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Jessica Jay Dee

Science and Spirituality: The Alchemy of Self

Exploring human potential through consciousness, desires, and destiny. POTENTIALLY HUMAN combines years of research, hard and soft sciences, and innovative approaches to help us unleash our innate super-human abilities.

  Personal Growth & Self-Improvement    Inspirational/Mind/Body/Science   65,000 words   75% complete   6 publishers interested
208 preorders
$2,630.00 funded



What do we truly believe?  

What have we been programmed to believe?  

What are we ready to let go of? 

What are we ready to take responsibility for? 

Our emotions and desires influence our goals and perspectives.  Our self-awareness and self-discipline however, build our life experiences.

POTENTIALLY HUMAN is a book that takes you on a journey of human potential with the author as she explores our secret vulnerabilities, and our deepest desires to love, to be loved, to find success, strength, and fulfillment as a species.

This book does not intend to fix us, it simply shows us how to find the beauty and pride in the pieces that we perceive as broken.  Only then, can we work towards the repairing and healing required in order to grow. We must face the fear of finding out who we are so that we can become who we are meant to be.

What you’ll get out of this book

  • Discover hidden perceptions and beliefs as you explore your own human potential: emotionally, intellectually, physically, professionally, romantically, and spiritually.

  • A new perspective on how we react to traumas, revelations and experiences.

  • Participation in your own self-reflection, vulnerabilities and capabilities.

  • Insight on how to turn your pain into power.

  • A journey of self discovery through the fusion of ancient (spiritual/akashic records) knowledge and modern (social/scientific) information. 




By Jessica Jay Dee


Dedicated to the author's mentor, Marine Corps First Sergeant, Angelo Joseph Serrone, and her father, Jimmy Dwight Bruden. 

Prologue: The Final Ascension

The beginning and the end.  Our arrival to and departure from this earth has great meaning, but we do not often draw as much attention to the moments in between. 


No amount of reading, self-help, seminars, or coaching sessions will achieve actionable results until we can understand ourselves, our mindset, desires, triggers and motivations.  Self exploration and worldly perception is the key to lasting positive change in our lives.  

Chapter 1: Earthling (Earth)


Memories, Thoughts and Perceptions

Environmental Conditioning 

Personality Development 

Identity and Independence

Chapter 2: Taking Flight (Air)

Self Exploration 

Puberty and Sexual Curiosity

Goal Setting and Dreams 

Journey to Adulthood 

Chapter 3: Fortitude (Fire)

Developing Character & Courage

Trauma, Tribulation and Victimization

Strength and Solitude 

Breaking Through Barriers

Chapter 4: Flow (Water) 


Releasing Fears (Insecurities/Self Doubt/Subconscious Trauma)

Identifying Vulnerabilities 

Exploration of Deeper Self (Sex, Intimacy, Interpersonal Communication, Relationships)

Chapter 5: Human Creation (Ether)

Who Am I?  --- Why Am I? 

The Law of Attraction Simplified

Key to Manifesting Our Reality Explained

Doing The Work 

More Than Human 


Article: (LifeHack) Adela Belin, December, 2018

The Importance of Self Improvement No Matter How Old You Are

[We must] strive to go beyond [our] preconceived notions that might be limiting [us] and this can only be achieved with constant self-improvement.

So, whether you are a retired 65-year old or a 26-year old who is just starting off his/her career  – remember that you will always be a work in progress and there can never be an end to learning about yourself. That is what makes life purposeful and fun.


Article: John LaRosa, October 2018

Self-Help Market Faces Demographic Challenges 

Traditionally, the Baby Boomers have been the main consumers of self-improvement services. While they remain an important group, the tide is shifting.

Millennials are the future for this market, but there are few young experts with the experience to serve them.


Article (Forbes): Jules Schroeder, January 2018

You’d be hard pressed to find a millennial who isn’t involved with self-improvement in some way.

According to one survey, 94% of millennials reported making personal improvement commitments and said they’d be willing to spend nearly $300 a month on self-improvement.


Millennials/Generation Y'ers are the future of the self help industry, yet Generation X and Boomers are still seeking self development and voices of inspiration.  Subject matter experts are not catering to a universal audience that is just as applicable to Millennials.

