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Nicky Cullen

Nicky Cullen takes an unconventional, no bullshit approach discussing everybody’s favourite subject: anxiety. He writes at a gut level from his experience as a long time sufferer, drawing on a wealth of experience and wisdom acquired through trial and error, as he explored every possible avenue available in an effort to free himself from his own worst enemy: his mind.

Originally from Ireland, he can now be found in either Bali or Vancouver, Canada or at home in Ireland for the holidays. He uses his humour to bring light to a very dark subject which makes his writing entertaining, insightful, inspiring, and easy to read.

His first book on the subject, 'The 7 Deadly Sins Of The Anxious Mind & How To Remedy Them' is available for download on Amazon, where it has received many fantastic reviews. To read more of his work, you can visit his website where you will find many insightful, and entertaining articles bracing the subject of anxiety.

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