover art reveals, to book trailer videos, I aim to grab people's attention with quick easy to skim and read promotions. Cool pictures, great artwork, short pithy quotes, and intriguing videos will likely get more clicks and shares than any sale's pitch I try to make. 
I have commissioned a book trailer to be made, and I will add it to the page as soon as it is delivered. I will aslo update the page with the Cover art and character sketches as the artist finishes them. 
I have lined up a few book bloggers, with sizable followings, who will be reading and reviewing my book on their blogs. They will also be hosting giveaways with their readers, so I can market to their pre-existing audiences. 
I will be hosting an instagram and twitter contest, where the winner will win a free copy of the book, while all the contestants will be sharing and helping me market my book as well as a part of the entry process. 
I have created a street team of around 15 people who are also dedicated to sharing all of my posts about the book, as well as generating their own posts to market the book. In exchange they will each receive a free copy of the book as well. After which they will all write honest reviews of the book on Amazon and Goodreads, as well as post pictures of themselves on instagram etc reading the book, and sharing their experience with it.  
I have made contacts with frostbeard studios, a book themed candle company who has agreed to partner  with me for my pre-order campaign to create book themed soy tarts and candles to put in my packages. Their existing customer base, may then be reached out to for the book as well. 
I have also formed a partnership with Rapha House, a non profit organization that helps with the prevention of human trafficking as well as education, rehabilitation, and protection of human trafficking victims. They provide training in trade skills, and work for survivors. The non profit has a store where they sell their goods to raise money for their programs. I donate a portion of all of my sales from Transgression (the first book in the series) to this organization. 

Transgression already has several fans asking about Penance (the second book in the series), who are ready and waiting to pre-order! 


The Heroes of Olympus Series: The Lost Hero, The Son of Neptune, The Mark of Athena... all by Rick Riordan published by Disney Publishing Worldwide, the first book was published in 2010 and the last book of the series was released in 2014. 
In this series demigods with varying god parents, and different abilities are sent out on quests to fulfill missions for the gods. 
Rather than a mythological background, Transgression and the rest of the Kingdom Come series will draw from the spiritual world depicted in the Christian Bible, with God and Satan playing as characters within the story, instead of the gods of mythology. In addition the world of Transgression is filled with different "spiritual gift" abilities, rather than gifts based on the god parent of a demigod. In addition the quest-like missions in The Kingdom Come Series will be to work out the book of Revelation in sorts, to bring about the end times, rather than to fulfill the goals of a group of self absorbed mythological gods. 
The Mortal Instruments Series, The Infernal Devices Series, and the Dark Artifices Series: City of Bones, Clockwork Prince, Lady Midnight... all by Cassandra Clare published by Margaret K McElderry Books with the first book of the Mortal Instruments Series, City of Bones, released in 2007, and her latest book, (the first in her Dark Artifices series) Lady Midnight, released in 2016, with its sequel due out spring 2017. 
A group of Nephilim friends fight demons in a world filled with vampires, werewolves, faeries and warlocks. 
Instead of focusing on battles between werewolves and vampires, Transgression will be more focused on a world closer to our own, with real world issues such as war with terrorism, and political tension. The kingdom come series will not be interactive with lore and such creatures as vampires and faeries, but focused more on the spiritual realms with demons. Transgression will also include settings such as heaven and hell, that the Mortal Instruments world leaves out. The Kingdom Comes Series is also an apocalyptic story, where as Cassandra Clare's stories are not. Though the story is a group of Nephilim friends with parental issues, fighting demons, there is not too much plot-wise in common. 
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by JK Rowling published by Scholastic. Sorcerer's Stone was released in 1997, and Deathly Hallows in 2007.
A wizard boy is raised in the non magic world before he discovers his abilities and goes to a wizarding school. Tensions rise between pure blooded wizard purists and the rest of the wizarding world as a dark wizard bids for control of the magical world. 
Though Transgression is similar to Harry Potter in that the main characters are brought up away from the worlds they belong in with no knowledge of what they are, and have to figure out how to fit into that world, and choose a side, it is different in that Harry is a wizard who uses magic in a secret sort of society within the human world. The Kingdom come series deals with multiple realms that don't all necessarily exists on the earth itself, without the "magic" aspect. Achaia also struggles more than Harry when it comes to choosing a side. 
Also though both books deal with real world issues like prejudice and the harsh realities of war, the Kingdom Come Series is not just about one war happening in one community. The Kingdom Come Series will deal with war and the consequences of it on a global scale and how far spread the ripples go. The worlds the stories each take place in will look very different. 