  • Generation Y.1 = 25-29 (31 million people in U.S.)
  • Generation Y.2 = 29-39 (42 million people in U.S.)
  • Generation X = 40-54  (82 million people in U.S.)
  • Baby Boomers = 55-75  (76 million in U.S.)

Female 60%  | Male 40% 


  • Self Development 
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Self-Discovery
  • Spiritual Awakening
  • Health/Fitness
  • Mindfulness


  • Reading/Podcasts/YouTube Influencer Videos
  • Physical Fitness (Gym, Hiking, Yoga) 
  • Seminars, Conferences, Mastermind Groups, Vision Boarding
  • Meditation 
  • Public Speaking, Vlogging, Content Creation, Networking



Social Media Platform

Groups | Communities | Mastermind Collectives

  • Women Helping Women Entrepreneurs: 188K Members
  • Raise The Vibe: 124K Members
  • The Rising Tide Society: 76.5K Members
  • Millennial Entrepreneur Community: 75.8K Members
  • Manifestation Babes: 55.4K Members
  • Entrepreneurial Leaders: 23.1K Members
  • Healers and Empaths: 22.7K Members
  • VAYNERNATION (Gary Vaynerchuck): 22.4K Members
  • The Intentional Entrepreneur: 19.9K Members
  • Creative Healing Community: 14K Members
  • Marine Corp SNCOs: 13K Members
  • Female Marines: 12.7K Members
  • The Warrior Code: 3.6K Members 
  • Random Acts of Kindness (RAOK): 2.4K Members
  • Cashflow and Connections Community: 897 Members
  • Creative Confluence: 581 Members
  • Global Speakers Network: 461 Members


During the promotion and marketing of pre-orders, Jessica will rely heavily on her network of friends, family, and social/professional connections to not only support, but share the POTENTIALLY HUMAN campaign.  She is partnering with social media influencers, celebrities and companies to share the book with their audience/following.  

Jessica will host and attend Los Angeles, Denver and New York City live events to promote her book through speaking engagements, seminars and workshops.  

  1. POWERFUL U CONVENTION, May 15 - 17, Los Angeles, CA
  2. WARRIOR GODDESS, June 2 - 4, San Diego, CA
  3. ACHIEVE ANNUAL CONFERENCE, June 13- 15, Denver, CO 

She will also be interviewed by 50+ podcast hosts and bloggers who will promote POTENTIALLY HUMAN (as well as allow giveaway of book to few select listeners).  Press release and media kit will be submitted to HARO (Help A Reporter Out) --- press kit and release are COMPLETE and ready for submission. 

POTENTIALLY HUMAN Prologue has been distinguishably selected and recognized by A Room of Her Own (AROHO) for first feature in the WAVES Anthology, premiering with the print publication of A Confluence of Voices, inspired by Virginia Woolf and featuring Maxine Hong Kingston alongside the voices of hundreds more modern-day creative women. 

Jessica will be featured in One Click Lindsay's Blog Article "57 Great Resources for Entrepreneurs and Startups". Lindsay's blog for small business owners & entrepreneurs gets 10,000+ visitors per month and has been seen on FOX, ABC, NBC, Huffington Post, and CBS. 

Jessica has been selected by American Dream Network TV to share her entrepreneurial story, real estate endeavors, and her dream of helping millions of people through her book, POTENTIALLY HUMAN on national television. The American Dream now has unprecedented reach. Between preferred cable affiliates like CBS & partner stations in New York, Miami and Orlando and streaming channels such as Livestream, Amazon, Apple TV, and the AD app; the American Dream collectively shows to more than 8 Million Viewers nationwide every week. American Dream has matched Jessica with top expert, Mauri Tamborra (top 1% of realtors in the United States), who has partnered with Jessica to list her investment property in Denver, CO, with the intention of marketing and funding her book tour and global vision. 


1. Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon

By: Dr. Joe Dispenza

The author of the New York Times best seller You Are the Placebo as well as Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself and Evolve Your Brain draws on research conducted at his advanced workshops since 2012 to explore how common people are doing the uncommon to transform themselves and their lives. Becoming Supernatural marries the some of the most profound scientific information with ancient wisdom to show how people like you and me can experience a more mystical life. 

2. Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance 

by Angela Duckworth 

In this instant New York Times bestseller, pioneering psychologist Angela Duckworth shows anyone striving to succeed—be it parents, students, educators, athletes, or business people—that the secret to outstanding achievement is not talent but a special blend of passion and persistence she calls “grit.”

3. Mindset The New Psychology of Success 

by Carol S. Dweck

After decades of research, world-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol S. Dweck, Ph.D., discovered a simple but groundbreaking idea: the power of mindset. In this brilliant book, she shows how success in school, work, sports, the arts, and almost every area of human endeavor can be dramatically influenced by how we think about our talents and abilities. People with a fixed mindset—those who believe that abilities are fixed—are less likely to flourish than those with a growth mindset—those who believe that abilities can be developed. Mindset reveals how great parents, teachers, managers, and athletes can put this idea to use to foster outstanding accomplishment.

4. Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges

by Amy Cuddy

“The research I’ve been doing for years now joins a large body of inquiry into a quality I call presence. Presence stems from believing in and trusting yourself—your real, honest feelings, values, and abilities. That’s important, because if you don’t trust yourself, how can others trust you? Whether we are talking in front of two people or five thousand, interviewing for a job, negotiating for a raise, or pitching a business idea to potential investors, speaking up for ourselves or speaking up for someone else, we all face daunting moments that must be met with poise if we want to feel good about ourselves and make progress in our lives. Presence gives us the power to rise to these moments." —Amy Cuddy (from, “Presence”)

5. You Are A Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life 

by Jen Sincero

With over 2 million copies in print, Jen Sincero's You are a Badass has inspired even the snarkiest of skeptics--encouraging them to embrace their awesomeness, give fear the heave-ho, and start kicking some serious ass. Now it's dressed up in a deluxe hardcover edition, with a new foreword by the author. But it's the same "classic" book that helps you create a life you love via hilariously inspiring stories, sage advice, easy exercises, and the occasional swear word.

6. Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Lies About Who You Are so You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be

by Rachel Hollis 

Now, in this challenging and inspiring new book, Rachel exposes the twenty lies and misconceptions that too often hold us back from living joyfully and productively, lies we’ve told ourselves so often we don’t even hear them anymore.
With painful honesty and fearless humor, Rachel unpacks and examines the falsehoods that once left her feeling overwhelmed and unworthy, and reveals the specific practical strategies that helped her move past them. In the process, she encourages, entertains, and even kicks a little butt, all to convince you to do whatever it takes to get real and become the joyous, confident woman you were meant to be.
With unflinching faith and rock-hard tenacity, Girl, Wash Your Face shows you how to live with passion and hustle--and how to give yourself grace without giving up.

7. Can't Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds 

by David Goggins 

For David Goggins, childhood was a nightmare - poverty, prejudice, and physical abuse colored his days and haunted his nights. But through self-discipline, mental toughness, and hard work, Goggins transformed himself from a depressed, overweight young man with no future into a U.S. Armed Forces icon and one of the world's top endurance athletes. The only man in history to complete elite training as a Navy SEAL, Army Ranger, and Air Force Tactical Air Controller, he went on to set records in numerous endurance events, inspiring Outside magazine to name him The Fittest (Real) Man in America. 

8. Make Your Bed: Little Things That Can Change Your Life...And Maybe The World 

by William H. McRaven  

If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed.On May 17, 2014, Admiral William H. McRaven addressed the graduating class of the University of Texas at Austin on their Commencement day. Taking inspiration from the university's slogan, "What starts here changes the world," he shared the ten principles he learned during Navy Seal training that helped him overcome challenges not only in his training and long Naval career, but also throughout his life; and he explained how anyone can use these basic lessons to change themselves-and the world-for the better.

Jessica Jay Dee

About the author

Jessica Jay Dee is an entrepreneur, author, speaker, mindset coach and business strategy consultant. She is a Certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Master Practitioner, Organizational Leadership Coach and Marine Corps veteran.

