Sean is a director of a financial advisory group with an award winning and leading independent financial advisory firm. He has more than a decade of experience in sales and marketing. He is passionate about helping people achieve their financial and sales goals.
Sean has an ACCA accounting qualification, a Graduate Diploma in Positive Psychology, an Executive Diploma in Business Psychology and a Diploma in Marketing from Singapore Polytechnic. He is a certified financial planner and also an ACTA certified trainer.
He regularly conducts talks and coaching on sales, happiness and financial, and has been featured in Straits Times, Today, radio 938LIVE and Channel U.
His first book ‘Happiness Within Your Reach – 52 Ideas to a Happier You’ is about motivating people to positive living.
Being an introvert, he understands the challenges introverts face in sales, in an industry predominately perceived to be the ‘playground’ of the extroverts. Thus, he hopes this book can inspire introverted sales professionals to achieve a breakthrough in their sales results with a simple 6 steps sales process.
If you are the motivated executive looking to get ahead or the adrenaline-pumped entrepreneur hustling for your next "yes", this book is your guide.
Business & Money