Brandy Ange

About the author

Brandy Ange started writing in second grade and was first published in high school with several poems and essays. In college, she dedicated herself to traveling as much of the world as possible and immersing herself in different cultures. Rising from the ashes of a traumatic childhood, she has spent her adult years mentoring at-risk teenagers and encouraging them to rise above adversity and conquer life head-on, with love and support. She has led small groups and spoken to teens at camps and churches along the East Coast. She is a writer of both fiction and non-fiction, as well as poetry and short stories. Transgression will be her first published novel, for young adults, and fantasy fans of all ages.

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Boyle & Dalton

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1106 Design, LLC

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Authors Unite

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Achaia woke up wiping glitter out of her eyes. “What the—?” She had forgotten about letting Yellaina and Amelia do her makeup the night before. They had taken her out for a girl’s night to celebrate her seventeenth birthday. She rolled over and heard the crunch of hairspray in her hair, her curls no longer lucid, but stiff and ridged. As she stood she risked a glance in the mirror; she jumped back, immediately regretting that decision. Her eyeliner had smudged down under her eyes, and her mascara had run transforming her into a ginger raccoon. A glittery, ginger raccoon. Her hair stuck out in every direction including, unfortunately, straight up. No demon she saw in Hell could compare to the grizzly sight before her.

          Achaia grabbed her towel from the hook on the back of her door and opened it to proceed into the hallway. “OH SH—” Her dad screamed nearly jumping out of his skin at the sight of her. “I mean—morning, sweetheart.”

          “Nice try, dad.” Achaia said still holding a hand to her chest and leaning against her door for support, after jumping back herself.

          “So you got in late last night, how was ladies’ night?” He asked leaning against the wall.

          “I don't know how you're doing it. I can't stand here just knowing what I look like. How are you actually looking at me? I think I'd scare the crap out of Luc right now.” Achaia paused, her dad just looked at her blankly.  “Let me take a shower and I'll tell you all about it after.”

          “Deal.” Her dad said releasing his breath and looking away quickly with relief. He regained his composure a little, with an apologetic wince back at her before walking to the living room.


          After three shampoo treatments, four face scrubbing pads, and one very torn up loofah, Achaia emerged from the bathroom herself. “Oh my” Achaia caught herself, collapsing onto the sofa in her comfiest pj pants and tank top; her hair tossed up into a wet messy bun. “I can breathe again! Like, through my pores!”

          “Glad to hear it. And not see it.” Her dad said coming over with two mugs of hot chocolate with extra whipped-cream on Achaia's.

          “Mmm, thank you.” She said taking the cup from his hand.

          “Definitely how you should dress for battle. Your enemies will flee before you.” Shael laughed.

          Achaia scowled. “Ha. Ha. Ha.”

          Shael sat next to her. “I mean great job being terrifying, Hun. I can’t teach you that kind of shock-factor. That just comes naturally!”

          “Were you just sitting around, thinking of these, while I was in the shower?” Achaia cocked an eyebrow.

          “Maybe…” Shael smiled. “So tell me about your night.” He relaxed, leaning back into the couch next to her, still chuckling to himself.

          “Well we grabbed dinner at a place downtown before the show. It was so good! Of course Yellaina told them it was my birthday so they did the whole bring-me-desert-and-sing thing.”

