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Wesley Wee

Wesley has a condition called cerebral palsy. This affects his ability to control his muscles including those in his trunk, limbs and throat. For Wesley, this means that he cannot walk or use his hands effectively. Spasticity in his throat muscles makes him very difficult to understand. Everyday tasks that others do with ease are difficult or impossible for Wesley to do unaided. For example, he cannot feed himself with cutlery or write his name. It would take him hours to dress himself without help and typing, even with adaptations to his keyboard, is a laborious task.

Despite his disability, Wesley has a strong desire to be successful in life. He loves learning and is full of creative ideas. His determination to be as independent as possible has helped him to achieve much more than many expected. He can travel around and use public transport independently in his motorized wheelchair and he has continued to pursue education through attending courses in computer studies. He supports himself financially by selling tissues on the street but dreams of one day being able to do something more mentally and financially rewarding.

After suffering an abusive childhood and going through many physical and emotional ups and downs in his life, Wesley then overcame the temptation to end his own life. Luckily he didn't and is now in a good place in his life with a loving partner.

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