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Atlantic Publishing Group, Inc.

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Cranthorpe Millner

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Cranthorpe Millner operates a hybrid publishing model. This means, should an author pass our editors’ strict filtering system, we can offer different kinds of agreements depending on the author and the manuscript. With some authors, we work under a ‘traditional’ model, whereby we cover the full cost of publication and the author is offered industry-standard royalties (8-10%). To some authors, we offer what we call a partnership or contributory agreement, whereby the author is asked for a financial contribution so that we may share the risk and enter into a partnership together to publish the author’s book. In this case, the author receives around 60-75% royalties.

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Isabella Media Inc

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Atmosphere Press

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Atmosphere Press is an independent publisher dedicated to author rights. We publish in all genres and have an exceptional editorial, design, and promotional staff. We stand for Honesty, Transparency, Professionalism, and Kindness. We want our authors and their readers to be blown away when they first hold that book in their hands. It needs to look good inside and out, and feel good to the touch. And, of course, the words need to be top-notch, and our editors are devoted to making that the case.

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“As long as we keep dying feeling unfulfilled from this life, as long as we keep dying carrying out our superficial desires and expectations that create misery and suffering for ourselves and others, and as long as we continue to identify with our false senses of  ‘self’ – we will continue to return to this world until we reach fulfillment.” -Unknown

Blackness fills the room.  My body feels cold… pain fades, like the final glow of sunset, sinking into the curve of the earth.  Just as the very last flicker of light disappears, a steady and consistent eruption of golden energy fills my heart, and wraps me in a blanket of light… I am no longer cold.  I have been here before.  This light, this journey, is far too familiar.  There is no time, no space, no gravity… no identity.  Faster than the speed of light, I am carried through a brilliant gateway, propelled by shooting stars.  My body is not with me.  I have no fear, nor anxiousness.  I realize… I am the stars.  I am the matter within which those stars exist.  I am; earth, air, fire, water.  I am ether; and I am creation itself.  

I recall that this is my final journey home.  I will return to earth, but not this one.  A part of me aches for the souls left behind, both those living, and others, who have yet to be born.  For they will continue to experience much more suffering.  Another part of me believes I will miss the physical senses, and expressions of human love.  The sound of a baby cooing. The vibration of my own voice when jubilant and erupting in laughter.  The smell of crisp mountain air, or the salty ocean breeze.  The taste of a perfectly seasoned, al dente pasta dish, paired with a full-bodied glass of red wine.  The sight of breathtaking magnificence created by human minds and hands, whether through architecture, gardens, or physical affection.  Touch. God, touch was my absolute favorite.  I always yearned to touch soft things: grass, fresh and fluffy cotton towels, feathers, fur, and the warm, trembling bare skin of a lover.  

But now is not the time for reflection and nostalgia.  I have an agreement to fulfill. There is much work to be done. 




Light cannot exist without darkness.  Just as humans cannot revel in wonder without having known doubt.  I beg you to consider for a moment that the teachings, experiences and opinions contained within this book are shared in order to further a conversation that has been taking place for thousands of years.  There are dark periods and there are periods of light.  Humanity is on the cusp of what philosophers and spiritual teachers consider to be a collective global awakening. The human race is ascending to a level of consciousness that is better equipping leaders, teachers and mentors to assist and guide others through this awakening. 

A human who is awakening into a higher functioning and more expansive state has been called many things: gifted, clairvoyant, medium, psychic, precognitive, conscious, mindful, meditative, tantric, peaceful, and even all-knowing.  Mindfulness teachers and consciousness  ambassadors exist because their souls have seen (if only even for a moment) the magnanimous universal love that exists between all living things and beings.  They want to assist humanity in gaining awareness of that universal love and mentor those through their desire and ability to create love and experiences in their four dimensional world. There are humans who exist among us who appear just like you and me.  Let’s refer to these beings as “light workers.” They have experienced the first step in the collective leap: individual wakefulness. These individuals are usually innately very artistic, expressive and compassionate; whether by entering into an art or practice at a young age, or by inner reflection or a moment that has ignited their desire to end suffering or spread love and beauty.  