          Shael smiled. It had been a long time since Achaia felt this normal, or seen her dad this relaxed. “How was the show? What did you see again?”

          “We saw STOMP, they drum on trash cans and stuff; it was awesome!” Achaia air drummed a little beat on the air.

          “Nice, then what?” Shael asked, setting his empty cocoa mug on the coffee table.

          “Well Yellaina really wanted to go dancing. She said the show made her want to ‘get up and move.’” Achaia made air quotes with her fingers.

          “Where did you go?” Shael asked looking less comfortable.

          “I don’t know what it was called, some small little club down a back alley, with a bouncer that reminded me of Bale, and dudes offering us drugs at the entrance.”

          Shael’s eyes grew wide, before he cocked his head in disbelief.

          “I don’t know dad, it was just a little place that played live jazz music. Emile and Olivier actually met us there, Emile loves Jazz. I guess he goes there a lot.”

          “Well it sounds like you had a great time.” Shael smiled, looking at Achaia’s hot cocoa. “As soon as you finish that we’ll start training.”

          “I think I’m going to need something a little stronger.” Achaia said sighing.

          “I’m not letting you have whisky in your cocoa.” Shael said shaking his head.

          “No!” Achaia laughed. “I meant coffee!”

          “Okay, well, you go put on real clothes, and I’ll brew some.”

          “Deal.” Achaia took what was left of her hot chocolate to her room to change. “What are we doing today?”

          “More defense, and then a lot of intel.” Shael said taking out the French press.

          “When are we going to start offense?” The question came out a little whinier than Achaia liked.

          “Whenever I feel like you could live long enough in a fight to be able to use it.” Shael said pointing down the hall for Achaia to go get ready.

          Achaia let out an angsty moan, as she turned to go to her room.


          “Okay, thanks for the call.” Noland hung up the phone, and tossed it onto his bed. He’d spent the last few weeks developing his theory that not everything was right with the council. They had been cold and distant since everything that had happened with Achaia. Even though he had claimed his seat on the Council of Eldars, they had been less than forthcoming with any real plans or news about what exactly was going on.

          The terrorist attacks hadn’t stopped with the bombings in Russia. Safe houses all over the world had experienced near misses. The only thing Noland was able to get out of the council, though, was that Lucifer must be behind it all. Noland didn’t buy it.

          Pulling Achaia out of public school had been his idea. Things were still a little awkward between them since Achaia found out that Noland hadn’t told her about knowing they were mates. He could understand, he was trying to give her some space to process it all. He was a little concerned that it was taking so long. He was hoping she would be warmed up to him again before her birthday. But he hadn’t wanted to ruin her night by showing up if she didn’t want him there.

          He looked again at his phone, Bale had tried to get more information on all the attacks, but the council was giving him a cold shoulder as well. Noland had told Bale all of his suspicions, and Bale was in agreement that something was going on.

          At one point Noland had tried talking to Emile’s father, but he instead that Noland was being paranoid, and that he needed to just drop it.

          Noland realized he was pacing and stopped. He looked down at the rug that ran along beside his bed, it had a path worn into it from the last few weeks of this behavior.

          “This is ridiculous.” Noland shook his hair out of his face, and pulled it back into a pony tail. He knew he should probably get it cut, but that had fallen pretty low on his list of priorities with everything going on. He grabbed a light coat, so he wouldn’t stand out in just a t-shirt. Spring still wasn’t feeling like spring quite yet. Though it was May, there were still some pretty chilly days.

          Noland opened his door to leave and found Emile standing there, about to knock. “Hey.”

          “What’s up?” Noland asked.

          “Just seeing if you were going to show your face today.” Emile smiled.

          “Yeah, I was just going to go check on Achaia. I want to at least say Happy Birthday.”

          “About time!” Emile said, relieved.


          “You’ve been avoiding her for weeks.” Emile stated flatly.

          “I didn’t think she wanted to see me.” Noland justified.

