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Donald Matthews

Donald Matthews

Donald H. Matthews, PhD was the Associate Professor of Religious Studies and Lead Faculty of the Masters of Divinity Program at Naropa University in Boulder CO. where he taught courses in Pastoral Psychology, Cultural Diversity and Social Ethics. He received the PhD. In The Sociology and Psychology of Religion from The University of Chicago Divinity School, and Master's Degrees in Divinity and Communication Disorders from The Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, CA and Northwestern University respectively.
Dr. Don, as he is called, has authored several books including;
"Honoring the Ancestor: An African Cultural Interpretation of Black Religion and Literature," Oxford University Press; and "Can This Church Live? A Congregation, Its Neighborhood and Social Tramsformation," Pilgrim Press. He has taught at several institutions of higher learning and completed a Clinical Residency as a Chaplain for persons in emotional and physical crisis. . He is a member of INMI (Interfaith Network on Mental Illness) and Together Colorado; an interfaith coalition of religious groups dedicated to personal and social transformation. Dr. Don was on the Steering Committee of MESA (Moving to End Sexual Assault) and served as a consultant to NAMI (Boulder County}.Most importantly he is the father of five children and four grandchildren. He hopes to help leave the world a better place for the through his work and efforts.

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