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Teya Skae

Teya Skae is a nutritional strategist, clinical kinesiologist, eating disorders coach, Runner up Miss Australia Figure and Fitness & Optimal Energy & Performance Coach/Published Author.

Being a competitive athlete for many years, Teya has experienced burnout and the multiple symptoms that result from pushing oneself at the highest level of performance. She has overcome 12 years of bulimia and uses her experience to help others.

Teya has taught Fears, Phobias and Addictions at a Government Accredited college in Australia, published over 40 articles worldwide and offers her clients results-based outcomes to assist recovery from symptoms that have not responded to conventional treatments.

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Overcoming Bulimia

Teya Skae

Bulimia not a disease but a symptom of intense fear and rejection of self. Bulimics suffer in isolation. This book shares the 5 steps to healing emotional eating & bulimia.

Health, Fitness & Dieting