          “Did you ever consider that maybe she is thinking the same thing about you?” Emile’s lips stretched thin as his eyebrows raised, looking at Noland as if he really expected him to be more intelligent.

          “I—” Noland stopped. “Well, no.”

          “I’m going to break my rule this once, because ya’ll need all the help you can get.” Emile pushed Noland back into his room and gestured for him to sit on his bed. Emile looked pale and thin. Noland knew that with all the attacks and mass panic that he must be more stressed out and exhausted than ever, but he never complained. He didn’t need to for Noland to see the ware on him in the dark circled under his eyes.

          “Okay, help.” Noland waved his hand palm up, for Emile to proceed with his expertise.

          “Alright. She doesn’t hate you. She was a little ticked that you didn’t tell her you knew that you were mates, but she was mostly shocked. She felt crazy guilty about going after her father and basically manipulating us into following after her. Things didn’t go so well down there, which was a bit traumatizing, and that made her feel even guiltier. If anything she has been giving you space because she probably thinks you’re angry at her or hate her for all of that. You avoiding her, just gives her more reason to think that is true. Now grow up. You guys seriously need to learn to talk to each other and stop assuming you know what is going on in the other one’s head, because unlike me, you suck at it.”

          Noland sat with wide eyes, dead still. “Is that all?”

          Emile took a deep breath. “Yeah, I think so…”

          “Okay, sweet.” Noland stood up. “Good talk, man.” He clapped Emile on the shoulder.

          “So you’re going to talk to her.”

          “Yeah, I’m going to grow up on the way over, too.” Noland smiled.

          “Finally! I was wondering when that was going to happen!” Emile laughed.

          “You’re right, I am terrible at feelings.” Noland shrugged. “It doesn’t help that girls experience them in rapid succession, and in abundance…”

          “Well, I hate to break it to you, but you’ve got a long road ahead of you, this is nothing. Just wait until you accidentally insinuate that she looks fat in battle gear.”

          Noland looked at Emile horrified. “Is that something you really think I’d do?”

          “Not intentionally, but lets me real, you’re not really great with girls.”

          “I’m a Nephilim, I never thought I needed to be! How was I supposed to know my mate would be part human, and have a choice.” Noland stopped, thinking about what all that actually meant. “What do I do?”

          Emile smiled, “Flirt.”


          Achaia and her dad stayed on the roof until both of them were completely exhausted, but only her dad was willing to admit to it. “Break for dinner?” Shael suggested.

          “Sure.” Achaia said pulling her hair out of the ponytail that was barely holding it up. “I’m kind of in the mood for grilled cheese and soup.”

          “Okay well we are actually fresh out of soup, so why don't you take a shower, and I'll run to the store and get some.”

          “Okay,” Achaia said throwing her hair back up into a tighter ponytail. “But make it tomato.”

          “Okay, will do.”

          Achaia headed straight to the bathroom once back inside the apartment. She quickly stepped out of her sweat drenched clothes and thought that she might take a bath instead; she could already feel her muscles growing sore. She remembered that she had some bath beads still packed in a box in her room and wrapped herself in a towel to retrieve them. As she crossed the hall there was a knock on the door.

          I bet he left without his keys and locked himself out.  She laughed at the idea as she opened the door. “Forget something?” Her smile fell. Noland stood in the doorway his face going from shocked to amused. “Oh my go-sh.” Achaia said reaching to cover more of herself with the towel.     

          “Expecting someone different?” Noland joked, walking inside.

          “What are you...? Get out! Can't you see it's a bad time?” Achaia fumed, all pleasant memories of him fleeing her mind.

          “I see a lot of things, none of them bad.” Noland face flushed, he looked surprised at himself. “That came out—”

          Are you serious! Achaia grabbed her dad’s raincoat off of the rack and draped herself in it.

          “It’s not like I haven't seen you in less.” Noland pointed out, digging himself deeper.

          “Okay, that's it. You need to leave.” Achaia could feel her face growing red.

          “I just wanted to make sure you made it home okay last night. Since everything seems fine, I'll go.” Noland said, but didn't move for the door.

