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Polar Exposure

Felicity Aston

The Women's Euro-Arabian North Pole Expedition

Polar Exposure is a memoir told by and about British polar explorer Felicity Aston and her team of women who skied from the Arctic Ocean to the North Pole.

  Motivation & Inspiration   80,000 words   50% complete   Published by Imagine, a Charlesbridge imprint
201 preorders
$4,925.00 funded


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Update #10 - First hard copy Aug. 10, 2022

It's easy to believe that the book is nothing more than a collective hallucination, a thing of myth, but last week I received a real, physical copy of the hard back book ' Polar Exposure' from the publishers. It exists!

The hard back is larger than I envisioned which means that the numerous photographs throughout the book are displayed wonderfully and really add to the text. To see all the images as I flicked through the pages brought a wave of memory and nostalgia. Team - I miss you all!

The book is officially due for release in November but we are expecting the advanced copies for all the crowd-funding pre-orders sooner than that. It is going to be such a proud moment to sign all the books and send them to all you wonderful crowd-funding angels without whom it would never have happened.

Thank you!

Felicity x