There are also temporary and sudden awakenings, which is commonly ignited from a near death experience, a sudden medical diagnosis, or by experiencing a devastating loss of possessions, status and/or identity.  This is also referred to as hitting rock bottom.  When there is no further downward to travel, the ego begins to search for a way up.  The only answer to some is to emerge from the lowest vibrational state into a much higher vibration than ever before.  This sudden awakening is especially prevalent in celebrities (who have known and lost their riches and fame), addicts or those suffering from depression (who have lost sight of their own desires and physical reality) and the physically, emotionally and sexually abused (who have lost their perceived control over themselves or their environments).  

Many also feel a sudden urge or calling to awaken, which can be ignited by a book, movie, profound encounter or even a dream. Regardless of how this awakened state enters the human consciousness, it is happening at an undeniable rate for individuals. This is a profound testament that the collective consciousness is already here.  It is manifesting itself through individuals, groups and events that are bringing forth a flood of universal knowledge which humans have never had access.  There is no limit to the information humans wish to understand; they must simply ask the questions and find the right resources for where they are in their search for answers: whether in human, spiritual or material form. 

Ancient scientific teachings such as mathematics and geometry are colliding with spirituality.  Genetics, cell biology and quantum physics are producing breakthroughs that outside influences and positive and negative thought processes affect human DNA.  Physical body healing is fusing with esoteric practices and holistic medicines such as aroma, nutritional and plant therapy.  Chiropractors, physicians and medical practitioners are redesigning their practices and consultation rooms to offer a sense of peace to their clients through floral design and earth element decor, soothing chakra colors and  binaural beats and meditation music.  It is believed that humans are manifesting the global awakening of consciousness through their thoughts, actions and professions.  Once a light worker is “born” there is no greater desire for them than to attain a higher level of ascension and understanding of their souls and their own creative capacity so that they may lead and serve others in doing the same.

I have done things which have required that I reinvent myself over and over again.  There is nothing greater than the feeling of completely rewriting your destiny in the present moment.  Though I didn’t realize it at the time, the yearning I felt for “more” knowledge, more travel, more money and more love was actually my soul’s way of serving as a tour guide.  This guide was here to remind me that no matter how beautiful the scenery around me and how precious the fleeting moments of achievement and pride, all of the things I had longed for and later attained were fleeting distractions.   There is nothing more gratifying than knowing that in the very moment that your thought turns to action, that your life will never be the same.  It is such a magical feeling once we can accept that we are the masters of our own universe.  I used to get anxious with change- wondering what sort of scenery was waiting for me on the other side.  In time I realized that the only thing preventing me from feeling excited about the unknown was my own self-doubt. 

My own fear of not being good enough, failure, disappointment, inconvenience and challenges. So many sleepless nights were spent debating my self-worth.  If I stuck to what I knew and excelled at, I would always feel good about myself.  I would never have to fail or feel disappointment.  I would never have to let anyone else down.  If I tried new things or dared to explore a deeper meaning in everything, it would mean the risk of success, pride and ego.  To dare to dream and to step outside of my comfort zone would mean that I would have to completely release my past and not worry about the future.  I would need to exist wholeheartedly in the present. 

The moment I learned to reprogram myself and my thought process was the moment that everything began to flow like a steady stream into my reality. Some people call this practice the law of attraction or the power of positive thinking.  I think of it is as being the architect of my own physical and emotional world, or in essence: constructing my own reality.  The universe is malleable.  It may take the universe a split second or even years to catch up to your thoughts or your intentions, however I assure you that if your intention is crystal clear and you focus on it with fierce and relentless passion in your mind, that your ideal self and ideal world will be delivered to you.  You won’t be able to explain how or why – and quite frankly, that is the absolute beauty of mastering your own creative potential.  So that you can master your own universe. 

The same universal laws of the universe apply to the laws of self.  All of the answers lie within yourself.  The only question is- are you brave and open minded enough to explore yourself, your trauma and your desires?  Because if so, your soul will mature and grow at a much faster rate, and the world will thank you for it.