          “Well done, your Guardian duty is fulfilled.”  Achaia tapped her foot impatiently.

          Noland’s face fell flat. His smile disappeared, and he looked almost hurt. He shook his head and looked at the floor. “Kaya,” he said her name softly and looked like he was trying to find words. “Actually I wanted to wish you a happy birthday, and give you this.” He handed her a package, which she took and held in a way that covered more of her chest. “And see if maybe we could talk.”

          Achaia felt her wall of sarcasm falter. “Maybe some time when I’m clothed?” It came out with a hint of sarcasm, but Noland seemed to understand that she didn’t mean it that way. He also seemed to just remember that she wasn’t in fact, dressed.

          “Oh, right…” he blushed. “You don’t look fat in that towel.”

          “What?” Achaia stepped back and settled Noland with a look aimed to warn him to tread carefully.

          “I said you don’t.”


          “Because you’re not fat.”

          “No, why would you say that? Or need to specify?”

          “Because Emile—” Noland sighed, “nevermind.”

          “Emile what? Thought I look fat?”

          “N—” Noland stopped. “Would you be mad at him instead of me, if I said yes?” Noland smiled weakly.

          “Probably not.” Achaia said, trying not to smile herself.

          “Then, no. No he didn’t.” Noland looked at his feet.

          “Okay—” Achaia looked down at her feet, too. “Yeah, I’m still not wearing any clothes. So—”

          “Right. Um, text me when you’re free. Maybe we can go to the Farmacy and…”

          “Yeah, that sounds good.” Achaia smiled awkwardly.

          “Okay, bye.” Noland said walking out the door quickly. She shut it behind him, pausing to try and process what all just happened.

          “That was just so much awkward.” She said to herself, turning to go back to her bath. 

          As the bath water ran, Achaia sat on the edge of the tub and unwrapped the package. It was a copy of Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations.

          “Okay?” Achaia cocked her head, and opened the cover. Inside was an inscription jotted in ink, and Noland’s handwriting.

            Kaya, here’s to picking you first.


            Happy birthday,



          Achaia felt her hands fall to her lap holding the book. Her eyes scanned the room as if it would be written on the walls; what she should think, how she should feel, and how she should respond.

          She sat the book up on the back of the toilet, and stared at it through her entire bath trying to figure out what he could possibly mean.  


          Shael returned with the groceries, and poured the soup into bowls to microwave as he started on the grilled cheeses.

          Achaia came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel and clutching a book.

          “Getting in a little r n’ r?” He cocked an eyebrow as he read the cover. “Since when do you read Dickens’?”

          “I don’t, Noland came by and gave it to me for my birthday.” She looked a little perplexed.

          “Doesn’t he know you’re more of a comic book type girl?” Shael asked, flipping the sandwiches in the pan.

          “I think it’s supposed to mean something, but I don’t get it—” Achaia stared at the book in her hands.

          “Did he say anything?” Shael asked tossing the grilled cheeses onto plates and pulling the soup out of the microwave.

          “Um, well, it was just an awkward conversation, but he didn’t say anything about the book.” Achaia’s face turned pink. Shael tried not to hate this Noland kid, to be fair, he didn’t actually know they guy. Shael didn’t like that he never really came around, Olivier practically lived at their apartment. Shael wished Olivier was Achaia’s soul mate, but he had to assume that God knew better than he did.

          “Well, I’m sure you’ll figure it out.” Shael set dinner on the counter, and Achaia sat down.

          “Okay, so intel. You eat, and I’ll talk.” Shael took a bite out of his grilled cheese, realizing how hungry he was. “Okay, so before you study your enemy’s weaknesses, you should have a full understanding and respect for their strengths. The last thing you want to do is overestimate their flaws and get cocky.” Achaia nodded as she sipped her soup. Shael smiled. It was moments like this in their training that he had regretted not telling her the truth sooner. He could have raised her like this, talking battle strategy over dinner, and weapons over breakfast. She was his daughter up one side, and down the other.

