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Anirudh Narayan

Anirudh Narayan is a master Growth Strategist who has helped over 500 Entrepreneurs and Startups. Anirudh has helped build businesses in over 10 countries and has worked with brands like Shutterstock and Rocket Internet. He's worked in locations spanning the globe, he's consulted with startups in USA, Canada, Ecuador, UK, Colombia, India, Argentina and Peru. His experiences in multiple countries give him an Idea of the global marketing situation. He truly understands the steps it takes to be a great digital marketer in this era.

His education from Columbia University has given him knowledge in a variety of fields that he has incorporated in this book.

Why does he think this book needs to be made?

Anirudh believes this book will be the Bible for Digital Marketers as this book helps in picking up the required skills and processes that makes one a world class digital marketer. There is another aspect of Marketing he feels isn't addressed in most books. They are generic and the advice is focused on readers from a particular country. He feels different social media platforms have different effects in different cultures. To truly understand this, you need to get to the bottom of "Your" situation, he says there are processes laid down in the book that help in Identifying marketing potential for different platforms in different countries.

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