I am a self-development-o-holic.  I have sought a thousand different ways to find an answer to a question I hadn’t yet asked properly.  I have read books, attended conferences and seminars, listened to podcasts, expanded my vocabulary and practiced self-discipline and meditation.  I have tried to “fix” myself through many different external means on a thousand different levels.  Throughout my journey of de-mystifying the secrets to life and fulfillment, I found myself getting even more frustrated.   No matter how many colleges, trade schools,  webinars, seminars, coaching sessions, workshops, masterminds, positions of authority I had held, or levels of platonic or romantic love I had explored, I still didn’t feel complete.  

But why?  What was I missing?  Why was I so dissatisfied after each achievement? What was I doing wrong?

On first inspection, human behavior appears to be incomprehensible; an unexplainable phenomenon, unique to every being. Indeed, understanding our own behavior can be challenging enough.  How could it be possible to identify a common strand between the behavior of each and every human?

I have spent the last three years linking research and discoveries of human behavior and the human condition that unite neurology, psychology, sociology, epigenetics, and metaphysics.  Thus, creating a highly entertaining and exploratory adventure of ourselves, our behaviors, thoughts, desires and destiny. 

“You are one thing only. You are a Divine Being. An all-powerful Creator. You are a Deity in jeans and a t-shirt, and within you dwells the infinite wisdom of the ages and the sacred creative force of All that is, will be and ever was.” ― Anthon St. Maarten, Divine Living: The Essential Guide To Your True Destiny

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Ebook - Early Bird

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Double It

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2 Copies (One for you and one for a friend) of the autographed limited edition of the book "POTENTIALLY HUMAN" + Free invitation to the book launch. You ALSO get exclusive access to updates and an invite to join my community.


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[Signed] Bundle

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3 copies of the autographed limited edition of the book "POTENTIALLY HUMAN" + Free invitation to the book launch + A Big Thank You mention in the book.


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Optimum Package

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10 copies of the autographed limited edition of the book "POTENTIALLY HUMAN" + Free invitation to the book launch + Your name mentioned in the book + FREE one hour virtual coaching session (Zoom) Valued at USD250.


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VIP Pack!

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25 copies of the autographed limited edition of the book "POTENTIALLY HUMAN" + invitation to the book launch + Your name mentioned in the book + FREE invitation to join my online course "POTENTIALLY HUMAN" valued at 500USD.


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1 reader

100 copies of the autographed limited edition of the book "POTENTIALLY HUMAN" + Free invitation to the book launch + Your name mentioned in the book + FREE invitation to join my online course valued at 500USD + FREE Invitation to attend my weekend retreat or private Mastermind in Los Angeles, CA or Denver, CO Valued at 1500USD.


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  • 100 physical copies
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Be a Corporate Sponsor

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150 copies of the autographed limited edition of the book "POTENTIALLY HUMAN" for you and your team + Free invitation to the book launch for you and 2 members of your team + Your company's name mentioned in the book as a Sponsor + A half day workshop for your team teaching the tools from my book. Valued at 2000USD


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  • 150 physical copies
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Two Day One-on-One

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250 copies of the autographed limited edition of the book "POTENTIALLY HUMAN" for you and your team + Free invitation to the book launch for you and 2 members of your team + Your company's name mentioned in the book as a Sponsor, and TWO days of personal and professional coaching, consulting and strategy (one on one) with Jessica in your city, Los Angeles, or Denver, CO. Travel and lodging in the United States included. Valued at 5000USD


  • 1 digital copy
  • 250 physical copies
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EARLY BIRD Wholesale DIstribution Pricing

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- 250 copies of the autographed limited edition of the book "POTENTIALLY HUMAN" for resale and distribution
- Free invitation to the book launch for you and 2 members of your team
- Your company's name mentioned in the book as a Sponsor.

Valued at 6250USD | Wholesale cost per book (unit): 10USD


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EXTREME EARLY BIRD Wholesale Distribution Pricing

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- 500 copies of the autographed limited edition of the book "POTENTIALLY HUMAN" for resale and distribution
- Free invitation to the book launch for you and 4 members of your team
- Your company's name mentioned in the book as a Sponsor.

Valued at 5000USD | Wholesale cost per book: (unit): 7.99USD


  • 1 digital copy
  • 500 physical copies
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