          A balloon of pride inflated in his chest when he saw how eager she always was to learn. She worked hard, and always gave training her everything. Shael wondered if that was only because she truly was able to understand the life or death importance of it now, or if she would always have been this thirsty for what he had to offer her. 

  • Update #1 - Penance Update April 15, 2021


    Happy Spring! I am excited to update you pre-orderers and let you know that Penance is coming out August 6th! 

    I am so beyond grateful to …

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A Paperback copy of Penance


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A signed Paperback copy of Penance
A Character Bookmark
A Kingdom Come Series Totebag


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A Hardcover copy of Penance


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A signed Hardcover copy of Penance
A Character Bookmark
A Kingdom Come Series Totebag


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Premier Package

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Complete set of Character bookmarks for Penance
Kingdom Come Series Tote Bag
Invitation to the book launch party
Frostbeard Studios Soy Candle! (That's right, back and better than ever!)


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Complete set of Character bookmarks (from Transgression and Penance) Collect them all!
Kingdom Come Series Totebag
Frostbeard Studios soy candle for Penance
Invitation to the book launch party
Special shout out on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram


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Kingdom Come Series Totebag
Frostbeard Studios soy candle
Invitation to the book launch party
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$5 shipping


Fellow Writer's Package

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Paperback Copy of Transgression
Paperback copy of Penance

A writing consultation call with the author where we can talk about your project and the publishing process. You can receive some coaching or feedback and I can help you come up with a game plan to tackle your publishing dream!


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A Paperback copy of Penance
A Personalized signed Hardcover of Penance made out to you!
A complete set of Character Bookmarks (Transgression and Penance characters) Collect them all!
Kingdom Come Series Totebag
A Frostbeard studios Safe House soy candle (the Transgression candle which smells amazing!)
A Frostbeard studios soy candle for Penance (name TBD)
Invitation to the book launch party
A special shout out on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram
Your name in the acknowledgment section of the book!


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Cameo Package

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That's right, it's back!

Copy of the Ebook
Paperback book for a friend
Paperback donated to a library
Personalized signed Hardcover book made out to you
Complete Set of Character bookmarks
Kingdom Come Series tote bag
Frostbeard Studios soy candle for Penance
Invitation to the book launch party
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Your name in the acknowledgment section of the book!

Have you ever had a favorite book, tv show, or even movie, that you wish you could have been in? The exciting thing about this package is that I will give you the chance to see that dream come true! Whoever buys this package will be written into the books as a character! I will need a picture, so I can get your description right, and you can make a cameo in the books!!! This package will be limited to only 10 people, as there are only so many characters that are going to be coming into play in the books. Disclaimer: these will not be main characters, only cameos… Still, how many people can say they were in The Kingdom Come Series?! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity that won't be available again!


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Book Clubber's Package

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10 Paperback books
10 Complete sets of Character bookmarks
10 Kingdom Come Series tote bags
5 Frostbeard Studios soy candles
Shout out to your group on twitter, Facebook, and Instagram
Your group mentioned in the acknowledgment section of the book!

And your group’s choice of the following:
1) Coffee date with the author
2) I’ll attend one of your book club meetings!
3) If you're a librarian or school teacher, I will come and speak to your class about book publishing/writing!


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$5 shipping


Collectors Package

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A copy of the Ebook
A Paperback copy of Transgression
A personalized signed Hardcover copy of Transgression
A Paperback copy of Penance
A personalized signed Hardcover copy of Penance
The Complete set of Character bookmarks (for Transgression and Penance) Collect them all!
A Kingdom Come Series Tote Bag
A Frostbeard Studios Safe House soy candle for Transgression
A Frostbeard Studios soy candle for Penance
An Invitation to the launch party
A Special shout out on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram
AND A coffee date with the Author! (Skype call for those outside of driving distance)


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  • 4 physical copies
$6 shipping